Wisconsin Deer farmers need your help

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May 26, 2014
Wisconsin Deer Farms Under Siege

The Whitetails of Wisconsin board is sending out this letter to update everyone on an issue that has come up this week in Wisconsin that greatly impacts our state's deer farms and hunting ranches.

Obviously, this is a very serious issue to deer farmers and hunting ranches, but we will break down step one and two of the Governor’s plan to help stop CWD in Wisconsin, which in essence will put all deer farms and hunting ranches in Wisconsin out of business in a matter of years, with 76.6% instantly being put out of business. Proposed rule changes are described in more detail below.

Wisconsin needs the help of everyone receiving this email and then some, as the outcome of this ruling is going to set precedence for every other state across the country, once one state shows they can successfully make it happen many if not all others will very quickly follow suit. WE ARE ASKING ALL OF YOU TO TAKE JUST A FEW MINUTES TO HELP US FIGHT THIS, OUR LIVELIHOODS AND ANIMALS ARE AT STAKE. This is a “taking” of our businesses by our government.

Please contact the local legislators in your respective states that support our industry and have them contact their fellow legislators in the state of Wisconsin as well as the Wisconsin Governor’s office (number listed below). Please make sure all your state organizations are informed of what is occurring as well, ALL HELP IS GREATLY APPRCIATED.

Wisconsin Governor’s office - 608-266-1212

Step 1 is enhanced fencing. There is no description yet of what this will entail. This is being written up. In the rule it says an electric fence, double fence, or solid fence. There are not any specifics on what meets that requirement yet but the enhanced double fence will surely be too costly for many farmers, causing them to shut down.

Step 2 is no movement of live deer from a farm in an affected county. This rule would basically shut down 76.6% of all Whitetail Deer Farms in the State of Wisconsin as that is how many farms are in an affected county. If you are in an affected county and the emergency rule goes into effect the way the press release is written, you would not be able to ship live deer from your farm. It's just a matter of time before this becomes 100% of the state of Wisconsin.

This is an Emergency Rule. An Emergency rule is in effect for 150 days while it is given a hearing. The emergency rule is not signed yet so the more calls we can get into the governor’s office before our meeting the better. We have a meeting in Madison in the Governor’s office on Tuesday morning at 9:00 am.

For Questions or more information or questions on how you can help, please contact:
Rick Vojtik - 715-579-8229
Greg Flees - 715-572-5334
Laurie Seale - 830-928-3143

Thank you for helping in the fight to SAVE our great industry.

I would like to remind you that Montana sued for a takings of the business and there is now a president that the license is a privilege and not a right to do business when they closed down all harvest facilities in Montana in 2000. Fact is we were told by the court we should have had a exit strategy to get out of business when the privilege of the license was changed. Don't hang your hat on the license as it gives you nothing.
I have made my mind up to reduce my elk and whitetail deer to a pure hobby as that is what these rules have made it here in Montana just a hobby.
Twenty eight years of this stupid fight with Fish & Game pointing the finger at the industry as the cause of CWD when it's been their problem from the start. The industry people just don't care unless it's in their own world and their own back yard. This thread should be full of people that will help, please get with it.
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Made a call the Gov. office using the number provided in the text. It rang quite a bit before they picked up. I made my points. The gentleman asked what city of Wisconsin I was calling from. Being from AL I hope my comments didn't fall on deaf ears.

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