cwd in Racine County

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ddwhitetails said:
Yeah.....I will admit CWD being a prion does scare me a little....however, I know with all of the deer harvested over the years someone has had to have eaten a deer with the disease...and I would think we would have heard about a human being infected by now....the CWD has been around for 40 some plus years now and I think we would have had some major issues with it by now....but I could be wrong....Sharkey certainly has a lot of knowledge with the prion diseases and I do respect his hope is that CWD is a different disease and will never be a threat to is Mad Cow disease.......but the beef industry has dealt with it so I am certain we will be able to God forbid this would ever be the case. We do need to try and figure out a method of eliminating it ....and hopefully with all of the millions of dollars put towards CWD they will be able to do just that in the very near without CWD would be awesome to me!!!

There is a game feed every year in one of the counties here in Ny at a local fire station. The year CWD was found a deer was donated and enjoyed by over 100 people..Yep 2 weeks later the test comes back positive...Never a problem from anybody that enjoyed that deer!
That is good news Mike....let's just hope and pray it doesn't have a long incubation period before it would show up in humans.......I pray that it absolutely has no ill effects on any rate it does need to be eliminated if at all possible.....
ddwhitetails said:
That is good news Mike....let's just hope and pray it doesn't have a long incubation period before it would show up in humans.......I pray that it absolutely has no ill effects on any rate it does need to be eliminated if at all possible.....

Correct and i guess i should have put in there that it was in 2005 i believe!
I was told .... CWD spreads quicker and is More Potent. I have heard of what CWD looks like, as far as like a starved horse or ect. but, what I have heard about EHD it seems that any EHD is Horrible on it's victims and they are fine that morning then dead that afternoon.

Please correct me if I am wrong. I do not know that much about this. I am learning.
Remi, That is true and sometimes even quicker.........I had one doe that I was petting and feeding treats. She moved away from me and walked about 15' laid down in the shade. I followed and nelt down beside her and was talking to her and she was dead! I had fawns that were fine and ate there bottle.....................45 minuets later they were stone dead!

EHD can kill in a short time.......................CWD............well 45 years later and you can't find any scientific information that proves ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY knows more about CWD now THAN they did then!:mad:
Four Seasons Whitetails said:
Correct and i guess i should have put in there that it was in 2005 i believe!

It was 20 years before anyone who had eaten British beef in the early eighties was considered clear of the disease, not just those who had eaten a positive beast,but "any" beef from the UK. The UK managed to maintain its livestock industry & also contain the human deaths to about 200.

CWD is not Mad Cow. There is not a single example that proves CWD crosses over to humans. Comparing the two at this point is like saying Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Clostridium acetobutylicum are equal threats because they are both bacteria. Because something is a prion does not make it a human disease.
fars said:
CWD is not Mad Cow. There is not a single example that proves CWD crosses over to humans. Comparing the two at this point is like saying Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Clostridium acetobutylicum are equal threats because they are both bacteria. Because something is a prion does not make it a human disease.

No its not,thankfully.

Any thoughts on the origin of CWD?

Did it arise from scrappie? If so how?

Frankly Sharkey I wonder what your motives actually are. You seem to have a way of wording your statements in an effort to almost inflame the topic and create more hysteria than is needed. Our "glorious" government does a plenty good job of spreading hysteria thank you very much.
IndependenceRanch said:
Frankly Sharkey I wonder what your motives actually are. You seem to have a way of wording your statements in an effort to almost inflame the topic and create more hysteria than is needed. Our "glorious" government does a plenty good job of spreading hysteria thank you very much.

And here i thought i was the only one that thought that!!! Not sure what team you are on at times my friend? Truth comes with facts and facts are something they do not have as a weapon. No mass killing of whitetails, No sick humans and worse yet no sense in the rules they make to deal with the problem!
IndependenceRanch said:
Frankly Sharkey I wonder what your motives actually are. You seem to have a way of wording your statements in an effort to almost inflame the topic and create more hysteria than is needed. Our "glorious" government does a plenty good job of spreading hysteria thank you very much.

I'm raising hysteria? Where have I stated anywhere that this is some form of government conspiracy? Really? The government departments may be at a complete loss at how to deal with this,but I really doubt its a conspiracy to end your industry.

I've always found the best way to fight hysteria is with a solid understanding of the subject & keeping ones emotions in check when continuing to push your argument. Not by things like raising another disease as being worse. Being educated in the issue & practiced in presenting your points is key. I'm sorry if showing you that the UK see's the risk as low,or just pointing out some of the very few things, we think we know, about this disease is bad. If you can't take this in the "members forum" from another deer farmer/tradgic ,then please for everyones benefit don't make any public comments on the subject.

My motive is to see the various stakeholders in deer work together on this disease & stop playing the blame game. There will be no group, government, wildlife,farmers ,hunters ,etc without some involvement in the spread of this disease. yet instead of sitting down together & working to stop this disease,everyone is pointing the finger at one another. Meanwhile the disease spreads.

So you guys don't think CWD is so bad, yet you don't understand its origin,incubation period ,routes of transmission & reinfection or if it has, or when it will ,reach critical mass. Your best argument so far is something like "it ain't as bad as EHD!".

Wake up!! Even if CWD is as harmless as you say ,your getting hammered in the continuum of public acceptability. Start playing the ball & not the players.

You can only win the opinion of Mr & Mrs Average out there if you present a well balanced & "informed" debate.

Stay Staunch!!!


On understanding us Aussies. I've noticed we've about 95% culturally in common with NTH Americans,but at things we take offence at, or our humour, then we're very different. Hope this helps. Cheers.
So you guys don't think CWD is so bad, yet you don't understand its origin,incubation period ,routes of transmission & reinfection or if it has, or when it will ,reach critical mass. Your best argument so far is something like "it ain't as bad as EHD Quote.

I do not believe anyone...anywhere in this world truly knows what this cwd is! What we do no is what its proven not to be..And that is everything the so called...People in the know... Tell us what it is! Come on!! 30 or 40 freaking years!!!!!!!!! There should not be a deer alive anywhere in the Us from what they say. There are pockets of cwd and have been. How can it be here and then not again for 200 miles if its this thing that is passed by deer. Kinda doubt a deer went that far before it kissed another. They have no proof of what they say except its CWD and other deer can catch it. The problem we have and fight for is that they use us as the scapegoat. Your words do nothing but reinforce what they say...What if, What if. I take it over there where your at you guys are no further along than us because if you were, The smart ones in our country would have talked to the smart ones in your country and this problem would be fixed!!!!
Here is where I think Sharkey has a point that we need to heed: if everytime someone starts talking about CWD we try to change the subject to EHD, it makes us look like we are avoiding the subject, which makes it look like we are trying to hide something. If we rather focus on what IS known about CWD, question the rules based on what is NOT known, all while stressing all the safeguards our industry has put in place to prevent the spread of the disease, we come across as knowlegeable and reasonable. We are not really fighting facts, but rather perception; that is an uphill battle for sure since perceptions don't require logic.
Great point Jeff23...............I also agree Sharkey has brought up some very helpful points on CWD.....I do not think his intentions are to create hysteria......I feel he is generally trying to help and we should be thankful...........yea we are getting hammered with regulation after regulation and we are all frustrated. However, it is to our benefit as well as everyones that we do find out more about this disease......we definitely don't (as Jeff23 mentioned above) want to look like we are hiding it or not....we (the Deer Farmers) have been made to look like we are the reason for the disease. We all know this is not the case but the public doesn't and we need to work to change that image......we also need to fight the over regulations that we are getting hammered with and that needs to happen with a united front which we seem to have a hard time coming up with......
ddwhitetails said:
Great point Jeff23...............I also agree Sharkey has brought up some very helpful points on CWD.....I do not think his intentions are to create hysteria......I feel he is generally trying to help and we should be thankful...........yea we are getting hammered with regulation after regulation and we are all frustrated. However, it is to our benefit as well as everyones that we do find out more about this disease......we definitely don't (as Jeff23 mentioned above) want to look like we are hiding it or not....we (the Deer Farmers) have been made to look like we are the reason for the disease. We all know this is not the case but the public doesn't and we need to work to change that image......we also need to fight the over regulations that we are getting hammered with and that needs to happen with a united front which we seem to have a hard time coming up with......

Although i know where you are coming from, Your posts are runnin into each other. First to much testing and crap to put up with and you might get out and next we have to show we are not hiding anything. Well those regulations that we have do just that. We test for CWD to show if we have it or not= Clean deer. We test for TB and Burc to show if we have it or not= Clean deer. I think we have done and continue to do our part and prove where we stand and i believe all they told us that was going to or could happen in the last 30 plus years were all false. I believe we need to make more noice to the hunting and non hunting world that all they say about what was and could have been has been proven thats not the way it is. Again i just dont see how they can stand on something that has shown not to be. Where are all the dead deer? Why did every state just have a great hunting season, Some with CWD set harvest records. It just does not add up and that has to be shown!

I do think we have WAY to many regulations and I would think if you took a vote you would find Most would agree with me.....and yes if they do continue and if they do throw even more at us then I will probably get out....Does't mean I am giving up yet.........when I say we need to show we are not hiding anything ...I was talking about trying to bring up the EHD issue when the subject is about CWD.....I was commenting on Jeff23's post....I am sorry I should have made it more clear to you I guess. As far as the testing goes it is insane.......If they told the cattle industry that they had to dart everyone of their animals to TB test them...and physically take an inventory of them and that that needed two forms of idenification on their animals......and that if one of their cows came down with CWD (I know cows don't get cwd..just making a point here) that the rest of their herd would need to be slaughtered and they won't be compensated for it...... they would tell them to go pound salt and they would have them in court so fast theirs heads would be spinning.....they want us to do all of this testing ...and more testing...and more testing........where has it gotten us? No where.......everyone still thinks we are the reason CWD exists.........the testing is a fact if anything it has made us look worse because of the animals that have tested positive for CWD.......until we form a united group and go by way of legal actions we will be in this mess for a long time! They just keep telling us what we are going to do....and we just keep doing why would things change......they won't.......
Four Seasons Whitetails said:
Although i know where you are coming from, Your posts are runnin into each other. First to much testing and crap to put up with and you might get out and next we have to show we are not hiding anything. Well those regulations that we have do just that. We test for CWD to show if we have it or not= Clean deer. We test for TB and Burc to show if we have it or not= Clean deer. I think we have done and continue to do our part and prove where we stand and i believe all they told us that was going to or could happen in the last 30 plus years were all false. I believe we need to make more noice to the hunting and non hunting world that all they say about what was and could have been has been proven thats not the way it is. Again i just dont see how they can stand on something that has shown not to be. Where are all the dead deer? Why did every state just have a great hunting season, Some with CWD set harvest records. It just does not add up and that has to be shown!

Mike, your answer says it all in my opinion. Testing is one of the most important things we as an industry do. The way i see it is that testing is like an armoury, esstential for battle and you dont stand a chance with out it. Yes, it sucks and creates trouble for everyone to test. Do we not owe it to these animals as good stewards though? Since i was young i was always taught if your going to have a pet, the pet comes first.
Ry-O said:
Mike, your answer says it all in my opinion. Testing is one of the most important things we as an industry do. The way i see it is that testing is like an armoury, esstential for battle and you dont stand a chance with out it. Yes, it sucks and creates trouble for everyone to test. Do we not owe it to these animals as good stewards though? Since i was young i was always taught if your going to have a pet, the pet comes first.

I have said this all along but many dont see it that way. I believe by testing and inventory it shows we have nothing to hide.( Although we all know there are a few that like to work behind the line) I think testing nonbreeding deer in high fence hunting ranches is over the top. What i also believe is that we need to keep showing what cwd has proven itself not to be! I know things will change for the better when we get this out to the public and the hunters and i know it is slowly getting out there. I am on a couple different hunting sites and have been fighting with some for months and believe it or not the guys are starting to hear where im coming from. They agree that cwd has proven itself to be something to be aware of but the whitetail sky is not falling.

Now that there are lawyers and money starting to show up things will come to light. Up here we had a board meeting and started the process of getting a lawyer to fight Ny's plan to stop our doing business with any states that have had cwd. I believe that gives us Ohio and Indiana. That is unacceptable!

The 50 mile rule was a bit much but was the norm for most states.

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