The new Independence Ranch

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Apr 4, 2009
Edgar, WI
Independence Ranch was first established in early 1995 by Roger and Laurie Pietrowski. Over the years we kept the number of head on the farm small and focused on producing the very best quality.

Over the years we produced many bucks in excess of 200" at age 2 and a few over 300" as well. We have sold does that went on to produce very well for their new owners. Many big bucks have been grown by does we produced and sold. Some well known bucks have come from those does and their owners have done well selling semen, fawns and bred does associated with those bucks.

In the winter of 2010-2011 due to personal reasons Independence Ranch was being sold off. During that process some animals had been left unsold.

Now that my life is getting back on track I have decided to maintain a presence in the deer industry. I will continue to operate under the name of Independence Ranch. However since I now have no partner to maintain the herd and property while I am away working I will now board my animals with other farms around the country. I select these farms based on many things, and honesty, quality of genetics and herd health programs are the three most important factors.

I feel this new method will enhance my operation in the way of potential business partnerships, and open doors to new clients who have until now been limited in what purchases they have been able to make from me.

I will continue to deal in the very best and most proven bloodlines in the country. My focus will remain as it has always been which is to raise BIG mainframe typicals with extras for added score and bucks with unique characteristics. I also keep body size and condition in mind and always watch for breeders with a calm temperament.

Wide, long tined, massive long beams, and extras going up and out is my love and my passion.

Thank you to everyone who showed support to me over the years and especially this past 8 months. I was truly touched by the number of folks who contacted me lending support.

Look for Independence Ranch in future sales and keep in mind I now have locations across the country. Some of those locations could well be in your own backyard.

Thank you for your time.

Roger Pietrowski

Roger it s great to see the industry will not be losing one of its great representatives. I wish you the best in you future endeavors and look forward to seeing great things come out of the Independence Ranch
That's great Roger.. If i can help you in anyway, just let me know..I am glad to see you back on your feet
Great news Roger! But personally for me, I never felt as if you left! Good luck and i wish you the best

Congratulations on being back in the industry. Best wishes and good luck with your deer!
Thank you everyone.

I want to add that at present time I have animals located at 7 farms in 4 different states. Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Missouri, Pennsylvania.

I am looking at adding more farms and more states to the mix as well.

I believe this new venture will prove to be a good direction for me in the whitetail industry.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the coming shows. :)
Roger, I think this is a trend we will see more of! With the increasing cost to have deer on ones own farm. It will be a better fit for many to house qaulity deer on numerous farms as this will free up time and lower cost for absentee owners. While forcing farms to focus on qaulity and having to face the qaunity issue. The farms these deer are housed on will have guide lines on deer numbers each owner can have!

Sorry to get off point! Congratulations on being able to move forward from your previous personal difficulties.:)

Best of luck
Awesome Roger..... Im sure u will be putting some GREAT Pedigrees together..!!!
I attended the 2012 Top 30 sale and had a GREAT time. It was awesome talking with and enjoying the company of so many great people. I thank each and every one of you for all your friendships.

I won't be able to attend the coming Midwest Select sale in Feb but I will be attending the NADEFA annual conf taking place in Dallas Texas.

During my time at the Top 30 I purchased some excellent animals and semen.

While at the sale I purchased 4 does and 8 straws of semen from 4 different bucks.

Does added to the program include,(in no particular order)

2011 PA Geronimo / GB Magic / BH Spirit / Legend / Peach.

This doe has PA Geronimo 3 times, and has Flees in both Magic and Spirit. Each doe has given a typical buck scoring 220" to over 230"

2011 Hardcore / Tonto Bonds / on Hardcore's full sister.

This does mother has a 258" @ 2 womb brother. But what I really like about this doe is she is properly line bred. Dave McQuaig did a nice job putting this girl together and I am excited about what she will produce.

Along with this super doe came a choice live breeding or straw of semen off the Cougar Ridge farm. I simply couldn't go wrong here.

2011 Poncho / Loner / Bucky / Redoy Magnum

This Poncho doe is the first fawns out of the Loner doe so her production is yet to be seen. However the Bucky doe is the mother to BH Mack a 25"+ wide 220" typical. That proven production has been stacked with more proven genetics the most recent of which is the master doe machine Poncho.

2011 Cardiac Kid / Big Guy / Bucky Jr. / B-70 / Buster / Little Boomer

Where do I start breaking down in explanation this awesome animal? I will just mention the Big Guy doe is the FULL sister to both Updraft 317"@3 and Downdraft 225"@3

The B-70 doe is not only the grandma of Updraft and Downdraft, but she is also the grandma to Sudden Explosion 324"@3 and 31"wide. She is the daughter of Red 32 who is the 1/2 sister to B37 the dam to Hardcore, Solidcore, Encore, Maximus DT, Maximus CR. This is of course all out of O-105 and Pebbles.

It all means this doe has Pebbles in her 8 times, Poncho 7 times, Bucky 4 times, and both Bucky Jr and Buster each twice.

I am very lucky and great full to Steve Smith, Phil Hinch, and Michael Peters for agreeing to sell back to me this awesome doe.

Semen I purchased includes,

Mr Clean

King of the Mountain

Aces Up

And as mentioned above I have the choice straw or live breeding off the Cougar Ridge farm.

Each of these bucks have something special about them that makes them just what I am wanting in my new breeding programs.

Can anyone see the common link every doe I purchased has? Hint, what have you done for me lately?

That is correct. Every one of them is all about proven production. In today's industry there is simply no need for, nor any room for a doe that is not proven. Feed costs too much to have brown deer.

Standby for more news coming out of the Independence Ranch camp soon.

As always I thank you all for looking.


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