OH deer farms are now under Dept of Ag

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Jack said:
Well guy we are about ten years ahead of you guys here in Montana with laws and fees. Guess what when the Dept of Livestock starts to charge fees soon enough you'll be like Montana with a 32.00 a head tax from the Dept of Livestock per animal. Ten years ago we were at 2.00 a head tax. Heck just quite crying it's going to get worse I'll guarantee it.

Not so much crying Jack, just making sure everyone else here in Ohio knows whats comin, cause they ( dept of ag and div of wildlife) both are standing here wanting $$ I dont belive the Ohio deer farmers are fully understanding whats going on, some think this is better! Like Robert says, the good ol days are gone.........

I like your tag jack"last deer farmer in MT" I bet I know why.....LOL

On another note, the game warden never showed up yesterday for the 10AM pen inspection that they called me and scheduled with me....nice, nothing new I suppose. I will update this post when I get in touch with the warden and get thier side of the story of deer farming rules/regulations they will be enforcing.
Don. Not ment to be mean on the word crying it was just to let people know the Depts will keep grabing more and more power and fees as time goes by. Can you even think the Depts would put a $32 dollor tax per head on the producer for the service they are providing. I never would have thought this would happen because when we started it in 1990 it was just a tag in the ear of the animal. Just look at how far they have gone sinse then in fees and requirements because like most of the producers we thought we could give this little thing. Well we have given all we can as no other livestock producer would have allowed this in their industry. It really is time to say enough is enough. I really like the new direction of the group that says they will help fight these jerks to help stop this abuse.
please voice your concerns to Eric Mohlman and he can put it on the agenda to talk about with the ACA we should have another meeting pretty soon.
Ok, The div of wildlife officer was here this morning and did my pen inspection. I basicly asked her right off the bat, what all she/div of wildlife was/is rules regulations they will be enforcing on me.

She said the div of wildlife will still do all of the law enforcement on deer farmers as the dept of ag doesnt have law enforcement. If any complaints or investigations arise the div of wildlife along with the assistance of dept of ag will be coming to your farm.

She informed me that all deer farms in ohio will be getting a package in the mail with the new stuff and if you do not recieve it by the first of march to contact your local div of wild life officer. Your current prop permit is NOT null and void as told to me by the dept of ag, it is indeed still very much needed and will be needed to be renewed this march2013. Youll need to pay them a prop permit fee which will now be a 1 time lifetime fee, but they will still handle any and all law enforcement and complaints, so you are for sure dealing with 2 govt agencies now on the same thing(deer).

She was quite honest in telling me they dont know what each other(div of wildife to the dept of ag) is all doing yet and it is indeed a mess. That thru the unfortunate actions of some lunatic who let a bunch of tigers,bears and such loose, we are the ones who got the clamps/regualtions put on us. Said she has visited quite a few farms doing the pen inspections of late and she said not one person has not complained about all this.
Pen inspections?

I went to the dept. of ag. meeting in Wooster Ohio last month, and the way I understood the pen inspection part, is that it is up to you to have an approved Vet. inspect and sign off on your pen.

The DNR would be in charge of the preserves.

It was somewhat confusing, the Ag. people seemed nice, but they asked the deer farmers more questions than we asked them.

All deer must have a metal dept of ag. tag in an ear, and a large numbered tag visible from a reasonable distance. The preserves that buy my shooters don't want tags.....I guess they can remove them....but I'm not sure.

I'm so sick of breaking even at the end of the year, I'm seriously considering getting out.
Robert said:
a garme warden you can reason with.the other nit-wits you can`t.

I've met a number of game wardens you can't reason with- someone's idiocy is not dependent on their title.
whitepine whitetails, if you are in Ohio, you WILL be getting a pen inspection from the division of wildlife.You also are required now by the dept of ag to have your vet come out and do a inspection of the pen and count your deer for you as well. Thats 2 inspections this year! 1 for the div of wildlife to issue you your lifetime prop permit, and 1 yearly now with the dept of ag approved vets at your expense!

She was here and actually used a measuring tape on my fence, walked it all the way around and counted my deer and checked out things. (I really dont mind as I have a 9 foot fence and all my paperwork is always in order). She also went thru my log book to check the numbers of deer in my pen matched the current prop permit that expires in march.

I do think alot of people do NOT understand whats going on and I am sure some think I am just complaining,but I am merely trying to show others what you can expect in the future and how you are indeed dealing with 2 gov. agencies now for the same thing! Your now also "taxed" 2 times for the same thing...with the fees to each for thier permits....lol.

I was told by the game warden she thought I was the first person in trumbull county to have any real contact with the dept of ag at my farm. I am under the impression from reading the paperwork,if you are just a monitored farm(like myself) you dont need the ear tags...well, At least thats what the dept of ag vet said while he was here. But then again, he told me I only had to pay $25 for the license, and it really was $50, because they just kept the $25 and said it was only for the 2 months before!

The funny thing is the game warden asked me today why I didnt have tags in the ears. I told her I wasnt required to have them as of the last 9-10yrs at least that I was aware of under the div of wildlife.

She replied, oh...ok. She said she would check and let me know, and that in thier packet of papers every deer farmer in ohio will get it should state the rules/regulations.

I believe am going to follow the div. of wildlife rules as they are the law enforcement end of this, and the dept of ag is well ........:confused:

Good luck......
One thing, this has only had 1 benefit and that the price of deer in Ohio should go up, as the cwd program guys with the big $$ will have all the differnt test done and can sell/transport the deer. The smaller hobby type/pet deer farms will not be allowed to sell and move deer now. So if your a cwd accredited farm you cant buy a deer from me or youll go down to my status and thus wasted all your testing $$ and time.

So that pretty much eliminates me, the small guy selling you-( bigger farm) a doe fawn of a differnt bloodline or shooter buck,breeder,whatever.

Gone... will be the days of buying them at mt hope for a very cheap price also as the small farms cant move and sell the deer without being cwd accredited. So it will raise the price of deer which is good for you guys but also is a 2 bladed sword because you cant buy them from me(small non accredited farm) anymore for a fair price, so your going to have to shell out more $$$$$ yourself now to get a fawn,shooter,breeder,doe,etc.
I would encourage all of you to attend the Whitetail Deer Farmers of Ohio annual spring meeting March 9 at the Buckeye Event Center in Dalton Ohio. The board will be addressing all of these issues then. The way I understand it is that we are completely switching from the Div of Wildlife to Ag. The only thing the div of wildlife can still do is check the fence of every one applying for a new permit. Any new deer farmer will then need to pay a one time fee to the div of wildlife. After that we will only pay $25 per year to the dept of ag. This should streamline the process for most Oh farms. Before we were always dealing with permits from the div of wildlife and still dealing with ag for all the testing etc. With the new rules we will only be dealing with one agency versus the 2 like we have been doing. The way the rules are written up after that first pen inspection the div of wildlife will have no right to enter our property unless there is a complaint about our fencing. The only thing they will have any authority over is our perimeter fences. Again I would suggest coming to the spring meeting and getting informed with actual facts from the people that have spent years fighting to get this new rule passed.
a guy in morrow cty was waiting for dnr to come out and give him first inspection for permit,almost 4 months later the dnr officer showed up with tape measure in hand.this guy had legal 8 ft fence.the dnr said he was a couple inches short i one place due to some dirt on outside of fence.then the would be deer farmer was told that there are places where a rabbit could get under the fence and had to be corrected.there was also 3-4 inches uder his gate and was told a young deer could crawl under and escape under that gate...when the dept of ag man came out,it was ned cunningham,he was out before the dnr cause it only took him a few days to come to give inspectios.well ned said it was a fine looking pen(which it is)and passed him real easy.. the dnr didnt see it that way,he failed him and told him he had to correct those problem areas.are you kidding me?i have been there and helped him construct it.

i wonder if scott zody knows about this,this pen is very well constructed and this dnr guy knows nothing of deer farming at all or keeping deer in or out.only thing they do in this county is park up the road and sneak onto my farm with no prior warning.they have done this many times.

i was at dept of ag meeting in wooster,the ag people where cast into this and are doing the best they can for us and to get things sailing in the proper direction.the dnr on the other hand wants to give the farmers here a hard time.the morrow county dnr officer had no right turning down that permit but did cause the dnr know nothing about deer farming and are pissed off they got stomped out of the deer farming game.

so if you think the dnr is better for us as deer farmers then you might as well be an ******* and kill all your deer.wake up people the dept of ag is better for us in the long run.

i must dart and tag 25 or so deer for cwd tags all at my cost,that is only thing i didnt like,that is going to cost me much money.but it has to be done in order for me to sell deer at all.

so what is going to happen when that dnr officer comes here to do the inspection?i already have deer and if he tells me my fence is not high enough or a rabbit can get under my fence what are they going to do?shoot my deer?force me to fix something that is not broke?write me a ticket?

to the question of who would you rather come out to your farm a gun carring idiot that has only one thing on his/her mind to shut you down and write you a tcket or the dept of ag guy/girl that wants to promote are industry?pretty simple guys.
ohio whitetails said:
a guy in morrow cty was waiting for dnr to come out and give him first inspection for permit,almost 4 months later the dnr officer showed up with tape measure in hand.this guy had legal 8 ft fence.the dnr said he was a couple inches short i one place due to some dirt on outside of fence.then the would be deer farmer was told that there are places where a rabbit could get under the fence and had to be corrected.there was also 3-4 inches uder his gate and was told a young deer could crawl under and escape under that gate...when the dept of ag man came out,it was ned cunningham,he was out before the dnr cause it only took him a few days to come to give inspectios.well ned said it was a fine looking pen(which it is)and passed him real easy.. the dnr didnt see it that way,he failed him and told him he had to correct those problem areas.are you kidding me?i have been there and helped him construct it.

i wonder if scott zody knows about this,this pen is very well constructed and this dnr guy knows nothing of deer farming at all or keeping deer in or out.only thing they do in this county is park up the road and sneak onto my farm with no prior warning.they have done this many times.

i was at dept of ag meeting in wooster,the ag people where cast into this and are doing the best they can for us and to get things sailing in the proper direction.the dnr on the other hand wants to give the farmers here a hard time.the morrow county dnr officer had no right turning down that permit but did cause the dnr know nothing about deer farming and are pissed off they got stomped out of the deer farming game.

so if you think the dnr is better for us as deer farmers then you might as well be an ******* and kill all your deer.wake up people the dept of ag is better for us in the long run.

i must dart and tag 25 or so deer for cwd tags all at my cost,that is only thing i didnt like,that is going to cost me much money.but it has to be done in order for me to sell deer at all.

so what is going to happen when that dnr officer comes here to do the inspection?i already have deer and if he tells me my fence is not high enough or a rabbit can get under my fence what are they going to do?shoot my deer?force me to fix something that is not broke?write me a ticket?

to the question of who would you rather come out to your farm a gun carring idiot that has only one thing on his/her mind to shut you down and write you a tcket or the dept of ag guy/girl that wants to promote are industry?pretty simple guys.

well I have had exactly the opposite of your expeirance with the dnr for 9-10yrs,so where does that leave us?? same place !

Your also now paying this year alone, $40 for the div of wildlife, and $50 for the dept of ag, plus whatever your vet charged you to come do a pen check and count your deer which was $250 here, so lets see thats $290, vs $40 for the last 9-10yrs.......yep, we are far better off..
ohio whitetails said:
a guy in morrow cty was waiting for dnr to come out and give him first inspection for permit,almost 4 months later the dnr officer showed up with tape measure in hand.this guy had legal 8 ft fence.the dnr said he was a couple inches short i one place due to some dirt on outside of fence.then the would be deer farmer was told that there are places where a rabbit could get under the fence and had to be corrected.there was also 3-4 inches uder his gate and was told a young deer could crawl under and escape under that gate...when the dept of ag man came out,it was ned cunningham,he was out before the dnr cause it only took him a few days to come to give inspectios.well ned said it was a fine looking pen(which it is)and passed him real easy.. the dnr didnt see it that way,he failed him and told him he had to correct those problem areas.are you kidding me?i have been there and helped him construct it.

i wonder if scott zody knows about this,this pen is very well constructed and this dnr guy knows nothing of deer farming at all or keeping deer in or out.only thing they do in this county is park up the road and sneak onto my farm with no prior warning.they have done this many times.

i was at dept of ag meeting in wooster,the ag people where cast into this and are doing the best they can for us and to get things sailing in the proper direction.the dnr on the other hand wants to give the farmers here a hard time.the morrow county dnr officer had no right turning down that permit but did cause the dnr know nothing about deer farming and are pissed off they got stomped out of the deer farming game.

so if you think the dnr is better for us as deer farmers then you might as well be an ******* and kill all your deer.wake up people the dept of ag is better for us in the long run.

i must dart and tag 25 or so deer for cwd tags all at my cost,that is only thing i didnt like,that is going to cost me much money.but it has to be done in order for me to sell deer at all.

so what is going to happen when that dnr officer comes here to do the inspection?i already have deer and if he tells me my fence is not high enough or a rabbit can get under my fence what are they going to do?shoot my deer?force me to fix something that is not broke?write me a ticket?

to the question of who would you rather come out to your farm a gun carring idiot that has only one thing on his/her mind to shut you down and write you a tcket or the dept of ag guy/girl that wants to promote are industry?pretty simple guys.

I would recommend to your buddy to get pictures and show them to who ever will look at them. Did Ned give any kind of fence inspection certificate?
buckeyewta said:
I would encourage all of you to attend the Whitetail Deer Farmers of Ohio annual spring meeting March 9 at the Buckeye Event Center in Dalton Ohio. The board will be addressing all of these issues then. The way I understand it is that we are completely switching from the Div of Wildlife to Ag. The only thing the div of wildlife can still do is check the fence of every one applying for a new permit. Any new deer farmer will then need to pay a one time fee to the div of wildlife. After that we will only pay $25 per year to the dept of ag. This should streamline the process for most Oh farms. Before we were always dealing with permits from the div of wildlife and still dealing with ag for all the testing etc. With the new rules we will only be dealing with one agency versus the 2 like we have been doing. The way the rules are written up after that first pen inspection the div of wildlife will have no right to enter our property unless there is a complaint about our fencing. The only thing they will have any authority over is our perimeter fences. Again I would suggest coming to the spring meeting and getting informed with actual facts from the people that have spent years fighting to get this new rule passed.

See your mistaken already in your post of what you call "facts":

1.) you will only pay the div. of wildlife 1 more time this year for a $40 lifetime prop pemit of which you currently hold.

2.) you paid the dept of ag $25 already by dec 31,2012 for a license, they sent you that license issued in january 2013 that expires in march of 2013.

3.) now come march 2013, you need to send them(dept of ag) another $25 for your 2013-2014 permit and have a approved vet listed on the papers they sent you inspect your pen and count your deer for you, this again will be paid for by the deer farmer, was $250 to have this done.

plus youll again pay the vet if you have any deaths to have the heads tested for cwd for the dept of ag

I am very well aware of the facts because this is exactly what I just went thru, you will see when you actually go thru the process.

again, its gone from $40 a yr to now currently $290 to get a permit from both the div of wildlife and the dept of ag.............nice...

every year from now on, you have to have the vet come and do the pen check and deer count, and then the $25 ag dept lic fee, its still $275 a year just to have them legal on paper. Not including if you have deaths or cull any, thats an expense now added on as well as they have to be sent in by approved vet to be tested for cwd.

you guys need to take off the blinders.............
Please. . . . Come to the meeting March 9. The Wdfo board members are all deer farmers. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they would not have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars getting a law written that would hurt their owm businisses. Come to the meeting and let them explain how the process actually works.
Hidden Acres Graphics said:
Please. . . . Come to the meeting March 9. The Wdfo board members are all deer farmers. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they would not have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars getting a law written that would hurt their owm businisses. Come to the meeting and let them explain how the process actually works.

Mark, I appreciate the offer of help but it is exactly a waste of time to go to a meeting where there cant be any change, the law is written.

I merely posted this because its not better for me surely and not better for any of the small deer farms in Ohio. The bigger farms doing the tb and cwd testing before this take over was done at thier own decision and cost. Now that cost is mandatory for me to do to sell deer or move them OR if I opt to go with just a monitored farm, the cost are exactly as I posted, those are 100% fact.

It also doesnt take a rocket scientist or a math teacher to see if you spend $40 a year before for the past 9-10yrs to have deer and now it cost me $290 in 2013 a yr to have the same legal standing with the state of ohio, that its not in my best intrest is it.
BrookfieldDon, Marks right you have nothing to loose by attending the meeting........Go and hear it first hand.........You will never learn anything with a closed mind.......atlases attend the meeting......it could be a big help!

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