Nadefa member or not ?

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Thats kinda the piont i was trying to make when i said let people be members for donating their name to be on the list. Never know maybe in the futer they will give more but if names on a list gives more pull when trying to accomplish a purpose why not give it a shot.
So why not just say instead of donatin alot why not just join and be a member and then mabey donate a little less.That way they have a member and a donated item!!!
We belong to several state organizations and the cost is minimal -$25 - $50. By paying a yearly dues, they can keep their information on your farm updated and list you in their members directory if you so desire. Things change from year to year like phone numbers, or e-mail addresses. This is a good way to keep it current and help cover the cost of publishing a directory or other things like newsletters that they send to you.

Most associations have their membership fees coming due about now, so if you join now you get a full year. Numbers are just as important as money. Most associations don't get their money from the membership fees but from their annual fundraiser auction. So if you choose to donate to that as well you are only helping more.
Browning Whitetails is a proud new member of the Florida association they need our help right now to keep their boarders open..

Why not join and donate, this makes the most sense of all......
the cervid producers in Saskatchewan voted this last weekend to form a commission this will require all producers to buy a yearly membership and a per animal checkoff which is optional
I joined Nadefa last friday got to thinking about what Jack said they do do a lot of good things some i agree with others i don't. I just wish we could try to focus some more attention on getting more hunters involved. I feel we really need this in order to keep growing as a industry. The breeding end and bringing new farmers in will come on its own we first need to take care of those who are already in the industry before we worry about bringing more in.If we don't start doing something a lot of new people are going to loose money that they put into the industry and some of you put into your pockets.

One more name to add to the list hope it helps.
I was a memeber of NADeFA but decided to become a lifetime member when I was at the conference.....I like what NADeFA does for us and without them we would be in deep DOO DOO!!!!

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