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A double bred Maxbo Ranger doe A/I'ed to the hottest Flees buck in 2010. Wide, wider, and widest is where this breeding is going. Please again, just a couple of healthy doe fawns is all I ask for.


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Dolly with her first set of fawns proved right out of the gate she had what it takes to produce and produce at the highest of levels. Now she will be matched with what was the hottest buck in the industry the last 2 years.

Common ingredient in Dolly and Hardcore is O-105. Hardcore's grandma and Dolly's great grandma.

This is fun times indeed!

This animal is co-owned with Will Ainsworth of Dream Ranch.


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Here is a chance for an old school buck to shine that has been amazing over the years in old school does. Poncho on top of Cherry. This is Cherry's first time breeding. Poncho/Big Guy/Maxbo/Butkus/Magnum/Louie.


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Rolexi has one of the deepest pedigrees in the country. The best part is it is verifiable through DNA all the way back 6 generations to Max. The way I see it Rolexi is built with a 6x6 or better frame and long tines. GD Romeo will add the width that gives the shock factor.


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Kristie is one of the top does the Flees' have ever had. Kristie daughters are rare off the Flees farm. I am very excited to be adding one to the herd this fall.


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Bubbles gave a single buck fawn in 2010 out of Poncho. This year we hope to get a doe fawn from her and Hardcore. Is there really anything for me to add?

As they say this speaks for its self.


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Winnie is being A/I'ed to and then backed up to Updraft. Have you seen the 2010 pictures of Big Sir? UNREAL! What a monster of a whitetail. All this on top of Flees' Harry and Bart's full sister.

I have never bred to produce big bucks. I always bred to produce the next great doe. But I can't wait to see the bucks that come from this breeding! That right there is why we are in this industry!!!


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If you like the deep and power stacked pedigree of Updraft you will like this girl here. Updraft is live bred to Kelly. The womb sister to Max Thrust 262"@3. Updraft/Maxbo/Butkus/Magnum/Louie.

Proven genetics top to bottom. This doe and these fawns will put you in the game.

She is being offered for sale as you see her here. We are considering offering her at auction. Ask for details.


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Here is a rare and special offering! Have you ever wondered just how well some of the amazing old school bucks of the past could do in the modern stacked and proven does of today? Here is an opportunity to see for your self. Poncho A/I'ed to Grace. Grace has taken to A/I the last 2 years. We used Poncho semen the fall of 2009 and split the straw into 2 does and they BOTH took giving us Poncho fawns spring of 2010. So Grace is set, the semen is set, I see no reason why this doe doesn't give you the rarest of offerings.

Take a good look at what the pedigree will look like on these fawns. The grandma to Updraft and Downdraft with Maxbo on top of that yet. Then Poncho. The fawns will have O-105 (Hardcore's grandma) Pebbles 3 times, and Poncho twice.

Grace is very calm and easy to handle. A real pet of a doe! Contact us for more information about this very special offering in the coming Top 30 sale.


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Let's take a look at how this girl came to be. The womb sister to a 262" 3 year old buck bred to Big Guy. Have you ever actually seen Big Guys rack?!?! Wow! Do I really need to say much more?

Now we A/I bred Blossom to Cardiac Kid. This doe is offered in the coming Top 30 sale. You will get the first crop of fawns from Blossom. I can make this offering because I am keeping Blossom's womb sister. But you will be the first in the country with this cross. Cardiac Kid/Big Guy/Maxbo/Butkus/Magnum/Louie. No holes in this pedigree.

For more information about this doe being offered in the Top 30 sale contact us at 715-212-5640 or by email at,

[email protected]


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The most unknown and underrated deer in the pedigree of Ruby is Thunderbolt. A 5x5 mainframe scoring 210". Mass, tine length, a super great look, and best of all a proven producer. Thunderbolt has had numerous sons over 200" and many by age 2. Thunderbolt was purchased from Eddie Ray Borkholder by a small farm here in WI. I was lucky enough to get Vivi from Thunderbolt and one of the famous Buster/Mandy does. Buster/Mandy does ALL produce BIG frame typicals. The most famous of them being Big Guy. Vivi bred to Updraft doubled up 2 of those famous sisters. Ruby is all about monster frames and now we are adding a Texas buck called 2 Wide with his long tines, 6x6 frame and 32" width.


If all else fails the backup buck is Downdraft. 25" wide inside with long tines and being Updraft's brother we will see what that creates. I would say it is a win either way.

NOTE: We have 2 identical breedings with Ruby and Tuesday. Twins bred the same way. It is possible we could offer an extra doe fawn from this breeding to the public.


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The most unknown and underrated deer in the pedigree of Tuesday is Thunderbolt. A 5x5 mainframe scoring 210". Heavy mass, super tine length, wide, a super great look, and best of all a proven producer. Thunderbolt has had numerous sons over 200" and many by age 2. Thunderbolt was purchased from Eddie Ray Borkholder by a small farm here in WI. I was lucky enough to get Vivi from Thunderbolt and one of the famous Buster/Mandy does. Buster/Mandy does ALL produce BIG frame typicals. The most famous of them being Big Guy. Vivi bred to Updraft doubled up 2 of those famous sisters. Tuesday is all about monster frames and now we are adding a Texas buck called 2 Wide with his long tines, 6x6 frame and 32" width.


If all else fails the backup buck is Downdraft. 25" wide inside with long tines and being Updraft's brother we will see what that creates. I would say it is a win either way.

NOTE: We have 2 identical breedings with Ruby and Tuesday. Twins bred the same way. It is possible we could offer an extra doe fawn from this breeding to the public.


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Juliet bred to Romeo is done for one purpose and one purpose only. DOUBLING UP the powerful W-28. What more can a person say about why I did this???

No the doe fawns won't be for sale. Sorry:)


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Addie is a seasoned doe but in great shape. In fact she had twins last spring. She hasn't had a lot of sons, but 2 of them scored 215" and 205". She is "old school" pure Flees breeding and is bred to one of the deepest pure Flees bloodline bucks in the country. Downdraft scored 225 7/8" @ 3 and had an inside spread of 25" with a 5x5 mainframe.

You want production? You want proven? You want a pedigree that holds its value year after year? You want this doe!

She is being offered bred this winter. We are considering having her in an auction, but you can ask us for details.


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Chloe is 100% Flees except for some Maxbo tossed in. Then bred to Downdraft which is pure Flees bloodlines makes these fawns some powerful little buggers. Chloe is line bred using Y-0048. Breeding Max Thrust to his mother was not planned, but Chloe was born and grew out looking very good. She has great lines and is very healthy. Not a negative product of inbreeding but instead a positive product of line breeding. If you like these tight crosses so you can breed them out for the big score this might be just what your looking for.

This bred doe is for sale off the farm.


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Cagney bred to Maximus DT brings together a famous doe called O-105. She is the grandma to Maximus DT and is also in the bottom side of Updraft.

Madison had a very pretty 6x5 mainframe typical son in 2010 scoring 194" @ 2. That son was from Max Thrust, but Cagney come from Updraft who is bigger than Max Thrust. Cagney bred to DT will produce large frames and good looking typicals just like the hunters want.

Downdraft (225 7/8"@3 and 25" inside) is the backup buck to the A/I. Either way is great breeding and will be very interesting to watch the results.

We would consider selling Cagney bred as she is, or open next summer. Her 2011 fawns may also be available. Contact us to discuss options.


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Lacey bred to GD Romeo is a really special effort. This will take the pretty and straight typical of Madison and blend it with the wide high scoring frame of GD Romeo. And let's not forget the massive, tall tined, high scoring frame of Updraft in the middle!

This breeding also brings the Patrick line back together while adding some Sundance as well.

These fawns will be able to be bred to about anything in the country and produce. Good times!

If we get the doe fawns from this breeding we are hoping for, Lacey would then be available next fall.

Ask for details.


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This does foundation on the bottom comes from the Jack the Ripper line. Wild Rivers Whitetails has produced some monster bucks from that line. Then we added the Flees line using Ringer who was a wide big framed typical. Sierra is already partially line bred by use of Y-0048 which is the dam to both Ringer and Max Thrust. Now we are stacking one of the deepest and most proven pedigrees in the country with Downdraft. These fawns will have Pebbles 7 times, Poncho 6 times, Bucky 3 times, and a whole lot more powerful animals as well.

If your looking for a bred doe with a good pedigree that will produce big bucks this girl will do it. And the genetics of this girl and her fawns will have value in the industry.

We would sell this doe off the farm bred.

Ask for details.


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Haley bred to Updraft. This same combination produced a 1 year old on our farm this past summer with 11 1/2" G2's and 10 1/2" G3's, great mass and long beams. Haley might not put you in the Top 30, but she is really good solid breeding that is going to put a lot of big bucks on the ground. Bred to Updraft gives her the top side that will produce super fawns, and takes you one step closer to being in the Top 30 without spending the big dollars on your bred doe.

Haley can be bought off the farm bred.


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Posts 79 through 99 all show our breeding sheets for Nov 2011.

I would enjoy seeing other farms breeding sheets for the year as well. I find it fun to look at pedigrees.

Thank you all for looking:)
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