Saturday, April 24, 2010 11:35 AM, EDT
Good Morning Everyone:
Well, we have had an interesting turn of events here at the Chateau since we checked in on Thursday. Sam received his first dose of chemo on Thursday evening, and did fine throughout the night. I believe he got sick maybe once on Friday morning. At one point he complained that his heart hurts, which immediately concerned us. Cindy told the doctor and he thought maybe it was the way Sam was sleeping, maybe he slept in an odd position. But to be safe, he ordered a CT scan to just double check.
After the scan, the doctor came back and told us that he has a neumothorax and we need to put the chest tube back in. The neumo is typically air that is between the lung and his chest wall. This applies pressure to the lung and partially collapses it. The blessing in all of this is that it was noticed here, otherwise he may have had to been rushed here in Emergency later in the week. The nurses and doctor were all surprised that he was not in any distress prior to the procedure due to the size of the neumo.
Last night was a rough night as the doctors and nurses were coming in and out of the room, seemingly more than usual to check on him. At 12:30 am they changed his dressing at the insertion sight, which involved pulling tape off. He hates that to begin with, and add to the fact it was the middle of the night, meant we had a cranky kid (rightfully so).
They are keeping his nausea pretty much at bay, so he is not getting sick as much as he has in the past. He gets nauseated, but does not get completely sick except for maybe once.
Don't know how long our staycation has been extended, it all depends on his lung. We were supposed to get out by 6 pm tonight, but that won't happen. Sam is now getting some much needed rest. Hopefully Cindy will have a better night.
We are F.R.O.Gging for Sam- Fully Rely On God
Please keep Gabriel Taylor, Matthew Barr, Garrett Harper and all the other kids here on J5 in your prayers. Keep P.U.S.Hing for Cindy's dad Jeffrey as well. Pray Until Something Happens.
Thank you and God Bless!