RED CAP Milk? Lots of questions!

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Barry, Dwain, and Lonestar "You Have Mail"

Deepwoods, can you supply me with your email address.

Best I can tell, I have now sent this to over 75 different people, from requests here, emails, and phone calls, and one more time I would like to say that we do not promote our method of bottle feeding, we are just responding to the original post on this thread, but rather we are just offering another choice to be reviewed, we have only used Red Cap one year and had what we and other farm visitors have said is the best looking fawns they have seen in 2009. We dod not necessarily believe that REd Cap is any better than most other options out there.

What we do believe is Red Cap or "WHOLE COWS MILK" is easy to get, relitively cheap, no concerns with Ecoli, it has some defficiencies and that is why we mix replacer with it, easy to mix and feed,

We also do not believe that Red Cap mixed with replacer is soley responsible for great fawns, it takes, clean bottles, clean stalls, clean water, dirt, grass, hay, good grain mixture, low stress environment, timely shots and or vaccinations, regular temp checks, etc....etc.... and help from other deer farmers when something goes wrong you cant handle on your own, "I am never afraid to ask for help and I dont wait too long before I ask"
Rick is so right. While what you feed them is important. Every other aspect of their care is also very important. Keeping them in a clean and dry enviroment and their bottles clean is as important. They are a social animal they want to be with other fawns. Keeping them happy is important to their well being and reduces stress. The amount I feed is according to their weight as over feeding could cause problems. So I weigh mine at least once a week. Watching them, if ones just not acting like he usually does. Keep an eye on him maybe he's just having an off moment but it could be something else. With fawns good poop is a major thing. Have to keep track of that. A good vet that knows deer or at the very lease knows goats as they're pretty close as far as medicine is concerned.

In the begining I knew nothing about raising fawns, so lost some from pure ignorance. And the only person I had to ask didn't know much more than I did and didn't believe in giving medicines wanted to go natural. Knowing what I know now I probably wouldn't have lost them. This forum has truly been a life saver. I have learned so much. Everyone on here is so willing to help anyone with any questions. But even when you think you've seen it all, something new comes along to humble you. And it's reasuring to have good people to turn to. It's not easy alot of work. I am so dredding fawning season, but as soon as the first one hits the ground I'm in love all over again.

I am very interested in trying out the red cap formula you use. My wife and I are just getting started in the business and would love any tips or info you might have. If you could send info. to [email protected] it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Joe
Thank's again Rick, I have a friend, He is a Amish Man and he milk's cow's.

Any money we can save to raise good heathly Fawn's is a Good Thing.

Thank's again, Paul

Fair Oak's Farm

Paul, you need to be carefull useing unpasturized milk can carey many different deseases.
Virgil, Never thought about that.

I figured that would be more fat content, but i'am sure it to be more safe than sorry.

So i suppose the Grocery store is still cheaper!

Thank's Paul

Fair Oak's Farm
I'd love to hear about your RED CAP Milk. If you could e-mail me or message me with the info that would be great.

Thanks for all you have done here. I know I made a lot of work for you, but your are truly an industry leader and I want to commend you for that.

With that said, I want to point out that you are a very visable person in the industry and as I have said before if you want to reach the top you must be willing to help yourself, but more importantly, help everyone else as well. You are a fine example of a true friend in the industry. Keep up the good work and keep preaching the good word!


Eric Pinkston

Thank you for your kind comments, and hope that anyone who trys Red Cap for bottle feeding has great success, I also hope veryone regradless of feeding method has great success, as I have mentioned before I do not believe Red Cap is necessarily any better than any other method, it is everything combined that you do for these little guys that helps you end up with a healthy product or animal, not just milk.

Eric Thank You.... got a few more emils today requesting feeding schedule
Tried red cap and will go back to zoologic. Deer seemed healthy and was convenient, but we had lots of trouble with "runs" We ended up putting pumpkin in with the milk which helped a lot though.
One of the main causes for the runs is sterilization and it will happen no matter what you use. Many times we tend to get lazy a little and don't make sure bottles are washed and steralized properly after every feeding this is a must. Not saying this was your problem but i have seen others have runs cause of this. I used straight red cap last year and had no problems at all. So did 5 other farms close to me and they all said they thought it was greatest thing ever used.
C M Deer we also had trouble with the runs when we were mixing 1 cup of replacer, when we changed to 1/2 cup we had no more problem with runs, we also limit how much we feed meaning we do not give them all they will drink. Good luck this year with your fawns.
Thats great Robert, if it aint broke dont fix it, glad to hear Fox valley works well for you, I know others that also use it with great success, sounds like you and I are on the same or similar page in regards to how we feed them etc..... glad to hear that "for my benifit"

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