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It's Coby.... But ya know I am sick of the BS that goes on between all the freaking lies. I don't think anybody can tell the truth anymore. Maybe you was involved in the PROGRAM that was lined up. I am pretty sure Jerrilee talks to the folks that handle CWD more than anybody in this state... And it's not the DNR. You were preaching that the borders were gonna get shut down.... And now your saying deer farming is done... What will be next?
The opposition sure was benevolent to have moved the fence height from 10' back to 8' when the bill was amended to 4 preserves. It sounds like they were trying to help out. Chuckles
Better yet what do the deer farmers of Indiana want????? Shouldn't they be the ones to vote and decide if it should be all or none?  Isn"t that the duty of the IDEFA board, to represent the farmers of Indiana and what THEY want as a whole?  Has this been taken to a vote to the membership in the last 2 years? It wasnt when I was on the board.  I sure get the feeling there are some people that think they are a lot BETTER than others and don't need to see what the membership wants.
Hoosiers have constitutionally guaranteed private property rights. An unconstitutional law is not enforceable.
Jon, Your rep that you did fundraiser for helped write, approved and pushed for every single thing done.  Its a whole differnet story outside looking in.  You will not find a single person involved among the deer farmers and hunting preserve owner supporters who was not on board and in agreement, some things we didnt like but everyone agreed.  That leaves nobody to carry on anything else. 

The preserves will be regulated out within 1 yr. The DNR is corrupt enough  and has the means where they will find CWD in the state which will then shut the farms down shortly after. Without a terminal market only hobby farmers will remain.

So who says a person cant have a fence around their property and have hunts for friends and family?  Who says a friend wont pay you 5 grand for a nice 190 buck? If it was me i would be making a whole bunch of new friends.  If they cant shut you down from raising deer then they cant stop you from harvesting them. They are private property under no jurisdiction if not a tested herd. They must leave dead, So you have 2 herds and  1 gets harvesyed at home and the other get sold to Ohio!
Jerriee- I do not speak for IDEFA and am not even a member.  Their members vote the board members in who they want to represent them and make decisions for them.  I know all the deer farmers that have called me (15 to 20) and discussed were on board. 


Mike, Right now you can do anything you want in indiana as far as hutning farm raised deer.  The provisions coming down will specifically ban your scenerio along with all others not conducted per slaughter rules.
Any legislation has to pass through the natural resource committee in both the house and senate. There are friendly's in place to stop bad legislation. Indiana's deer ranchers will win this fight. The Supreme Court will rule against the state on this issue. We will prevail.
Clearview Whitetails1019781429153486

I told ya Mike.... Do not move to Indiana!!! And this is why. It's a joke

I guess so. Even free land does not sound like a very good trade off. Here i have closed borders and there it sounds like some closed minds.  I still dont believe they can stop someone from fencing their private property in and have a private herd. They said here that they could never shut us down but could shut the border.

Every state ought to be seeking this. There is a spiraling decile in hunter retention and recruitment that has been caused by elitist hunters attacking other hunters. Today 97% of the public claim to be non hunters. Woe to the hunter in a state that doesn't get a similar constitutional amendment. Folks hunting rights may be soon in jeopardy. The elitist hunter attacking other hunters is facilitated the end of hunting.
There are both principled democrats and republicans in the Indiana legislature who didn't vote for this late amended version of HB1453. I am grateful to the four fiscally conservative republicans who switched their votes and voted against the bills amended version. The lack of free enterprise in the amended version was the bills demise. If the bill had not been amended at the last second to allow only 4 preserves it would have likely passed.

I don't think Idefa's board had anything to do with amending the bill to 4. My Dad and most on the Idefa board fought tooth and nail to get this bill passed until it was sabotaged. After the late hour amendment Dad fought blood and guts to see it voted down. It is a shame to know all the hard work by so many individuals was wasted. The democrat gal who spoke 3rd from last before the vote exposed the truth. We have a very conservative business friendly Supreme Court in Indiana. This will not fair well for a Marxist wildlife doctrine vs. our private property rights.
you're right Jonathan.  And the worst part about the whole thing is the relationship that was formed with David Long to get the bill where it was.  David Long has held up our bills in the past because of the law suits against the state.  A good relationship had been fostered with him by your dad, Jerry Bell, that got us over one  MAIN obstacle, David Long.  Then someone comes in at the 11th hour and changes the bill to something David Long did not want.  Long wanted a bill for ALL preserves and is for free enterprise and not monopolies.  I'm sure that trust has been badly damaged by what has happened at the last minute by people with conflicts of interest and those that are out for themselves only. 
HB1453, as authored, was a good bill. It lost some votes of those in the house who fully support our constitution and property rights, when they limited it to only the original preserves in business in 2005, which was about a dozen. Being true supporters of free enterprise they could not support a restriction to just 12, let alone 4, so they voted against it on principle. They were in support of the right to have a preserve but did not believe in government restricting the liberty of Indiana citizens. I am on the IDEFA board and I have always been totally opposed to any attempt to limit the number of preserves, especially to just a monoply of four. Everyone did not support the bill, after it was amended to just 4 preserves. In fact, most people I spoke to in the deer business were opposed to it. I think the last amended change in the senate cost us the bill passing into law. I hope that manipulation by a few, not board members, who were seeking to have total control of the preserve business in Indiana was not the reason the bill was amended to just 4 preserves. It seems surprisingly convienient that it also included lowering the fence height back to 8 feet. Also, I believe that it was Rodney's lawyer who proposed that he didn't think it would win in the Supreme Court. Other arguments were put forth to convince senators, legislators, board members, and others that only having 4 preserves was the only chance for the bill to pass. It is possible that was all a smoke screen to get it amended to just the 4 preserve owners still operating. This same scenario has happened to some degree over and over again (trying to limit it to just these same 4 preserves). Myron Miller and Gary Jacobson both fought hard for the inclusion of other preserves. In fact, Myron told me he didn't know about the bill being amended to just 4 preserves until after it had been done. They were not pleased with the bill as amended, but -like many- they felt that something would be better than nothing. I believe that 2 wrongs don't make a right, so I openly fought for its defeat. Like the nuclear treaty with Iran, a bad treaty is not better than no treaty. Likewise, a bad bill is not better than no bill. I spoke to both Myron Miller and Gary Jacobson and let them know that I was going to do everything I could to encourage the defeat of the bill. I did not do this behind anyones back. I was very forthright about what I was doing. The Bible says "be sure your sins will find you out" and some day I'm going to stand before God and I want to hear Him say, "well done thou good and faithful servant." He not only knows our doings, but He knows the thoughts and the intents of our hearts. I hold no malice toward anyone in all this, but I must stand for what's right because I have myself to live with. If we fight for whats right like Proverbs says, we will win. You cannot violate principles of integrity and expect to prevail. My parents taught me that breaking rules deserves punishment, while obeying rules deserves reward. The amended bill rewarded the 4 preseves that disobeyed the DNR ruling and punished the other preseves who obeyed the ruling. The 4 preseves in operation have continued to earn income since 2005, while the preserves that obeyed the ruling lost their income. Justice was not being served and an injustice would have been perpetuated had the bill passed. I am for everyone having a right to have a preserve, including the 4 currently in operation. Respectfully, Jerry L Bell
I'm so sorry to see another State like Montana.  As we all know without hunting preserves we have no business or growth.  The loss of harvest preserves has killed the business in Montana but of course that was the intent of stopping harvest facilities.  Those still in business in Montana are all just big hobby farmers and do it for love of the animals.  I sure thought it was going to work for you guys.  Let's be honest it is easier to fight four harvest facilities than a bunch of them.  The DNR and critics knew this and the outcome has a smell to it in my opinion.  Sorry to say they will be back to try again to get what they need to hurt the industry.

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