I had a close call tonight

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Apr 13, 2009
cental Pennsylvania
Well, it finally happened today, I always feared this would happen and thankfully I was quick enough on my feet to escape almost guaranteed death tonight.

It's a long story, but I'll just start by saying everything that could go wrong today did.

I started mid morning to run some bucks in for a buyer through my newly built live loading system. It went horrible right from the start, the bucks just didn't want to leave the corral to go into the alley. So after an hour, one of the two went in, we worked him through the building and went to get buck #2. Buck #2 was having none of it and by then it was getting way to warm so the buyer and I looked at each other and called it off. If we kept pushing, the buck was going to die from heat exhaustion, we are only hour and a half apart so I agreed to let him leave and I could haul buck 2 to him some other day.

Well, an hour after my buyer left I looked in the alley and seen I left a gate pin off, and I wanted to put it back incase the wind blew it open. I had left buck 2 in the corral to be alone and to calm himself before going back with his buddy. Well, when I went back to latch the gate pin, I noticed him laying several feet from the gate. I approached the buck slowly, he is not bottle fed and I figured he would get up and bolt away like lightening. THAT WAS MY MISTAKE TONIGHT. Apparently he had had his fill of me running him aroundd the corral earlier, when I got within about 10 feet the buck jumped up and ran right on to me. He went for my legs with his rack, I immediately felt the pain, but some how in the instant I was able to grab the top of the gate and pull my body up and over the gate. The buck fought my legs the entire time I pulled myself up. He WANTED TO KILL ME AND NOTHING WAS GOING TO STOP HIM! It was one of the most frightening things I experienced. The raw power of the animal was shocking. I thank God for preserving my life, had I not grabbed the gate i would have been gone. I escaped with one deer puncture to the shin, and 7 other scratches and bruises from my thighs to my ankles. Right now it been 9 hours and let me tell you I am feeling it now the soreness and stiffness is setting in. I hope I can walk ok tomorrow. I didn't see any injury worth going to the ER for, but if I see swelling and more bruising tomorrow I may go in.

I know many things I did wrong today, the number one thing was just assuming this wouldn't happen. It can and does happen this time of year with bucks. Please let my story remind us all to be extra safe, for our families sake. The last thing I want is for my family to walk in and find me gored to death in my own pens. This stuff can be avoided.
Here is the buck that almost got me for good.
Glad your OK matt, I got hit in the shoulder last week by caveman, he is bottle fed, not by choice,  my shoulder still hurts!!!  One day I will learn to stop letting my guard down!! Good luck!!



Scott Neeb

Ya gotta love deer! 


I am & I'm sure others would be interested to see how your "corral" & "ally" are designed. Down here we use different terms like "outside yards", "lane ways", "inside pens", "draughting room", "draughting doors" "darkened rooms" & no doubt a few different words for no doubt similar things. 


I've worked in many different deer yards & with several species of deer & if I needed to chase a deer in an outside holding yard (corral ?) or couldn't break down large mobs & get them into the handling shed by myself, I'd be thinking about changing something till I could. It could be as simple as installing another a gate to halve the size of "corral" once the deer are in it?


Just a thought. Glad you're OK!


Glad your ok Matt!! I'd be putting some big swing gates in that corral and make it so they only have one choice , your way! But deer will be deer and that will never change! Like I always say We're not raising daisies or potatoes here! Good luck brother !!! Charlie.
Look at carrying a deer shield.   I mad a couple out of 1/2 inch plywood.

I won't go into an alley or squeeze pen without one, when bucks are hard-horn or in rut.

Just have to get into the habit of grabbing it.  You can't outrun these things.

Glad to hear you made it with a small puncture on your shin and some scrapes and bruises, when I use to work for my father in law I had a very similar experience. Like Gary said, made a deer shield! My father in law uses 55 gallon plastic barrels, cuts them in half, then firmly attaches a handle on the inside of the curve. Had I not had that shield when I was in the push pen, I would have gone for the last ride of my life attached atop a huge 4 year old buck. Luckily I was able to get my back against the fence and keep the shield firmly in hand. I am not sure what your set up looks like, my father in law changed his push pen so that it had a solid wall that was suspended from a set of tracks. The deer can be moved in from a large 200 ft V shaped pen into a smaller 50'x50' hard wall pen, then the movable wall is pushed by two people so that the deer are pushed into the handling facility without being in contact with people anymore. 
Great advice Matt and everyone else. We are glad your safe. If animals have been through a handling facility from birth they load much easier. They don't like new.
Matt Glad your ok! Pusher gates on a rail or trolley system are the ONLY way to go! I have one in the last 120' of my alleyway and one in my barn alleyway that pushes em right up to the back door of the trailer! I also have one in my last box stall to load right into boxes or crate when folks come to get a doe or fawn! 


Saves ALOT of Headaches and possibly as you saw first hand maybe........................... even worse!
you are truly lucky this time these animals posses a great amount of energy would really surprise you a friend of mines son got into a pen with a buck once he had 55 stitches several cuts on his back and head almost got him in the lungs but the pen had an old dog house with a tin roof that the buck dulled his sharper points on that's and his dad pulling him off of him saved his life T&S
Glad your ok Matt! That one sentence you have in there is so true(The raw power of the animal was shocking) There strength is just unbelieveable,a few years back I had two bucks get into a death match,the one buck got underneath and just picked the other one up and threw him back over his back like a rag doll,he was a 275-300 lb buck.We have a trained Blue Heeler that goes in the pens with us over the rut,he takes all there attention off of you,hes worked very good for us so far. 
Thanks guys. For the advice. I appreciate each word of advice, I did so many things wrong yesterday, I made the mistake of rushing to build the system and it didn't work out properly. I have a lot of adjustments to make with it. I will use the advice I was given.

Good news, my legs are working, no additional swelling and very little pain left in them.

glad you made it out of this. I read this and was shocked. I lived this same thing but through what could have been your kids perspective. In 1993 I came home from school to find my dad gored to death in our backyard pen.  My father made the mistake to think he "knew" his deer or could "handle" them. he was wrong 

Its a simple mistake, I've made the mistake to and go myself in a few close calls. 

I hope this story you shared reminded everyone again to be careful this fall. We love our deer and some get babied like children but they still have natural instincts.
Wow Tom I am sorry to hear that, that would be devastating. Yes I do hope people learn from our posts to be careful. That's why I started the thread, it's not that we are all aware we can be hurt, we just need reminders every so often.

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