Wolves Strike a HUMAN in NW MN!!!!

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Aug 29, 2009
Northwest MN
It has happened. A wolf ATTACKED a 16 year old boy in MN!!! The wolf reportedly approached the boy as he was lying down on the campgrounds in West Winnie Campground on Lake Winnibigoshish. The wolf then BIT the teen on the head and tried to drag him into the woods (to eat him I would guess). This is something that has to be stopped, we as a state need to continue the wolf season and remove this threat from our land. No... I am wrong. We do not need to continue the wolf season... we need to have a bounty put on every wolf hide in MN and exterminate this problem like our ancestors did many years ago. I do not mean to kill every wolf, but we need to lower the numbers drastically. I do think that wolves are wonderful animals, an have their place in this world. But we do not need so many.

Wolves are also doing major damage to the livestock in our state. The state is authorized to pay livestock farmers for Timber wolf kills; up to $20,000 a year (per farm). As a livestock owner myself I know that if one wolf were to get into our fence we would end up with more than $20,000 in that one incident.

Another thing that wolves are having a huge impact on is the wild deer population, in my hunting area I use to be able to see 20+ deer in a single nights hunt. I hunted for all 9 days of rifle season last year and saw a whopping 9 deer. I recently had a trail camera set over a soybean food plot, and during a week it came up with 28 pictures of deer... one doe and her two fawns. The fact that she has both fawns alive is incredible.

So what does all this information have to do with a wolf attacking a human? Well as the wolfs natural food (whitetail deer) disappear due to an overly high wolf population, and a lack of hunting management. The state will tell you that there are only 3,000 wolves in the "northern range" of MN. I would say that there are more than twice that amount. There is no real way to know how many are in the state, but they are like rats... If you see one, there are hundreds, or thousands you are not seeing. But to stay on track lets say that the state is correct and there are only 3,000 wolves in the state. One adult wolf eats 1-2 deer a week; depending if there are pups involved. So 3,000 deer a week multiplied by 52 weeks = 156,000 deer a year are being consumed a year. With the deer herd disappearing this quickly, it is only natural that wolves turn to other food sources. They have already tapped into the livestock, and now at least one wolf has started on humans. Wolves are intelligent animals, and if one has tried it, more will follow.

You know what lets keep these pretty, cute, helpless animals around.

Cause this is just what you want to see in your yard at night, right?

My sources are....



What is your states current laws regarding killing wolves? If they ever allow non residents to hunt them I'm coming for a visit-Jason
I don't know about non-residents, but I do know that last year we had a wolf season. How it worked was you paid like, 4 bucks to be put in for the drawing. Then if you were excepted it was (I think) another $40. From what I heard the DNR sold around 3 or 4 thousand licenses. But heres the kicker... after the first 400 wolves were harvested and registered, your tag was null and void.

I would think there are non-resident tags available.... this is MN we are talking about. The land where the DNR do not manage the wild life for the sake of the wildlife, but for the revenue they can pull in.

Here it is next to a coyote.

And here is one that was shot less than an hour from here.

That last one is a beauty!!! That sounds crooked to me if they sold more than they allowed to be used! If they did not refund the money to those who had unused tags I would have been HOT !!!
I am pretty sure that they did not refund the money. But that's how our game "management" works in MN. Our DNR also get funded by receiving like 50% of the MN state Lottery ticket... since when does a federal office get funded by lottery?
Wisconsin had our first wolf hunt last year and it is the same as Minnesota. Issue a bunch of tags and stop the hunt when the quota is filled. It is the states way of making sure the number of wolves they want shot each year actually gets killed. If you just issued the number of tags exactly the same number as number of wolves you wanted killed they would never reach their goal of wolves killed since many hunters or trappers wil be unsuccessful in their attemp to kill one. It also is a built in protection device for accounting for the anti's who apply and get drawn with no intention of ever hunting them but instead "just saving one wolves life". I really don't see a problem with how the system works. Worked good in Wisconsin last year and they raised the number to be killed here this year from 117 last year to 251 this year. My wife and I actually both drew tags so we are looking forward to the challenge of trying to get a couple this year. Oh and Jason non-residents are eligible to apply for tags. Deadline every year is August 1st

You forget sometimes to think outside the box every once in a while ;so the anti hunters buying up tags makes sense. Thanks for the post Jarred, I will be putting in for next years as I want one of those black ones like Dillan posted ! I'm to assume those are more rare? Not a wolf expert-Jason
Very rare. I've been getting a big black male on trail cams the past 2 years so I have my sights set on him as soon as it cools off and his hide gets better.
Huh, I have never thought about the anti's buying tags. Makes sense, but I still think they should refund at least half the tag price. If your a guy like me $20 means I can go out on the weekend.

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