DD your quest is admirable, but it is not the way.Divided we fall.I know that is not your intent but that will be the results.By titling plz dont say NADeFA what are you saying you are not satsified with the job they have been doing?You are raising money for what lawyer fees?I am as all of us ARE NADeFA by saying what you did is not going to help our cause.I am as pissed off as anyone,but shaking a stick in the governments face will not work.We cannot let our emotions guide our judgement to the point that we are counter productive.I personally think the powers that be do believe that the CWD rule is ludicrous but they have to save face.While at USAHA I asked the question"With all the lectures we have been presented on CWD such as the disease will not make cervids cease to exist,populations in areas w/CWD increasing,found in 23 states and probabaly in more not yet discovered,Wildlife Services not being required to test is there even a reason for the CWD rule.Patricia Kline representing the USDA replied "It is up to the states to decide that".I don't know if its possible but if we could get all the state vets all to agree that the rule is excessive and really not working then there is a chance we can get it changed.Now I realize it is darn near impossible to get such a large group of people to all agree on anything, but we need at least need to hear from them why? If we could make it happen it gives them a way out.I am not thin skinned but NADeFA works hard for this industry and by saying plz not NADeFA is somewhat of an insult.I admire your cause and will help you but fearmongering is not productive.If you all want to beat me up over this post go ahead I can take it,but remember I am one of you and I feel the same way.