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Yup it all comes down to you pay for what you get.Bottom line is the new guys comin in just learned a good lesson go big or go home.You better have deep pockets if you want to play with the big boys in the breeding end of this game.Now i cant help but to think of a post wisdom wrote a while back ,if you cant sell your shooters why is somebody going to by the lesser does you have that dont make the cut for breeders.Not all the new guys will ever be able to play with the big names and i dont see to many people asking for shooters!!
B100888, I had several guys asking about shooters. I also talked with a friend of mine from Grabill,In that has an order for 200 shooter bucks for this fall. He is looking all the time for shooters to fill orders. I always shake my head to hear some folks talk about having to spend " BIG" money to play with the big boys. We have been very blessed to be in the right place at the right time. Some of our purchases were for $ 5,000.00 or less and we have made our money back many times over. Have we lost money on some? Heck yah Name me one business that can say that it has not lost money. I always tell fellow breeders to find YOUR niche and stick to a plan. Be ready to act when that great buy is there and ride out the rough times. Will there be a market for breeders? yes Shooters? yes The shooter market is and will always( in my opinion) be a good business. Get RICH in the deer business, probably not. Enjoy what your doing, make some money, meet new friends and raise a great product. That is my goal. I wish everyone the best. I know how hard it is the see the light and the end of this tunnel however, there is a light

You are right. I appoligize to HAB. It just seems that every time our industry takes a few steps in the right direction there is always someone that is pulling us in the opposite direction. It takes long hours and many hours of hard work to keep the industry moving forward, not just by myself, but hundreds of people. I guess I should just learn to keep my mouth shut. I feel the little guy has a place in the Whitetail industry just as much as anyone else. Without the little guy what do we have. I love breeding deer and that is why my emotions sometimes get the best of me. I am just a little guy.

HAB I truly appoligize, and I hope you will accept.

Love to see your passion for this industry. Hope all can see that we are on the same page. If feel you when you say the emotions sometime get the best of you. Been there, done that. You,Jerry,Matt,Kevin,John,the Chupps and all the other sales companys do a great job of bringing the industry forward in a positive light. Thank all of you for your hard work.


There is a place for all of us. United we stand. Divided we fail. Give me a call sometime. Love to talk to you about your program and see if I can be of any help to you. That offer stands for any of you that my need a different thought process about your breeding programs. I'm not an expert, but I will give you an honest opinion on what I would do. We have been help by some of the best "minds" in the deer industry with our breeding program and would be happy to help anyone else if they need it.
It sounds like life in the deer biz is the place to be for a few select people and hopefully it will catch up to the rest of us.I have to wonder though if it is such good shape can someone tell me why there is not one of the real big money deer or the big money farmers in the ohio sale this week.I see there is some good animals there but none of the big ones.Things that make you go hmmm!!!!Is it that they ran out of deer?Is the money different in ohio? Just a thought!!!My ship just showed up mabey somebody in ohio will make some money!!
B100888, I would say it has to do with the # of animals. In our case that is exactly the case. I had a sale company call yesterday wanting us to put something in their sale and I had to turn them down. Most of our animals are young(2 yrs or less) and we have not been able to breed them yet. As far as the "big money" goes, most of us want to be in the Top 30 and the Mid West Select. Let's face it, they are the biggest and best show for deer farmers. However, what is your reason for the Chupp sale doing so well? Not alot of the "BIG NAMES" as you call them in there. Just a good sale, put on by some good guys. In my opinion, all the sales will suffer soon. There are just to many with a sale every two weeks. Getting kinda crazy.
I'm not sure what defines a "real big money" deer. Is it the $100,000 kind? If so how many of those do you think even exist in the world, much less the owners are willing to sell them?

Is it the deer over $30,000 $20,000 over $5,000?

The number of auctions are out of hand. But that said I am not sure if I buy into the theory they are driving down the prices. Here is why. The deer being sold are on someone's farm somewhere. All deer owned by someone must either be sold or eaten. I don't know about you all but I didn't get in this to eat my deer. So we sell what is extra to us. Either off the farm or at auction. Either way they do end up for sale and being moved. So what difference does it make if it was a farm sale or at auction? The same number of deer still get sold, give or take a few deer here and there.

But I still say the number of auctions are over the top. I personally enjoy the heck out of going and chatting with everyone. But there is no way I am dragging my butt to an auction every other week. Hotels, gas, food, booths, ads, beverages:) and someone has to tend to the farm. Again I enjoy them very much. For me it is more fun than a family get together at Christmas time. I have made some good friends and it is always fun to see them. But it is out of hand!

And as Michael says numbers of deer is an issue. I personally owned 8 breeding age does on my farm in fall 2009. And 2 of those are not the quality of pedigree for auctions, but they throw big shooters so they have stayed so far. (This is their last summer here) I don't have the numbers of deer that I can keep consigning to auctions every other week. I was asked to be in the Indy Mid America, Chupps, Midwest Select, Top 30, Mid America, Eastern Ohio, NADEFA sale, the Buckeye, and I have been asked for donations from many orgs of which some preferred fawns. Where do I get all the animals for all those sales? I own 28 deer total on my farm!

I actually have been thinking about this auction stuff a fair amount lately. My desire would be to consign to 3 auctions in the country each year. Attend those sales and have a booth setup. Then attend the NADEFA conf and my state org's conf. I would love to attend some other state org's main meeting for the year as well. But again that is a lot of traveling. But what 3 auctions and what state orgs? The politics of this stuff makes me SICK! I get along with everyone in the auction business. I have made many friends in the deer business. Fact is there are only 3 people so far in deer that I won't do business with. Everyone else has been GREAT and I am happy to have made so many friends.

As long as I am blowing off some steam here I will mention this as well. This past weekend I was asked from 6 different orgs for a donation. That is on top of the 7 others that had asked over the past few months. I feel horrible that I am not able to give to each and every one of these orgs. It is important that everyone help in any way they can. But what is a decent enough donation? Then add that up if you gave that to everyone that asked. Now some out there will say that to donate a straw of semen costs little to nothing if it was your buck. Yes, I agree. But I also feel that everyone donating semen adds to the decline of the semen market. So donating semen has to be limited. How about fawns? That goes back to the number of animals a farm has available to move. And we could do the same thing with fawns as the semen has done as well. So then what? Certificates? I have started that, but I can see issues with those as well. Maybe do like I did for one donation last year. I bought a chainsaw and donated that. That's cool, but now add that up if I buy 13 chainsaws and donate them to everyone that asks.

A friend of mine has a policy that I like and have adopted. If someone from that state org has purchased from me in that year, I donate to that state org. It shows appreciation for someone in that state doing business with me, and gives incentive for others to do so as well.

The national orgs like NADEFA and the Cervid Livestock foundation and such of course get donations as well.

There is a long winded post sure to tick someone off. But I call it like I see it.

If your looking for donations go ahead and call me. All I can do is say no or yes. Same with consignments for an auction. My fawns haven't even been born yet and I am already stressing over what to consign to where.

Maybe someone will come along and buy me out and hire me to raise the deer for them. Then we can get as big as they like and have more animals to consign at sales.

Did I mention I like going to sales?:p
Roger, I'll take one of those chain saws and I already made you an offer to buy you out. As far as hiring you to raise the deer, my offer still stand a dollar a day. Can you forward another resume to me. I need to check your qualifications.... I'm not so sure a 265+ 2 year old will do...lol Talk with you later man... mp

P.S. Rod said I should only pay you .50 per day but I stood up for you buddy...lol
Roger, That sounds just like what i hear at home................."ANOTHER AUCTION"

But i think i probably got you all beat! I attended EVERY major auction from lets see Ok. 1 time went to In. 4times,Tx. 1 time,Ill. 1 time,Mo. Auction ,Mo. State meeting/auction Oh. 3 times.56,000 miles on my truck over 40+ days away from home. Now i think i Know WHY SHE SAID THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention 6 states to visit deerfarms LOL. Not bad for an unemployed carpenter! And while writing this i just realized something :eek: I'M A DEER JUNKIE,A DEER ADDICT,A DEERAHOLIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must need :eek: HELP,some


I'm gonna click on daBUCK CHANNEL :D
Wayne, I feel your pain. Went 12000 miles in 45 days. The dealership could not believe I had driven so much. They ask what have you been doing. My reply was DEER... It was good to see you guys again. Keep the JPM in line...lol
The reason I'm not in the Auction in Ohio is I can only attend several auctions a year and I feel Kevin Grace, Chupp Brothers Auction, and Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales in that order(just kidding Jerry and Eric) are the top auction companies out there. Why do i want to put an animal in auction that does not attract the most buyers. i put my animal in the auction that has the most people for two reasons. 1.) more potential buyers. 2.) Moe people to advertise to. That is what an auction is supposed to be for, it to advertise and showcase your animals, not to sell all animals you want to sell in a year at an auction. I'm afaid people have forgotten that last part. That is what off the farm sales are for.
Im not so sure about that thinking.With the web you will have bidders.If you have a deer worth say 5 grand it should sell for just that.Im sure most deer people have the ohio catalog and i would bet there are more people watching these sales online than there is people at the sale itself.If you have deer for sale and somebody is watching for your breed of deer and its not there who lost out of that deal?
B100888, after looking at the Ohio sale book I'm questioning your statement about there are no "Big money deer or people" in this sale. S&S, Waldvogel, Winrich, Butler, Haehlke, Blosser, Scott, Dice, Strawser, Huff, Detweiler, Glick, Kirchner, Deckard and Stoltzfus to name a few of the breeders in this sale. Along with Hardcore, Maxbo, Maxbo XL, Maxin II, Storm, Hydro Ax, PJ, Rocket, Reno, Rolex, Loner, Pa Geronimo, Matrix, Shadow and Max. Maybe not "Big money deer" in your eyes but, they are BIG DEER in my eyes. It really pisses me off when people make statements like yours. Why does it have to be BIG this or that? Why can't it be some good people with good deer in a sale. ALL DEER in the auctions sell for what the market says that they are worth at the time.
I'm sorry to anyone that I left off the list. These are the guys that I personally know and have knowledge of the fine programs they have going. Good luck to everyone in the sales. Market looks to be ok. Let's hope it continues to improve.
Well mr peters first off all didnt mean to PISS anyone off and second you are going to have to let me know what catalog you are looking at because i watched the sale and i am now looking at the buckeye auction catalog and no matter how hard i try i cant find one of those names or one of those deer. Please fill me in with a page or a lot number and show me my screw up!!!!!!!!
Well MR. B100888 It is the Eastern Ohio Whitetails Breeders Auction put on by MidWest Whitetail Deer Sales. Pages 8 thru 100. stacked and packed with great animals and great people. Look them up.
Arrowhead Whitetails said:
Good question Rog. May be my bad, I didn't realize there were two sales.

That would be because the Buckeye catalogs were not sent out to as many as other sales are.

The only reason I knew when the sale was is I saw it this morning on here so I quick went and watched for a while. Got bored and logged off.
I must not be important enough to get a sale book from Buckeye...lol However, looks like Jerry and Eric loaded up another strong sale.

B100888, my Bad... Sorry.mp

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