Who do you like for the GOP candidates?

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Thank you for loving our Governor - we do too - at least some of us. A group delivered a pile of petitions yesterday calling for his recall. There will likely be a recall election - COSTING US $9 MILLION dollars!!! The next headline said that the PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION was interviewing possible democratic candidates to run against him - they don't have one yet. So now we have unions picking our candidates here in WI - enough to make a person want to move - but where? It is just as bad everywhere - the urban liberals are trying to take over the country - the group that lives on handouts. Scott Walker has balanced our budget AND did it without raising taxes. He is moving ahead a mining bill for the depressed area of northwestern WI where jobs are really needed. He got our concealed carry bill passed - hurrah!! He knows how to deal with debt. He did away with crazy unions that were driving us further into debt. We support him.
Don H said:
I agree that "debt" is our biggest issue today but we cannot just forget about the threats coming from the rest of the world. There are dozens of things we need to stop spending money on before we down-size the military however. You make valid points also about our military being the worlds policemen and nation builders. That is not a reason to scrap our presence where it is needed. We need to use our military properly and that starts with our commander-in-cheif. The way to correct a problem is not by going totally to the other extreme like Ron Paul is suggesting.

Sweet! Don, now we both agree that debt is the biggest enemy this country faces, now we must choose the only weapon that can destroy it. Ron Paul is the only candidate that has proposed a 1 trillion dollar cut to the federal budget the first year. His plan will have the budget balanced in three. No other candidate is even talking in these terms yet we both agree that this is the biggest issue. These numbers may seem extreme but it is the exact same amount of money the govt. spent in 2006. We will still be spending 7X as much as China and 13X as much as Russia on our military. The way to correct a problem is by looking into the cause, look no further then politicians not following the Constitution. Too often we treat the symptoms without ever diagnosing the disease.
Being a 16 year old kid and having no voice in any form or fashion of the government, I leave it up to my peers. I'm a high school debater, I've always enjoyed looking at polotics, and I'm on the current events and issues UIL team. I've enjoyed watching most of the debates on tv. I'm also a deer farmer, and this is why I feel I should post on here. When looking at the canidates you see the flaws in all of them before you choose who the "best" canidate is. They all have flaws, simple as that. But the game changer is who has the least? This is debateable. I live in Texas so naturaly I supported Rick Perry right off the bat until I looked deeper into the canidates, not to mention he's dropped out. Then I go to issues that I believe in, and that are the most important. Common issues that have shown up in the debates are Economy, Jobs, Abortion, Healthcare, Gov spending, Immigration and many others. Ron Paul is the canidate that catches my eye (not because most young adults do). He is Prolife and has delivered over 4,000 babies, that covers abortion. He is a constitutionalist, and believes that America's government should do nothing that the constitution does not grant them. Dr. Paul also being from a border state, Texas, understands the complex problem of illegal immigration. I went to a gun show in Fort Worth two weekends ago, guess who was the only campaign group in the building? Ron Paul, enough said. Another common misconception of Dr. Paul is that he wants drugs to be legal and for everyone to use them, which is simply not true. He believes in following the constitution and he believes drugs should fall under the states jurisdiction the same as alcohol, that is something called states rights. Having a limited government was one of the main focus points when our founding fathers set up this glorious nation. Dr. Paul is a veteran himself, and understands how the military works. He is number one in the todays active duty troops(democrat and republican). He supports the protest against SOPA and PIPA. Dr. Paul would like to restore America to America, you can keep "the change". 1 Trillion dollars worth of cuts to the government sounds pretty dang good to me!!!

Sometimes you need a 2X4 to get Washington to listen! Ron Paul is the 2X4.

My vote is Ron Paul.

but then again it doesn't count, so i trust in those older than me to make the righ decision for my future.
I will vote for the first candidate that I hear say JESUS CHRIST on the air. Everyone says the word God/god and everyone has One/one, even if it is them self or just "some thing". I know I probably will never hear what I want so I will vote for the candidate who supports Israel the most. Nothing beyond that.
CI Deer Mason said:
Being a 16 year old kid and having no voice in any form or fashion of the government, I leave it up to my peers. I'm a high school debater, I've always enjoyed looking at polotics, and I'm on the current events and issues UIL team. I've enjoyed watching most of the debates on tv. I'm also a deer farmer, and this is why I feel I should post on here. When looking at the canidates you see the flaws in all of them before you choose who the "best" canidate is. They all have flaws, simple as that. But the game changer is who has the least? This is debateable. I live in Texas so naturaly I supported Rick Perry right off the bat until I looked deeper into the canidates, not to mention he's dropped out. Then I go to issues that I believe in, and that are the most important. Common issues that have shown up in the debates are Economy, Jobs, Abortion, Healthcare, Gov spending, Immigration and many others. Ron Paul is the canidate that catches my eye (not because most young adults do). He is Prolife and has delivered over 4,000 babies, that covers abortion. He is a constitutionalist, and believes that America's government should do nothing that the constitution does not grant them. Dr. Paul also being from a border state, Texas, understands the complex problem of illegal immigration. I went to a gun show in Fort Worth two weekends ago, guess who was the only campaign group in the building? Ron Paul, enough said. Another common misconception of Dr. Paul is that he wants drugs to be legal and for everyone to use them, which is simply not true. He believes in following the constitution and he believes drugs should fall under the states jurisdiction the same as alcohol, that is something called states rights. Having a limited government was one of the main focus points when our founding fathers set up this glorious nation. Dr. Paul is a veteran himself, and understands how the military works. He is number one in the todays active duty troops(democrat and republican). He supports the protest against SOPA and PIPA. Dr. Paul would like to restore America to America, you can keep "the change". 1 Trillion dollars worth of cuts to the government sounds pretty dang good to me!!!

Sometimes you need a 2X4 to get Washington to listen! Ron Paul is the 2X4.

My vote is Ron Paul.

but then again it doesn't count, so i trust in those older than me to make the righ decision for my future.

Very nicely said considering you do have skin in the game but are not of age to vote yet. I personally am not a Ron Paul supporter and have my favorite Candidates Santorm/Newt or Newt/Santorm. I love watching the debates and am a consistent XM radio listener of all the political talk shows. Right and Left. I feel like I most identify with talk shows such as Andrew Wilkow, Shawn Hannity, Glenn Beck and so on.... so I guess I am considered a very social conservative, evangelical Christian, and a right leaning voter on 99% of the issues. My problem with Ron Paul is he is the only candidate that in no scenario could beat Barrack Obama. I will hold my nose and vote for anybody but Obama but for me Ron Paul would be my last choice. I want to win. I like what Ron Paul says about smaller government and many of his views on domestic issues but I just cannot swallow the foreign policy. As I look deeper into his foreign policy plans I would agree surprisingly with much of what he is saying. I hate to see our dollars being spent on policing the world and in my opinion we leave these Middle East countries and make new enemies everywhere our military goes. There is always a small percent of the remaining enemy left that is super charged as a life mission to get back at us, there for creating a future enemy generation to deal with. That being said I still believe that peace through strength is our only answer. If I were on the ground in Afghanistan, Iran, Irack, ect, ect. And any future Muslim Extremist wars that is to come I would dip every bullet and every bomb in pig fat and blood and drop millions of flyers and DVD’s of my bullets being made by air over these countries. I would take the incentive out of the Muslim soldiers and have them rethink if it is worth it or not. This worked very well with the Caribbean Muslim Pirates years ago and would work again today. No virgins waiting for their suicide terrorists and no incentive to blow themselves up and try to kill innocent people. These people only respond to this kind of action and I believe could drastically change our future wars with these extremists. That being said, I want a President/Vice President that will put the smack down on the bad guys foreign and at home in Washington and bring the morals and conservative values back to America. Newt is the smack down and Santorum is the morals and values. I like it.
Scrapelineranch said:
I will vote for the first candidate that I hear say JESUS CHRIST on the air. Everyone says the word God/god and everyone has One/one, even if it is them self or just "some thing". I know I probably will never hear what I want so I will vote for the candidate who supports Israel the most. Nothing beyond that.

Here you go! http://youtu.be/iv23rI68vwU


starts at 9:20 http://youtu.be/kSLrHtV_grQ

Or this one http://youtu.be/i8BNn4SISAg
I've been away from the real-time media for the past 24 hours, but I read that Newt did very well in SC. I hope he can do the same in FL! And shame on that ex-wife, alligations true or false! Hell hath no fury like a jealous woman.
JRobins, was this during a debate or during an interview used as an ad? Paul has a lot of things right as far as I'm concerned but not everything, such as zero taxes.
Scrapelineranch said:
JRobins, was this during a debate or during an interview used as an ad? Paul has a lot of things right as far as I'm concerned but not everything, such as zero taxes.

The first three clips are from debates and the last clip is an interview
Josh, do you think Ron Paul will make it through the primaries? He IS a passionate man. Newt gave somewhat of a testimony about faith the last debate in S.C. but still did not mention Jesus Christ (NOT a prophet). I believe God has had His fill of the non-sense we've been demonstrating in this country and around the world. Thank you for your response and interest.
Ron Paul will absolutely make it through the primaries. He and Romney are the only ones that have made it on all 50 state ballots. The way this primary is playing out I think we will have a brokered convention.
Roosevelt did win after the brokered convention in '32 but we know he was a democrat. I guess what I meant to ask was do you feel Paul will see it through 'till the end and not succumb?
A good friend Gary Olson E-mailed me this the other day. Answer the questions and you may be validated with your standing choice for GOP or be really surprised with who is most like you!


I got no surprise at all with my results.

#1 Rick Perry

#2 Michelle Bachmann

#3 Newt Gingrich

This system was very accurate and could be informative for anybody on the fence with major issues that they are unsure where the candidates actually stand. After rating the value of the question and answering them you will get an answer of which candidate is most like you on these issues. Guess who was dead last for me…………. Obama! By alot:)

Who did you get for your top 3?

Were you surprised at all?
took the quiz #1Michelle Bachmann

#2Newt Gingrich

#3 Rick Perry

I was pleased too see the one I am least alike is Obama and then Huntsman.

No real surprises for me. Newt all the way!! Rick
:eek::eek::eek:Test is obviously flawed BIG TIME!:eek::eek:

1. Ron Paul??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Rick Perry

3. Newt

I dont know how in the world Ron Paul came out on top, must have been the social and domestic issues. My view on foreign policy is much different than his. I am with Scrapelineranch; I would move a lot of our military in position to defend Isreal and stand with her til the end rather than bring every one of our troops home. I would stop trying to be the worlds policeman and when a country deserved to be bombed we wouldnt be there rebuilding it for them afterwards. Our national security demands that we have some troops away from home at all times.

Conservatives in this country have had sand kicked in our faces too long by the radical left and the main-stream news media. Newt clearly is the one that will stand up to them and put them in their place unappologetically. He is the one that will call out Obama in debates without tip-toeing around issues which will clearly have the GOP canidate marked as a racist no matter what his response is. He will take the fight right to Obama the way we want it taken to him, no politically-correct, dancing-around-the-issues, non-sense babble. Newt may have his past issues but when the race comes down to 1 man versus Obama, Newt will call out Obamas radicalism in a way that we conservatives want it exposed and a way that the fence-sitters will notice and remember on election day. Romney will have is clock cleaned in a debate with Obama. Santorum would make a great VP but doesnt have a chance to win the primary. Pauls foreign policy is out of touch with reality and Obama would rattle him so bad in a debate that it would be sad to even watch. Newt is our best chance to turn this country around.
1. Bachmann 2. Gingrich 3. Perry it was nice to see i was least like satan and then obama ( maybe one in the same ) haha
I agree Don. Somewhere along the line WAR has gotten way to civilized and politically correct. If a country wants to take us on I would suggest we bomb them back to the stone age. No electricity. No airports. No paved highways. Bye bye bridges. Forget about your royal palace. No army bases etc... Then we simply leave. If they try to attack again then we hit them harder. We let it be known that our friends that stand with us can expect our help unconditionally and those that speak bad of us can expect nothing but trouble. Rick
buckskin said:
i agree don. Somewhere along the line war has gotten way to civilized and politically correct. If a country wants to take us on i would suggest we bomb them back to the stone age. No electricity. No airports. No paved highways. Bye bye bridges. Forget about your royal palace. No army bases etc... Then we simply leave. If they try to attack again then we hit them harder. We let it be known that our friends that stand with us can expect our help unconditionally and those that speak bad of us can expect nothing but trouble. Rick

a-men brother!

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