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H&M... I like the way you think...LOL

There is no information about him (dsjm)...

I would be surprised to find out that he had deer ...If he did I would be real surprised to find out that they were/are GOOD ONE'S... because I know many off us that have big money into it and are in it for the long haul wouldn't risk something like that for

1 ...making your heard sick ...

For 2... it is the law...

Yes...There may be a few whom are in it to turn a quick BUCKBut I feel that is not the norm!
Sportsmanship in Hunting Act – H.R. 2308 – To prohibit "Internet hunting" (computer-assisted remote hunting where guns are aimed and fired with the click of a computer mouse), and to ban interstate and foreign commerce of captive exotic animals for "canned hunts" (trophy shooting of animals penned within fenced areas).

Leaders: Reps. Cohen, Sherman and Whitfield

Another law in the making to take away our humane method of harvest of these animals from uninformed people. I have no problem with the Internet hunting being closed down. But if this second part were to be made law we are all then just raising pets and not food for people and this industry is gone.

The new area that is being used to close this industry down is the Federal government. Why take us out State by State when they can do it Nation wide with Federal laws. I trust my government to try to put this industry out of business by any means including unjust laws and lies with the help of uninformed do gooders. Just my 2 cents also.
Truby, a few posts down you will see where a guy was found guilty of illegally transporting deer to SC from Ohio. This is the real reason the industry will never back the study. Why would they want to make it easy for the law to track their illegal animals? A lot of illegal movement of animals in this industry. It is the dirty little secret of the deer breeding industry.
Not only is dsjm a mind reader, he seems to be a scientist. By the way I didn't say global warming didn't exist. I just don't trust the epa to be honest about the facts, whatever they are.
Let's look at what federal and state government has given the deer industry for participating in research programs...........CWD? Wasn't it found in a research herd directly across the road from Truby's place of work? Euthanised animals being transported legally through Kentucky? The courts ruled in favor of the transporter in this case, but the animals still had to die for no reason. Tenn. illegally imported elk into their state as part of their elk restoration and when they tried again, our industry challenged them and USDA agreed with us. NAIS...what a joke....this system, although a good idea is not feasable, nor is it enforceable. Take it from someone who has had experience with state and federal regulations, government intervention means politicizing our industry. I for one prefer to remain free from the winds of politics and just enjoy raising my livestock.
Deerchaser said:
Not only is dsjm a mind reader, he seems to be a scientist. By the way I didn't say global warming didn't exist. I just don't trust the epa to be honest about the facts, whatever they are.

Nice attempt at some crawfishing. You saying you did not try and coorelate GW and life expectancy? Don't have to be a mind reader to see how messed up that statement was.
Scott Heinrich said:
Let's look at what federal and state government has given the deer industry for participating in research programs...........CWD? Wasn't it found in a research herd directly across the road from Truby's place of work? Euthanised animals being transported legally through Kentucky? The courts ruled in favor of the transporter in this case, but the animals still had to die for no reason. Tenn. illegally imported elk into their state as part of their elk restoration and when they tried again, our industry challenged them and USDA agreed with us. NAIS...what a joke....this system, although a good idea is not feasable, nor is it enforceable. Take it from someone who has had experience with state and federal regulations, government intervention means politicizing our industry. I for one prefer to remain free from the winds of politics and just enjoy raising my livestock.

Usually when a post starts out with an insult you can bet not much substance will follow... Case in point....
dsjm, if thats your real name this is a deer farmers site , I don't know how you got confused with PETA . If you don't own or farm deer or want to in the future I suggest you find another web site to stir the pot on, cowards hide and don't post in the clear with their name for all to see

I respect trubyUSDA because they hid nothing, unlike you
CurtisLloyd said:
dsjm, if thats your real name this is a deer farmers site , I don't know how you got confused with PETA . If you don't own or farm deer or want to in the future I suggest you find another web site to stir the pot on, cowards hide and don't post in the clear with their name for all to see

I respect trubyUSDA because they hid nothing, unlike you

That always seems to be the cop out people use when they can't put together an intelligent argument. It is always the "I don't know who you are!" whine. Or the old standby "you are a PETA supporter". Let me fill you in on something, I do not know who you are either. Difference between you and I is that I really don't care who you are.

Will this be used in traceback to determine where a diseased animal orginated from? If so will it be used in conjuction with tags and movement forms or will surplant them as a new system? If it surplants the current system will the tag system become obsolete?

Secondly, it was my understanding the USDA was against using testing as a means of traceback. In the past, I know they declined using DNA tests to verify an animal's identity, when tracing back possiable CWD sources in WI. I was told it might set a precedence that could slow down their ability to terminate a quarantined herd, or react as needed to stop further transmission. Is the USDA reversing this policy?
Global Warmer by CO2 is unlikely for the following reasons:

The earth is a CO2 buffered system. This means the more CO2 you have the more plant growth you are going to get..which in turn increases the amount of oxygen and decreases the amount of CO2. Also if the temperature is just opens up more area for plant colonization especially in the oceans. Increased temps also allow for more CO2 to be absorbed by the water..especially by freshly melted ice water. Besides an increase in temperature is going to help optimize the enzymes that are used during photsynthesis.

All these things work against global warming by CO2. However everyone produces CO2 in varies levels thus making it a very attractive way create a tax on something that has been declared harmful.

On the other hand the sun seems to be more inactive than it should be during this part of it's 11 year cycle. These solar physicists actually say there has been a 0.7 C decline in world temps between last year and this year. ... e=5982&log ... 49,00.html
In case any of you don't know who dsjm is I go to preator3's profile in the album section. He is the one listed as PETA president.
It doesn't take a genius to discover that Scott is a stand up guy. But if you had any experience with this site you would already know Sir Heinrich and his widely dependable knowledge of the industry. I have not met him personally but I can say with a fair amount of comfort if he calls someone an idiot they had it coming!

In my opinion, illegal transporting is a very small percentage of the industry movements. If you have a substantial investment in your herd you have already jumped through the hoops to make interstate transporting legal for your deer. It doesn't make good business sense to try to capitalize on a black market demand for illegal deer when the end result cannot be substantiated in a certified herd. Just my 2 cents!
Okay, this is getting alittle out of hand. Heated debate on important issues is okay, but personal insults are not!

So let's stay civil, or else the dreaded delete button will come into play. :eek:

fars said:

Will this be used in traceback to determine where a diseased animal orginated from? If so will it be used in conjuction with tags and movement forms or will surplant them as a new system? If it surplants the current system will the tag system become obsolete?

Secondly, it was my understanding the USDA was against using testing as a means of traceback. In the past, I know they declined using DNA tests to verify an animal's identity, when tracing back possiable CWD sources in WI. I was told it might set a precedence that could slow down their ability to terminate a quarantined herd, or react as needed to stop further transmission. Is the USDA reversing this policy?

fars, this traceback could feasibly be used to determine where a diseased animal originated and where it has been spending it's time. This system could be used in conjunction with tags and movement forms but I doubt it would ever surplant that system.

Also, this system could be used to track where an animal has been recently whereas DNA testing only tells us where the animal originated. I doubt that the USDA is reversing it's policy about using DNA testing as a means of traceback. This test is more to help us determine disease spread/transmission patterns, for example, a while back there was a moose found dead in Wyoming which tested positive for CWD (hundreds of miles from any other known cases). If we can get this test to work we could determine whether this moose had always lived in that region and the disease had just popped up randomly or if the moose was on a walk about from an area that is known to be infected.

On a different note, dsjm, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop insulting everyone here (and that includes me). I wouldn't be requesting help from people that I believed were dishonest or criminal. The people on these forums are generally very helpful and just because they may not agree with the research I am conducting is no reason to insult them.
I have to agree with the true deer farmers on this site and would not be willing to take part in a "study" to cover something all ready in place! Here in Mo. we have a plastic eartag,metal ear tag and a "tatoo". If thats not enough for you to trace the origin of an animal then i don't know what would.
TrubyUSDA said:
fars, this traceback could feasibly be used to determine where a diseased animal originated and where it has been spending it's time. This system could be used in conjunction with tags and movement forms but I doubt it would ever surplant that system.

Also, this system could be used to track where an animal has been recently whereas DNA testing only tells us where the animal originated. I doubt that the USDA is reversing it's policy about using DNA testing as a means of traceback. This test is more to help us determine disease spread/transmission patterns, for example, a while back there was a moose found dead in Wyoming which tested positive for CWD (hundreds of miles from any other known cases). If we can get this test to work we could determine whether this moose had always lived in that region and the disease had just popped up randomly or if the moose was on a walk about from an area that is known to be infected.

On a different note, dsjm, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop insulting everyone here (and that includes me). I wouldn't be requesting help from people that I believed were dishonest or criminal. The people on these forums are generally very helpful and just because they may not agree with the research I am conducting is no reason to insult them.

Fair enough. If you are not prepared to hear the real answer though you probably shouldn't ask. The USDA really doesn't have much teeth when it comes to enforcement anyway. It is usually a letter of warning or an admin. penalty.
Whitetail Sanctuary said:
I have to agree with the true deer farmers on this site and would not be willing to take part in a "study" to cover something all ready in place! Here in Mo. we have a plastic eartag,metal ear tag and a "tatoo". If thats not enough for you to trace the origin of an animal then i don't know what would.

ear tags both plastic and metal can be switched out very easily. Tatoos usually fade so bad you can't read them after a few years anyway. Unless you use a real tatoo gun like we use.
Gee - sounds like someone has had alot of experience in fraudulent identification of animals. Perhaps even hangs with farmers that transport animals illegally. Mama always says: You play with trash - you get some on you. Tell me - have you had any experience with microchips? How can you make them read differently?

Lady Heinrich

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