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Sorry was still typing when I accidently hit post! In summery You want open discussion then dont get your shorts in a wad when someone asks a valid question. I have been one of the people questioning Nadefa's stance on many things, ask anyone that knows me so I think its fair to expect an answer to Freds question as it is valid. United we are stronger than devided, simple fact. A lot of people at the Nadefa conference where saying that they feel the need to pick a side and that is the disturbing issue we need to fix first!

Shannon Thiex
Thiex Deer said:
Sorry was still typing when I accidently hit post! In summery You want open discussion then dont get your shorts in a wad when someone asks a valid question. I have been one of the people questioning Nadefa's stance on many things, ask anyone that knows me so I think its fair to expect an answer to Freds question as it is valid. United we are stronger than devided, simple fact. A lot of people at the Nadefa conference where saying that they feel the need to pick a side and that is the disturbing issue we need to fix first!

Shannon Thiex

Shannon did you hear the ones at the conference about a bullseye on someones back?
Mike, no and I dont want to kick a bee hive past wrong doing, but if it is relevent with todays issues I am all ears.

Shannon Thiex
Thiex Deer said:
Mike, no and I dont want to kick a bee hive past wrong doing, but if it is relevent with todays issues I am all ears.

Shannon Thiex

Its not, Even though i believe it has something to do with freds last question!

I believe its to the point of lawsuits in every state. I know it is time to file here!
i guess my question is for everyone that is having problems with the formation of the ACA is why are the deer breeders the ones having all the problems. I am a deer breeder and we have a national organization just like the elk breeders and the exotic breeders. NADEFA is no different than NAEBA. The elk breeders aren't on here trying to question what the ACA is doing. As they have stated they are an alliance that bring everyone to the table. If NADEFA is threatened by the ACA then maybe they need to change the way they are running business. Power comes in numbers and the ACA has a place in this industry
Again I don't feel anyone is threatened. With all the associations we have why form another association. What is another association going to do that is different than the work that is already being done in the industry.

Why I care about Minnesota's giving money. To date the aca has set no goals for any moneys they receive. I am still a member of the MDBA and have in the past both donated and spent money at Minnesota's fund raiser.

Kurt are you on the Missouri board of directors or on a association committee? Just a question? I am trying to figure where your passion for the ACA comes from, why you don't have confidence in all the current associations that are in place. What can the ACA do differently?

I was told to sigh my post from time to time.

Fred Huebner
Kurt, as well you say power comes in numbers. How is the ACA going to bring in new cervid farmers? The numbers are already in place, that won't change.
Kurt I agree with you Nadefa has got some changes to make and the ACA has a place. I also agree with Fred that the ACA would be just as well to run thier money through Nadefa, EWA, NAEBA, or any one of the state organizations. Any money saved in todays world is a good thing in any buisiness I am in. Guess that boat has left the harbor.


I have supported NADefa from the time I had started Deer Farming......and I plan to continue...unless they give me a reason not to anymore.......while I know NADefa has been a blessing for our Industry in many ways and I am grateful I also know that my regulations have continued to get worse instead of better since I began deer farming.....I am excited to see the new ACA formed......they are structured differently than NADefa.......and I am going to support them as well until they give me a reason not too......right now all I know is we have a long up hill battle and any whom ever is willing to step up and fight for what I love to do will get my support.......yes it may mean more money.....but if in the end it means less regulations it will be worth every penny! Period.....
From the outside looking in!:confused:

It should NOT be about Egos, Power Struggles,Personal Agendas,Breeder vs Hunting Ranches, North vs South.....My Money vs Your Money!

The Deer Industry has a "VOICE" the Majority has put NADeFA as it's mouth piece and our Leader.......Right or Wrong and I will be the first to say NADeFA is NOT PERFECT!..........BUT!

Many feel the need to splinter and divide us......WE need to get behind NADeFA.........Put a shoulder in their ass and..........ALL PUSH ........


Lets START April 9th by THROWING the Federal CWD Rule That is 10 years to LATE..........IN THE TRASH!

For Crying out loud...................We are doing our ENEMIES a FAVOR!!!!


ACA ......I'm Glad for ANY and ALL HELP WE can GET .....BUT Lets JOIN this FIGHT TOGETHER and LETS BE UNITED!! Use the monies that have been collected to HELP insure NADeFA is working at it's FULLEST POTENTIAL and IS SUCCESSFUL in OUR FIGHT!

State by STATE.....Farm by Farm........THEY are COMING AFTER ....ALL of US!
iadeer said:
Again I don't feel anyone is threatened. With all the associations we have why form another association. What is another association going to do that is different than the work that is already being done in the industry.

Why I care about Minnesota's giving money. To date the aca has set no goals for any moneys they receive. I am still a member of the MDBA and have in the past both donated and spent money at Minnesota's fund raiser.

Kurt are you on the Missouri board of directors or on a association committee? Just a question? I am trying to figure where your passion for the ACA comes from, why you don't have confidence in all the current associations that are in place. What can the ACA do differently?

I was told to sigh my post from time to time.

Fred Huebner

Fred, i am glad you ask your question. My name is kurt humphrey, i am a average white male from Missouri. Who do i represent? I represent the average deer farmer that has seen in the last 10 years the government slowly regulate us out of business. Regulation after regulation being passed as some of our self serving leaders do things that benefit themselves rather than the industry. My passion isn't about the ACA. My PASSION is about deer farming and i am tired of things going the way they are going. I am ready for a change, something with a better structure. I am tired of the good ole boy groups. Politics get in the way of any good coming out of what we have set out to do. So let me ask you this. For the tract record on the past ten years why should i have confidence in the association? The way NADEFA has run things the past few years is unacceptable. I don't care who takes the lead or what association does what but i am ready for a change.. Wayne is right things have to change .
kurthumphrey said:
Fred, i am glad you ask your question. My name is kurt humphrey, i am a average white male from Missouri. Who do i represent? I represent the average deer farmer that has seen in the last 10 years the government slowly regulate us out of business. Regulation after regulation being passed as some of our self serving leaders do things that benefit themselves rather than the industry. My passion isn't about the ACA. My PASSION is about deer farming and i am tired of things going the way they are going. I am ready for a change, something with a better structure. I am tired of the good ole boy groups. Politics get in the way of any good coming out of what we have set out to do. So let me ask you this. For the tract record on the past ten years why should i have confidence in the association? The way NADEFA has run things the past few years is unacceptable. I don't care who takes the lead or what association does what but i am ready for a change.. Wayne is right things have to change .

Many feel the need to splinter and divide us......WE need to get behind NADeFA.........Put a shoulder in their ass and..........ALL PUSH ..(QUOTE)

I believe the statement wayne made above does not say change....Looks like he says get BEHIND...Not go behind... I have no problem with change. You dont like NADEFA...Change it...Get new bylaws..Get new people. Should people be on there moe than 3 years...I believe not! To many of us out there.....IF some get INVOLVED...Do i think someone from a closed border state should be on the board...Not 100% in agreement on that one here. Not real sure they can work for the good of all if they are not living like all..

You want change make it, Some can say a few at the top of NADEFA and ACA are working together in bliss but are they really. There has been talk of bullseyes on backs and some using this as a stepping stone. If thats the case will we really benefit from any of it. It is time for a change but our money will be going to our state and our lawyers and lawsuits. If every state did the same and not just look i one direction or one state we might open some eyes. Wish us luck because after the meeting tuesday. Ny is more or less a closed border with no permits being issued...Even inside our state, Untill any animals from Pa that are on our farms are cleared,if we have a deer on our farm from Pa or a deer on our farms from any other state that had a deer on their farm from Pa. If ya need it spelled out.....No movement for any Ny farms unless they had a closed herd for the last 5 years with no deer on their farms from any cwd states until their farm is cleared which they say will not happen untill they find the origin of the positive deer on the Pa farm. Great Huh!
You guys do see the difference between an org which focuses on lobbying & one which focuses on an industry, its running, & its codes of practice?

Why would you risk the NADeFA (or the other orgs) in a bloody fight with the various anties when this is what ACA has been created for? In my opinion ACA is a lobby group not an industry association like NADeFA. There is a huge difference.

Lets see if I can make it really simple ? "Good cop, bad cop".

One does the dirty work, the other does the daily chores without risk to the core unit.

This is how the game is played folks.

Cheers Sharkey
Thanks Sharkey for putting this in perspective. You have finally nailed the intent of the ACA and those that put the formation of it together. It has taken weeks for someone to put it plain and simple. How can anyone continue to pit the ACA and NADeFA against each other like two boxers, especially when NADeFA supports the alliance; unless someone knows something I don't know.

Those at the top of NADeFA and the other national and state associations have and will continue to work together attempting to solve an overwhelming problem that I can assure you will destroy this industry. There are many diverse opinions and methods for reaching a solution to a problem but at the end of the day the majority, especially in this country, rule. Everyone's voice should be heard and then collectively decide how best to work to that end. That is how you get the best of the best. I could care less if another dime ever comes to the ACA but it can coordinate and fight for the betterment of those who are involved for the right reason; putting the needs of this industry first and foremost.

NADeFA, EWA, and NAEBA are three strong organizations by their own right. Look at the strong positive influence that could be used in all the issues facing our industry that one or two associations by themselves will never achieve. There is a tremendous amount of talent in our industry. Lets channel it in a common direction. The ACA will not diminish the support or influence that any one association has but can be the mechanism for coordinating the efforts of many while allowing the three national associations and the many state associations to work on their collective members problems.
Yep I thought Sharkey pretty much summed it all up.......and he is thousands of miles away and he gets it! Thanks for the support Sharkey......I for one appreciate it!
sharkey said:
You guys do see the difference between an org which focuses on lobbying & one which focuses on an industry, its running, & its codes of practice?

Why would you risk the NADeFA (or the other orgs) in a bloody fight with the various anties when this is what ACA has been created for? In my opinion ACA is a lobby group not an industry association like NADeFA. There is a huge difference.

Lets see if I can make it really simple ? "Good cop, bad cop".

One does the dirty work, the other does the daily chores without risk to the core unit.

This is how the game is played folks.

Cheers Sharkey

Is anyone still confused after reading this??? I hope not.

Just an observation - some of the "pot stirring" posts on here are getting really old. Not the valid questions that many of you have, but the ones that keep bouncing from topic to topic trying to find as much drama as possible... it's like a disease!
Forget all the post, here and in other threads, of those that were beating their chest, bragging about what they have done and how they have pulled the industry together for the first time. Those statements served only to divide this industry.

If you don't understand anything else that has been posted in this thread, MAKE SURE you read an reread these two post by Sharkey and Charly until you understand both of them completely.

What Sharkey and Charly have stated, in these two post, explains the situation completely.

Unless we, as an industry, come together and focus our time, resources and energy to solve these industry problems, this industry is doomed to die a slow death. Get on board or get out of the way. The industry can overcome these problems and survive and prosper, if the industry pulls together.

sharkey said:
You guys do see the difference between an org which focuses on lobbying & one which focuses on an industry, its running, & its codes of practice?

Why would you risk the NADeFA (or the other orgs) in a bloody fight with the various anties when this is what ACA has been created for? In my opinion ACA is a lobby group not an industry association like NADeFA. There is a huge difference.

Lets see if I can make it really simple ? "Good cop, bad cop".

One does the dirty work, the other does the daily chores without risk to the core unit.

This is how the game is played folks.

Cheers Sharkey

Sarg6207 said:
Thanks Sharkey for putting this in perspective. You have finally nailed the intent of the ACA and those that put the formation of it together. It has taken weeks for someone to put it plain and simple. How can anyone continue to pit the ACA and NADeFA against each other like two boxers, especially when NADeFA supports the alliance; unless someone knows something I don't know.

Those at the top of NADeFA and the other national and state associations have and will continue to work together attempting to solve an overwhelming problem that I can assure you will destroy this industry. There are many diverse opinions and methods for reaching a solution to a problem but at the end of the day the majority, especially in this country, rule. Everyone's voice should be heard and then collectively decide how best to work to that end. That is how you get the best of the best. I could care less if another dime ever comes to the ACA but it can coordinate and fight for the betterment of those who are involved for the right reason; putting the needs of this industry first and foremost.

NADeFA, EWA, and NAEBA are three strong organizations by their own right. Look at the strong positive influence that could be used in all the issues facing our industry that one or two associations by themselves will never achieve. There is a tremendous amount of talent in our industry. Lets channel it in a common direction. The ACA will not diminish the support or influence that any one association has but can be the mechanism for coordinating the efforts of many while allowing the three national associations and the many state associations to work on their collective members problems.

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