Being a 16 year old kid and having no voice in any form or fashion of the government, I leave it up to my peers. I'm a high school debater, I've always enjoyed looking at polotics, and I'm on the current events and issues UIL team. I've enjoyed watching most of the debates on tv. I'm also a deer farmer, and this is why I feel I should post on here. When looking at the canidates you see the flaws in all of them before you choose who the "best" canidate is. They all have flaws, simple as that. But the game changer is who has the least? This is debateable. I live in Texas so naturaly I supported Rick Perry right off the bat until I looked deeper into the canidates, not to mention he's dropped out. Then I go to issues that I believe in, and that are the most important. Common issues that have shown up in the debates are Economy, Jobs, Abortion, Healthcare, Gov spending, Immigration and many others. Ron Paul is the canidate that catches my eye (not because most young adults do). He is Prolife and has delivered over 4,000 babies, that covers abortion. He is a constitutionalist, and believes that America's government should do nothing that the constitution does not grant them. Dr. Paul also being from a border state, Texas, understands the complex problem of illegal immigration. I went to a gun show in Fort Worth two weekends ago, guess who was the only campaign group in the building? Ron Paul, enough said. Another common misconception of Dr. Paul is that he wants drugs to be legal and for everyone to use them, which is simply not true. He believes in following the constitution and he believes drugs should fall under the states jurisdiction the same as alcohol, that is something called states rights. Having a limited government was one of the main focus points when our founding fathers set up this glorious nation. Dr. Paul is a veteran himself, and understands how the military works. He is number one in the todays active duty troops(democrat and republican). He supports the protest against SOPA and PIPA. Dr. Paul would like to restore America to America, you can keep "the change". 1 Trillion dollars worth of cuts to the government sounds pretty dang good to me!!!
Sometimes you need a 2X4 to get Washington to listen! Ron Paul is the 2X4.
My vote is Ron Paul.
but then again it doesn't count, so i trust in those older than me to make the righ decision for my future.