Tell me things are not changing with CWD!

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Oct 31, 2009
upstate ny
Found our friend Terry post this on the QDMA site and then a few replies from some other boys on that site.


(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;13.3333330154419px;background-(248,247,239)Wednesday, March 04, 2015 

(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;13.3333330154419px;background-(248,247,239)Disease sampling results provide current snapshot of CWD in Wisconsin finding 324 positive detections statewide in 2014 


(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;13.3333330154419px;background-(248,247,239)kind regards, terry



(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;13.3333330154419px;background-(248,247,239)Hate to say it but the DNR should probably cut down on the herd numbers in the CWD zone again. It seems like most of those original counties have the higher amounts of positive cases.




(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;13.3333330154419px;background-(248,247,239)What amazes me WIHUNT is how quiet landowners in the area are. The public reaction seems to be a non event. 

(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;13.3333330154419px;background-(248,247,239)Everyone I know who hunts in CWD zone says its a joke? Not worried a bit???



How can this be?  Were we not told all the deer were going to die when CWD hit town?  Just a matter of time and they will no longer have anyone to lie to in order to fill their agenda. Its no longer the hunters...Its the States,Govt and USDA..Go Figure!



Just look at the barnyard fertilizer ignorant chart that the QDMA has released about EHD and CWD. Science does not support the chart. I assume that the info was provided to the QDMA by John R Fischer. The QDMA has taken a position against deer farming. Deer farms are being supported by every hunter that purchases deer urine. The chart claims that CWD is spread by deer urine and feces. Scientific research has proven that this is false. People are beginning to see that CWD is being used as a scam.

Just look at the barnyard fertilizer ignorant chart that the QDMA has released about EHD and CWD. Science does not support the chart. I assume that the info was provided to the QDMA by John R Fischer. The QDMA has taken a position against deer farming. Deer farms are being supported by every hunter that purchases deer urine. The chart claims that CWD is spread by deer urine and feces. Scientific research has proven that this is false. People are beginning to see that CWD is being used as a scam.

Yup and if you were to follow that site you would see that those last 2 guys that posted the above statements used to be 2 of Terry's biggest followers.  Even he is losing support on that website and the truth is starting to show. Many a hunters on that site that live in a CWD red zone have said all along that now that CWD came to town they have more deer and are killing just as many large bucks.  This is a positive for us.

And here is yet another!





Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Southwestern Wisconsin
Posts: 72


I am one of those people that hunts in the CWD and yes I do believe it's a joke. Do you honestly believe this disease suddenly came out of nowhere? I have been hunting now for 13 years and have yet to see a sick looking deer. My grandpa hunted over 40 years on this farm and never once saw a deer that looked sick. 

Last time I checked, the disease doesn't transmit to humans. Do you see/hear about tons of dead deer being found because of CWD? The answer is NO. 

A neighbor was telling me a few years ago that a couple DNR workers stopped in at her place and ask if they could sharp shoot deer off her property because of the CWD scare. She said get the he** off my property and don't ever come back. I would do the same if they ever came to us and asked the same thing


Small Loop in Human Prion Protein Prevents Chronic Wasting Disease

Finding provides new therapeutic target for prion diseases

February 24, 2015  |  Heather Buschman, PhD 

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) — an infectious disease caused by prions — affects North American elk and deer, but has not been observed in humans. Using a mouse model that expresses an altered form of the normal human prion protein, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have determined why the human proteins aren’t corrupted when exposed to the elk prions. Their study, published Feb. 23 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, identifies a small loop in the human prion protein that confers resistance to chronic wasting disease.

brown prion proteins

Prion protein aggregates (brown) in the brain of a mouse expressing the human-elk protein.

“Since the loop has been found to be a key segment in prion protein aggregation, this site could be targeted for the development of new therapeutics designed to block prion conversion,� said Christina Sigurdson, DVM, PhD, associate professor at UC San Diego and UC Davis and senior author of the study.

Prions aren’t microorganisms like bacteria or viruses; they’re simply protein aggregates. Some prion diseases are caused by an inherited genetic mutation, while others are caused by exposure to infectious prions in food. Acquired prion diseases are triggered when a foreign, misfolded prion protein causes the body’s own natural prion proteins to misfold and aggregate. In addition to chronic wasting disease, examples include scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (or "mad cow disease") in animals and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. In humans, prion diseases can cause a variety of rapidly progressive neurological symptoms, such as difficulty walking and speaking, and dementia. These diseases are 100 percent fatal and there is currently no effective treatment.

“We suspected that a loop in the human prion protein structure may block the elk prions from binding, as the sequences did not appear to be compatible,� Sigurdson said.

To test this hypothesis, Sigurdson and her team developed a transgenic mouse that expresses a prion protein that’s identical to the human version — except for a small loop, which they swapped out for the elk prion sequence. When these mice were exposed to the elk prions, they developed chronic wasting disease.

In contrast, control mice expressing the normal human prion sequence resisted infection when exposed to same materials — just as humans seem to, even those who consume venison meat.

“This finding suggests that the loop structure is crucial to prion conversion and that sequence compatibility with the host prion protein at this site is required for the transmission of certain prion diseases,� Sigurdson said.

Co-authors of this study include Timothy D. Kurt, Cyrus Bett, Jun Liu, Tom Yang, UC San Diego; Lin Jiang, David Eisenberg, UC Los Angeles and Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Natalia Fernández-Borges, CIC bioGUNE, Spain; Terry R. Spraker, Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Joaquín Castilla, CIC bioGUNE and Basque Foundation for Science, Spain; and Qingzhong Kong, Case Western Reserve University.

This research was funded, in part, by the National Institutes of Health (grants NS055116, NS069566, U54AI0359 and AG029430), national grants from Spain and the Morris Animal Foundation.
If 99% deer don't get sickly or die like they thought they would and humans don't get it what are we doing to ourselves with the CWD program???  

the program was asked for by the deer industry 

CWD is not a reportable disease
jerrilee cave1014171425708073

If 99% deer don't get sickly or die like they thought they would and humans don't get it what are we doing to ourselves with the CWD program???  

the program was asked for by the deer industry 

CWD is not a reportable disease

I'm sure that would be because at that time we were under fire as the..Turd in the punchbowl..when it came to CWD and spreading. Now. With what we know what CWD is not, I believe all this crap should be dropped. Testing for CWD is no big deal here because the state pays for it but closed borders because of something that is doing nothing is a tad bit much. Tb testing every 3 years?  When was the last case in a whitetail?
The state may pay for the CWD test but we pay our vet for every sample she takes. In the case of the Brakke's, when their deer were tested there was a high incident of positives, but none of the deer were sick. Can a deer be a carrier and never get sick?

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