What in the world is going on?

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As you can see the intent of Andy Foor's comments can be interpreted differently. As can the views of the people that replied to his comments. Bickering over the problems of the deer farmers is not the answer. Staying focused and Unified will help us in the deer industry, and in the hunting ranch industry, and will help us all to weather these hard economic times. After attending months of meetings seeing the board members using all resources available to them to analyze every situation put in front of them, questioning the motives and ideologies of the PDFA board members is not the answer, but joining these dedicated board members and giving full commintment to the association can be the answer. Whether your a hobby farm, breeder, or a hunting ranch, simply get involved. Not only do we have to worry about the unstable markets in the deer industry, but also organizations like the Humane Society of the United States. Those organizations that use their power and money to take away our rights as alternative farmers. Divided we will fall, United we can stand together and fight.

Tioga Ranch

Mike Gee

Hunting Ranch Council
Very well said Mike.

We all know there are problems with in our industry concerning membership. Heck most of us have problems with in our relationships at home concerning family and friends. The way we work threw these problems is be open, get problems on the table and discuss them. Honesty and forgiveness will always triumph. I thought that is what the discussion forums were all about. Covering problems up have never solved anything. Only further division.

My plea from the beginning was for more deer breeders to join their state associations. With a stronger pool of members and ideas perhaps our state ass. Board members would not get or be burnt out.

Our industry needs all the members and support we can get for a hundred different reasons.

I thank each and every one of you reading this thread. Please do more than read it, reply to it. Voice your concerns so changes can be made if needed..

Here are the questions again. Its easy just copy and past them to your quote

Are you bold enough to answer them.

#1 What other directions could our State associations focus on. You may give several suggestions starting with the most important.

#2 Also if you are not a member of a State Association. Why aren’t you.

#3 If you were a member and did not rejoin. Why did you not rejoin

#4 What are the major issues that your state association is tackling right now.

#5 If you don't know what they are doing as an association... Be honest and tell us why.

Don’t worry about the Nay- Sayers comments. I have found out that when a person has nothing constructive or positive to add to any situation, their home life is the same and they have very few friends for that reason. Besides we have all been called worst things ourselves at one time or another. Most of us are married.

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