North Dakota

Deer Farmer Forum

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This North Dakota initiative to stop the humane harvest of deer on private property is an attack on the free market system of sales on animals bred for quality genetics. The initiative’s goal is to force the deer producer into his lowest market to stop any reward for breeding quality animals and force the deer farmer out of business. The initiative has been drafted to ruin the deer industry by removing the free market system which every other livestock and product has. All animals have different values depending on how well they are bred just like a mutt dog versus a pedigree registered dog. There is breeding stock and grade animals in every type of animal raised. Like registered cattle verses grade cattle or any other animal bred to produce the best genetics that bred can display to improve that animal’s value and give the person producing that animal a quality price for genetic improvement.

This initiative is a way to ruin the value for quality breeding of these deer and reduce them into a meat value only which is the lowest value of any animal market. This initiative is just a way for special interests to kill an industry which is helping the family farm prevail in these hard economic times.
E-mail sent from North Dakota Hunters for Fair Chase

Fellow Sportsmen and Sportswomen:

Hunting is under attack in North Dakota, not by radical animal rights groups, but by people that pass themselves off as hunters promoting hunting. The attack comes from High Fence Canned “Hunt” operations that started up in North Dakota over the last few years.

There are 12 known High Fence shooting operations in the state. The operators of these facilities hand raise and hand feed their deer and elk inside an escape proof pasture then offer them to out-of-state clients in what they falsely advertise as a “hunt”. Every hunter worth his or her sweaty socks knows that there is no hunting involved inside an escape proof pasture. The hunt is over the moment the operator closes the gate on the animal. These Shooting Galleries with live targets, give radical animal rights groups the best propaganda imaginable to use against legitimate hunters and hunting.

On September 2, 2010, Secretary of State Al Jaeger approved Measure 2 for the November election. Measure 2 outlaws High Fence Canned Hunt operations in North Dakota. North Dakota Hunters for Fair Chase worked hard to gather the necessary signatures to place this issue on the ballot so you can have a voice on this issue.

You can help end High Fence Canned Hunts by voting yes on Measure 2. That isn’t enough. High Fence operators are collecting a massive war chest from Out-of-State High Fence interests in an effort to defeat the Fair Chase measure.

High Fence operators spent $104,000.00 to obstruct the effort to collect signatures for Measure 2. High Fence operators collected $84,000.00 of that money from Non-resident Out-of-State High Fence operators.

As states across the nation outlaw High Fence shooting operations, Out-of-State operators look to North Dakota as a place to raise the targets they need for their Shooting Galleries. There is at least one North Dakota operation that raises deer then ships them east to states like Pennsylvania to serve as targets for people that can afford the high fee for shooting an artificial trophy.

North Dakota Hunters for Fair Chase needs your help to carry Theodore Roosevelt’s Fair Chase message to the people of North Dakota. We are asking each North Dakota hunter to donate $16.50 to this cause; a dollar a day for the North Dakota deer gun season and $.50 for the half day opener.

Less than a box of 30 06 shells.

Less than a deer tag.

Less than the gas you will burn during the deer season.

Without your help, Measure 2 may fail. If Measure 2 fails, High Fence Operators from out of state will invade North Dakota.

If Measure 2 fails, our grandchildren will look back at the 2010 election and ask why our generation sold their Hunting Heritage to Non-Resident Out-of-State interests ruining their opportunity to hunt free ranging wild deer. If you doubt that high fences will take over North Dakota, look at Texas. High Fences are everywhere. Shooting Gallery Operators argue that North Dakota will never be like Texas. That is false. Somebody fenced that first Texas deer inside that first acre. Look where that led.

The future of hunting in North Dakota is in your hands. We can surrender that future to the Non-Resident Out of State High Fence operators willing to spend huge amounts of money to buy our election and our Hunting Heritage, or we can Protect What’s Right. It is up to each individual North Dakota hunter to decide whether we turn into Texas, or keep our Hunting Heritage; $16.50 and Yes on Measure 2; the best money you will spend on hunting, and the most important vote you will ever cast in this election.

If you are tempted to delete this email without acting, ask yourself why Deer Farmers in Ohio would spend $20,000.00 to defeat Measure 2. Click on the link below and scroll through the list of donors. Note the Non-Resident Out-of-State organizations and the amounts they donated to defeat your right to vote on this issue. Do we sell our Hunting Heritage to these Out-of-State Non-Residents, or do we fight to save hunting for our children and grandchildren?

The choice is clear: $20,000.00 from just one Non-Resident Out-of-State organization, versus $16.50 from Resident Hunters to save out Hunting Heritage. You have to ask why that much money?

Please print this email, complete the form at the bottom of this page and mail your donation to:

North Dakota Hunters for Fair Chase

223 Ashlee Avenue

Bismarck, North Dakota 58504

Make checks payable to North Dakota Hunters for Fair Chase.

If you want to donate using a credit card, call 701-751-0882 during business hours, including weekends.
They bought the email list through the Freedom of Information Act from the Game and Fish and have upset a lot of the sportsmen now that they are being spammed with these emails.

On a radio debate they brought up that a lot of money came in from out of state to defeat them two years ago and we were able to reply that the money came from within the same industry and not some special interest group or PETA and that locally we are a small industry but nationally we are a strong organized industry and that killed their argument. I also think it sends a good message to the rest of the nation that is watching how our industry reacts to this act.

Shawn Schafer
People tend to get snippy when I state how history repeats itself. But this is exactly the same as Montana a few years ago. The peoples initiative passed by a slim margin and outlawed elk hunting for profit on private game reserves.

North Dakota needs our help, we can either give now and help with the fight, or we can see those that oppose our lifestyle, take our markets away and we can pay then.

North Dakota is just a stepping stone, this is a national agenda and you may be next.

Other than Scott, I have not seen much dialog from preserve owners.

Ray, that is exactly why I started this post. They are targeting ND because they think the industry is a minority there - but this could be any state. I believe most state organizations have made contributions to ND, so even by supporting your state organization you are helping. I'm wondering if some of the big corporations that we support, like Purina feeds, Record Rack and Pneu-dart etc. are supporting ND??? I personally would like to support those companies that support us and would like to know who they are. I know NRA has supported ND in the past - that's a very big deal because they carry a lot of weight. SCI has supported high fence hunting as well and they are another organization we should support in return. I'm hoping Shawn let's us know who these groups are so we can return the favor.

Also, I would like to know how the gov't can legislate you out of business??? Isn't this a "taking" of your livelihood? It is taking away a property use and at the very least you should be compensated for it - not that most of us want money but simply the right to do business.

Those "fair chase" people who sent out that e-mail are nuts. How does one of our operations affect hunting in the wild????? We are on our own private property. The deer we have are not taken out of the wild. No one is forced to hunt on a high fenced property - people CHOOSE to do it. So all of these fair chase people can CHOOSE to hunt elsewhere. I thought we lived in a free country (well, we all know that is getting eaten away every day). I don't tell people who rifle hunt their way is wrong, so why are they telling us this is wrong - different strokes for different folks. It is what has made our country great.

The government already tells us how to do WAY too many things - thank you but I'd like to make my own decisions!
From Deer Farmer and Whitetail Exchange here are the donations that I have found:

Ray Favaro 100

Rick Browning 100

Chuck Pettit 100

Mike Kerry 100

Dennis Duffy 200

Greg Mills 100

Carolyn Laughlin 500

Henry Martin 200

Joseph Barry 500

Brett Niles 200

Mike Heiter 300

This adds up to $2400. Apple Creek said they would match up to $2500. I hate to see it at $2400 and not maximize the donation so Whitetail Exchange will chip in the other $100 and make it an even $2500. With the match from Apple Creek that makes an even $5000 donation to help fight the battle.

Thanks to everyone for the donations. This is a great cause.

I would also like to donate $100 to the ND cause. I bet Apple Creek could find another $100 to match it. Just kidding, Apple Creek has been very generous with matching the first $2500 and I thank them for that... Good Luck to our North Dakota friends...
Todd, maybe a little bennifit auction would help. I'd be willing to donate a few straws if you think this would help.
I'm confused on something? If the hunters for freerange don't want high fence hunting in there state and they don't want it to end up like Texas ! But the land their hunting is private! Do the hunter think it's ok to hunt the land? In my book that's called fence jumping! Or better known as trustpassing. I'm confused on what leg their standing on? High fence or not it's still private land. High fence hunt will not hurt their hunting heritage they still have state land to hunt and that's where they should be. Not on land they don't own! Just my thoughts........
ToddM said:
From Deer Farmer and Whitetail Exchange here are the donations that I have found:

Ray Favaro 100

Rick Browning 100

Chuck Pettit 100

Mike Kerry 100

Dennis Duffy 200

Greg Mills 100

Carolyn Laughlin 500

Henry Martin 200

Joseph Barry 500

Brett Niles 200

Mike Heiter 300

This adds up to $2400. Apple Creek said they would match up to $2500. I hate to see it at $2400 and not maximize the donation so Whitetail Exchange will chip in the other $100 and make it an even $2500. With the match from Apple Creek that makes an even $5000 donation to help fight the battle.

Thanks to everyone for the donations. This is a great cause.



Apple Creek sent Fed-Ex check last Friday for $2,500 good luck protecting our property interests. For all those who donated please make sure to send in your checks and know how much you are appreciated. If their is another hunting ranch that would step up to the plate with matching funds we could offer more fuel.

Thanks Shawn for your service,


Move mine up to $200, applecreek has been generous and should not pay twice, as long as todd spells my name right.

Have todd email me payment info as I am on the road

[email protected]

This should not be the end of this thread.

Preserve hunting is our final market.

I know times are tough, but what does a $100 do? North Dakota does need your help.

This is just the start, and a firm defeat in ND may send a message.
I don't get it will spend thousands and thousands of dollars on semen but can't donate 100 dollars to a cause that is trying to SAVE your RIGHTS to be a preserve owner or deer farmer.......don't wait till its too late donate now!!!!!! come on!!!!
Jeff, that is awesome that you donated and I do realize that this is not the only avenue from which one can donate.........for those that have donated as you have I think it's awesome and my message above obviously does not pertain to them or you.
Just to make sure there is no confusion my 100.00 was sent directly to NADEFA and it was noted that it was for ND fight....

If this was supposed to come thru Whitetail Exchange I made a mistake and am sorry

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