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Apr 7, 2014
Greensburg, IN
My Dad, my hero, and one the smartest people I know besides my Mom is on our Idefa board in Indiana but I also know the truth. Dad has college degrees in history and political science. My Dad begged the board to pursue legislation similar to Ohio and what is in the works now in Missouri. His words were all but ignored also when he has requested repeatedly they participate with the ACA. They refuse to attempt to formulate legislation that puts us under management of our AG department though we have a business friendly conservative republican governor, a republican majority in our state senate and House of Representatives. My Dad isn't soggy and he was left off the Idefa legislative committee although he is highly educated and my family is heavily involved in politics. My older brother is a State Representative in another state where he chairs their budgetary committee. He is currently dealing with our Senate President David Long on federal budget negotiations. I believe Dad is more qualified to be involved in the legislative process than anyone currently on our Idefa board. I do however recognize my Dad has no business meeting with the head of our Board of Animal Health Dr Marsh regarding CWD rules in Indiana but neither does anyone else currently on the Idefa board.

Dr. Jerri Lee Jent was voted off our board and replaced by someone with a junior high level of education because of ignorance and male chauvinistic ideology. She is a DVM, her and her husband Coby operate a large deer farm, and she has a close friendship and communicates regularly with another DVM who is right under Dr. Marsh at the top of our Board of Animal Health. We have intelligent people on our Idefa board but common sense only gets you so far when you are negotiating with politicians who are often lawyers and doctors DVM's in our AG departments. A lack of education,pacifism, and male chauvinism by the majority of our Idefa board has been very cumbersome to success. Furthermore, it is a poverty Indiana deer farmers have given up on this board and are opening preserves in neighboring states just because some Idefa board members enjoy the thrill of gravitas. No we don't have a Sam here or a Charles "deer man" Black. I suspect if they were here they would be voted off the board. I posted this down here because up there wasn't a good place to discuss this matter. It's smoking hot today and I am responding between stops on my truck route. This post is probably a little saltier and messy than the usual.
Bell and Jerrilee,


i'm sorry if i offended you that was not the intent, i simply stated that it doesn't help anybody to talk Negative about there association. and i still don't think it does, when you Gripe down the chain you cause Problems, when you Gripe up the chain you can help solve problems.


 i'm not saying that there doing everything right, like i said in the other post i don't know what's going on in your association so i can't speak for them, these are just some things i learned from being in a work force for 15 years and i think the same thing applys in any association..


and Jerrilee i do injoy reading you and Bells Post's as long as its not being to Negative, so keep on posting  :)
Thanks Samuel,

I wasn't offended at all. I thought it would be prudent to state an explanation of my critical opinion where non members wouldn't see it. I am sure some would say I am being negative but I appreciate when someone explains why I am wrong. Their is no transparency by our board. Legislation shows up in our capital and no one even knows who submitted it or from whom it even originated. I support my association but I hope more competent people in the future are involved in the legislative process and better bills are formulated than Idefa tried last session. You can read the some of the bills from last session on here. There were much worse bills in the house that were killed. Idefa's senate bill was posted by Jerri Lee in the side bar under latest files. Dad and I are very thankful the bills didn't pass. We would have been put in a position where it would have been very difficult to compete with neighboring states by the final versions.

I am the middle child between five snarky brothers and sisters who toughened me up and again you didn't offend me. This forum reminds me of a big family with all kinds of issues and I love it!

There becomes a point that a person can only do or take so much. I, Rick Miller and Jerry bell were lied to and went behind our backs to over, over and over by the rest off the board members. Emails to prove it. By law after by law broken. Board members going behind the rest of the board backs and supporting legislation for only 4 preserves in this state.Emails from the legislators office to prove it. What are we to do???? Just sit here and take it up the rear end??? Saying nothing is just as bad or worse than what has been done. Dirty laundry needs to be aired. It's like an alcoholic saying he doesn't have a drinking problem to do nothing. You can't change anything when the association has lost many members, that are not there to vote. I will never give another dime to IDEFA.

I could care less if I'm on the board but I want to be represented as a DEER FARMER not as a piece of dirt that their opinion doesn't matter because they do not want anyone else in their click.

There WILL be another association in this state as soon as the paperwork is approved. THANKS TO OBAMA it is a very lengthy process now.

I'm not offended, my skin is thicker than jonathons. Lol
Just a thought. If you guys have the proof of wrong doings by the board why not expose those wrong doings and get the rest of the states deer farmers behind you?

 I dont really agree with dirtying the waters but if if what you all say is true and can be proven then things do need to be changed somewhat. If its a few of you that are disgruntled for your own reasons then im sure you wont get the support you need from your fellow states deer farmers.

 Why they dont join the ACA and work with us as a whole? That does throw a flag for me and makes one wonder.


As Sam says. It does look bad to hear the negitive words against the Assoc but if it holds water and can be proven then change indeed does need to come for the future of your state.
Mike and All

If any one has a question about the things I have posted in this thread you can call my Dad.

He is very articulate, diplomatic,and a pastor. Dad doesn't lie. He is Jerry Bell (317)840-3067

Mike and All

If any one has a question about the things I have posted in this thread you can call my Dad.

He is very articulate, diplomatic,and a pastor. Dad doesn't lie. He is Jerry Bell (317)840-3067

Not questioning your honesty and truly mean that if alot of the stuff you guys say are true then something should be done. There is power in numbers as you know so if you all can get your fellow farmers together and get some of this stuff on paper maybe someone can be called out on it.
There is power in numbers and people do stick together. That is the problem. Even if things are exposed these people will stick together to everyone's demise. It is a complicated and sad situation here. They are the majority of the voting deer farmers here so there is no chance the board will change.

I know you were talking about moving to Indiana.  Not a bad place to live but if I were already a deer farmer and looking for a place to move to to conduct business in whitetails go to Ohio or Oklahoma.

Indiana is the last CWD free state I would move to. 
jerrilee cave936171403421609


I know you were talking about moving to Indiana.  Not a bad place to live but if I were already a deer farmer and looking for a place to move to to conduct business in whitetails go to Ohio or Oklahoma.

Indiana is the last CWD free state I would move to.
. Yes I see that! Free land or not it does not sound good there! My question is- How can what 6 or 8 people run the state? I mean if the majority of your states deer farmers do not support the way things are being run then how are they even staying in office let alone have a voice for those farmers? If its the way it sounds then you need to get out to the farmers of your state and change things! If you show people the bad and what could/can be changed for their betterment then you think in short order things will be changed! There are rules and laws that Assoc have to live by I believe and I would think with enough support behind you guys you could unearth the wrong doings and expose the anarchy that's is being done by a few! I would think anyways!
jerrilee cave936171403421609

Indiana is the last CWD free state I would move to. 

This will cause a **** storm I suppose, but I have to say this. The industry can't say on one hand that CWD is everywhere and that there is no way of stopping it. And then on the other hand say there are states that are still CWD free.

Either the industry and hunter harvested animals are trucking it around or it isn't trucking it around. We can't have it both ways.

My position has always been, (and I believe most people feel the same way) is that CWD is like a cancer in that it can't be determined who will get it, when they will get it, or where they will get it. I believe it is truly in every state. Any state that claims to not have it simply hasn't "found" it yet. The rate of infection often is so slight that unless a serious effort to find it is made it wouldn't be found. Many states test in the wild at such a small percentage that the fact they haven't found it is not surprising to those who understand CWD.
No doubt Roger, the states that have not found a positive surely do have it, I'm sure its everywhere if every wild animal was tested.



This is more complex than you realize due to cultural differences.  If you would like to call me to talk about it you can but I do not feel  that it is proper to talk about it on this forum.  765-623-2316

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