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Stevie, if EVERYONE was in agreement that the industry needs another association, then I wouldn't be on here asking the tough questions.

If you haven't noticed, no one, who thought up the idea of the aca being an association has answered the question.

Do you really think we need another association to diseminate information.

When the ACA asks for money, and they will, you and the othesr on here, better step up and give generiously. If the ACA doesn't get NEW money, then they are simply taking money away from an association aleady in existance. thus competing with other association.
iadeer said:
If the ACA doesn't get NEW money, then they are simply taking money away from an association aleady in existance. thus competing with other association.

"Let the market decide".

It's a free country, so what are you afraid of ?

Cheers Sharkey

I give no excuses. Give me a call and I will find you help. I am not a new association. I have been part of this industry for years. I have helped fight those fights and sat in those meetings, if no one else will help you, I will.
Hotrod said:
Here is why average deer farmer and hunting preserves have issue with "National Organizations". We had an extremely important hearing today in a Natural Resource Committee hearing trying to save hunting preserves in our State. We sat and listened to our opposition make absolute ridiculous claims of how every single case of CWD has been traced directly to a game farm. They went on to tell the committee how devastated the deer herds are in States where CWD has been found. On and on and on. Not one "industry" expert was there to dispute nor could we even get someone from the ACA to even respond to our inquiry. It does us no good to have organizations that sit around and tell each other how great they are and pad themselves on the back while our farms and preserves are being shut down.

If anyone knows of someone in our industry who is a "qualified" cwd expert backed with facts we would love to know who it is. We are not looking for someone to BS the committee as our opposition made fools of themselves. We would like to get unbiased facts to provide this committee quickly. If the facts don't support us and set us free then we deserve to be shut down.


There would have been the representive from the ACA for IN if the members of IDEFA had been notified of this hearing before last wed the 20th. Now with that short of notification Jerrilee can not take off work from her own business. There needs to be some better communication between the preserves and the IDEFA board, and if there was Jerrilee was not notified. Wasnt Dr. Raglin from Purdue University there to speak for CWD. Also I recall from last year if you was not qualified to speak for CWD the committee did not want to hear it. Just my opionin, but if you want more help there needs to be more communication.

Coby Jent
iadeer said:

I give no excuses. Give me a call and I will find you help. I am not a new association. I have been part of this industry for years. I have helped fight those fights and sat in those meetings, if no one else will help you, I will.

If you could enlighten myself to the association which "you are" ("I am") & its interests.

Are/have you been only involved with whitetail or elk & exotics as well? Some of your own achievements & outcomes would be welcome.

Cheers Sharkey
I have to admit that ACA has done a good job pointing out some of the problems in this industry and they have done a good job at raising funds but it remains to be seen if they will be able to accomplish anything. I hope they do as this industry has problems that needs attention.

Elkrzr is just one man and Eric can't be expected to be in two places at once.
Coby- EVERYONE got the same notice the same day and same time, that includes IDEFA and the Preserves. We do not set committee hearing times and date. We all have to scramble to make these meetings on short notice and have for roughly 12 years. Dr Raglin was not able to appear that is why we tried to obtain a second expert last week in case one could not make it. You are correct about having to be qualified on cwd- that is why I am asking for an expert- not someone to BS or be Bias.

The testimony lasted for two hours today and the committee had to recess and reschedule the remaining testimony for next Monday. I will call you Fred and anyone else with information or expertise who would like to help.
Eric, You emailed someone else this morning regarding this issue. I sent you some PM's last week but could not reach you. Please let me know how I can reach you and I will.

Thank you..

you can reach me at [email protected] or my personal email is [email protected] I receive this one on my phone and can reply evenings or weekends on that one. The office phone is 402-756-3355 my cell is 402-469-1831let me know when the next meeting is we will offer support and try to get someone there to testify. There are some very knowledgable people throughout the industry we just need a little notice and the specific area that needs addressed during testimony to make sure we send the proper individual.

Hotrod said:
Here is why average deer farmer and hunting preserves have issue with "National Organizations". We had an extremely important hearing today in a Natural Resource Committee hearing trying to save hunting preserves in our State. We sat and listened to our opposition make absolute ridiculous claims of how every single case of CWD has been traced directly to a game farm. They went on to tell the committee how devastated the deer herds are in States where CWD has been found. On and on and on. Not one "industry" expert was there to dispute nor could we even get someone from the ACA to even respond to our inquiry. It does us no good to have organizations that sit around and tell each other how great they are and pad themselves on the back while our farms and preserves are being shut down.

If anyone knows of someone in our industry who is a "qualified" cwd expert backed with facts we would love to know who it is. We are not looking for someone to BS the committee as our opposition made fools of themselves. We would like to get unbiased facts to provide this committee quickly. If the facts don't support us and set us free then we deserve to be shut down.

Please dont take this the wrong way as there is no disrespect towards anyone but i cant believe EVERYONE is this industry is not versed and up to date on every piece of CWD info that is out there. This is the one thing that can shut your doors and your Assoc let them win this battle today. We have the same thing comin up in the morning and our doors are already shut but i can tell you one thing..When they bring up CWD i have enough info and can show them enough ******** that they better pack a lunch. I hope you guys get another shot at it and its not to late!
Eric, Would it be possible for the ACA to become a committee under Nadefa's umbrella? We currently dont have a voice direct to Nadefa quite like the ACA and I would not like to see a group of great minds working together disband, But I also agree with Fred that there is no real need for a whole seperate organization. Some how these groups need to unite or we will be doomed. There are some very valid points on both sides and if we would ever put ego's aside the opposition better look the hell out. This thread is a sickening display of how devided we are!

David, Until this ACA stuff came up I had never even heard of the non traditional thing and I have been pretty involved for the past 6-8 yrs, so yes it is defunked. Sorry for that harsh update. You probably have never heard of me either so maybe I am as well.

Shannon Thiex
What is it that the new ACA feels it can do that the Nadefa can not or has not done ? Why will the ACA stand up for things the Nadefa hasn't or hasn't been able to do ? Why will a new seperate alliance make a bit of difference if we just sit around bitching about our industry while the opposition continues to regulate the hell out of us and we do nothing to change our offense other than gripe about how one organization is better than the next. In the past 10 years I haven't seen much going on that has helped us in many ways . We still test the hell out of our animals , we still see NO end to the testings , we still have no advantage in testing 10 plus years and we still allow lie after lie to implicate us for CWD ! THIS IS A BUNCH OF BULLCRAP , this thread ! Lets finially move in a direction that favors our industry and knock off the back padding and back stabbing and DO SOMETHING positive !! I've never heard so much bragging and piss and moning with very little to nothing accomplished for our industry ! The DNR's and other government organizatins are focused on their agenda's and pass new regulations almost monthly and we sit around and fight among ourselves and accomplish little to nothing mostly NOTHING . DA ????? Who's winning the battle here ? HELLO ???
Words are meaningless without action......I will support both organizations.....I realize two organizations fighting for my rights as a deer farmer are better than one.......yes it means more money out of pocket but i want to see progress.....I will watch closely and see witch organization is doing what it says it's going to do........if one is not living up to what they promise they lose my support.......if they both are doing what they were created to do and are addressing the many issues we face they both will get my support.......this mud slinging that's going on in this thread is un productive people.......
Four Seasons Whitetails said:
Telling the facts is far from being afraid of something.

No mate. I ment fear of competition, or another org, not fear of the facts.

Cheers Sharkey
Well hello everyone. I see that there is no answer to the simple question. Why another association.

If the goal is to share information, again why is a new association needed.

I heard Minnesots deerfarmers board gave the aca $5000.00 dollars. is this true? Why? If you wanted to support the Brakkes here in Iowa, then give the money to the Brakkes. What is the leadership of the aca going to do with that money?

to SHARKEY, I do not fear competition. I see no reason to waste effort trying to make a new association, competing for the same funds.
I really don't see that it is anyone's business what *Minnesota's deer farmers did with their $5000.00 Its their money they can do whatever they want with it! If there is no fear then maybe desperation? You say that it is all in a wasted effort? I think you might be a little early on that call. Anyone that is working to try to to improve the cervid industry is not wasting effort in my book .. .The last ten years or so we have bent over and took it and i am tired of it .. If you have the answers fred let us hear what you think ? What do you think about the federal rules? How should we handle them?
We had a straw on our fundraiser/banquet on Saturday specifically for the Brakke's. It was a straw of X Factor....generously donated by Russ Bellar and Wayne Green (a big thank you!) and it went for real good money. The MDBA is happy to be able to support the Brakke's!

iadeer said:
I heard Minnesots deerfarmers board gave the aca $5000.00 dollars. is this true? Why? If you wanted to support the Brakkes here in Iowa, then give the money to the Brakkes. What is the leadership of the aca going to do with that money?
I dont think Fred is trying to disband the ACA. What he is trying to say is another assoc. has to file taxes, paper work, pay phone bills, Liability insurance, ect.... these thing cost money. Like it or not we are small and have limited funds to fight a national battle. The group of people that have been active in the aca are doing good things. I have been on the calls but Freds point is very valid, we dont need another figure head organization to do great things. Why not have a commitee formed under another already nationally recognized organization. Would all these efforts still not be great without the added expense
Four Seasons Whitetails said:
I guess i don't understand the need for another organization. Why aren't they a committee or council of NADEFA? If they are nonprofit to educate and support the industry, isn't that what the cervid livestock foundation is supposed to do?

Just going to concentrate on what we can do to save Ny's industry and let the chips fall where they will. I guess doing business only in my own state is better than not doing business at all if thats what it comes down to.

Do you mean a question like this one above that was asked. I believe now like 5 times between the two?

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