Open vs closed state borders

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Thanks Jerry

You are more high tech than I

In reality it does not matter what popular opinion is. (open or closed) But it can be a marker for the direction some states and the future of the industry if given a choice.
Willow, I beleive there are 100+ and growing extremely fast high fences. I think it's more like 300+ but I'm not positive. Commercially hunting preserves are in the 40+ range with nearly every single one buying every shooter they can find. They usually pay 60-70% shooting price for them. All the breeders cannot raise enough got the demand. If I had 100 shooters they woulb be sold in a matter of minutes. Alabama is a state that is growing faster than we can keep up
I am in Alabama and I'm 100% against opening the borders as are 99% of all the other breeders. Everyone benefits from this as everyone can sell their deer. We have no problems selling shooters at top prices. I understand up north with open borders people have problems selling deer and shooters only bringing 40% if they can even sell them. That is not what we want here in alabama. We don't like eating our does because we can't sell them
I am sure that 100% of the preserves would like to buy their shooter bucks in a free market , socialist market kills free enterprise, please respond Alabama,Texas, Alberta .... etc... comrades
Thats fine Rich i understand were you are comeing from but you guys in Alabama should not be aloud to sell out of state either. I would feel the same as you if i was in your shoes but i'm not i'm looking from the other side of the fence.Just not rihgt we need to stick to gether as a industry and work together.
Its not right to the guys who have already invested in deer in a closed state either. People always say closed states motives are greed, however the only greedy people the way I see is the guys wanting to open the borders. Greed is the only motivating factor for guys wanting to open the borders. It would totally devastate the small guys who have invested in deer in a closed state, and shasta always look out for the small guy.
Nothing in = Nothing out... This should include deer, elk, exotics and SEMEN. I believe that if this was the case, all states would have open borders. The closed states sure do ship a lot of semen in and out. No doubt it would have a serious effect on that market. As for me, I want the borders open, not to sell, just to make moveing my deer easier. It is crazy that we have to truck deer around Texas to get to Louisiana. It just makes it harder on the deer.

P.S. and I wouldn't mind taking a few of mine to Mexico. Some good money to be had down there. Just ask the Texas boys about it.... Money is a major factor in the borders being closed

In my opinion....

Some want To have one's cake and eat it too....The best of both worlds
Richie, in a earlier post you said that you guys " can hardly keep up with the demand". What happens when the demand is not meet and your closed states hunting ranchs can not fill all their needs for shooters. Will this not damage the image, purpose and need to have such a place.
Shasta you are so right but its not fair that they can still export deer to other states. Just saying until borders are open keep their deer there.

I agree with Mike except for the semen part cause it can come in or out and it can benifit both sides i think that is fair at least we can still ship semen through texas to mexico don't want to spoil that to.
Virgil, my point was that if the borders are fully open then it is a level field for all. Semen is a big part for all of us however, it should fall into the same category.

For months now, I've been trying to figure out if it is possible to unite the whole deer industry. Closed borders, are one of a few reasons that I now think make that idea impossible. I'm not a political person, or very outgoing. I tend to mind my own business and keep my thoughts to myself. But, now I'm frustrated enough, that I will be someone that I'm not.

Shasta, greed is "a selfish and excessive desire to have more of something (money) than is needed". Who's being greedy? The people making more than they should, or the people NEEDING to sell some shooters just to get by??? I'm not greedy, never have been, and never will be. If Texas and Alabama were to open the borders, I bet the glut of shooters country wide would disappear. Everybody would be happy, some a little more, some a little less. The last I heard, Alabama was a part of the same United States that we are a part of. Why would it need protection from the rest of us? Wrong is wrong.
As far as the semen goes if the borders are open then we will not buy near the amount of semen and the deer market will suffer. Alabama spent over 3 million dollars on semen alone his past year. 3 of our top breeders opened up farms up north. More millions spent. Created jobs broke deer sales records up north. If our state was open most of this would not have happened. People in closed states invest in animals and farms out of state! We wouldn't pay as much for the deer if our borders were open. When the Alabama boys go to auctions they spend Alot of money.. Like you all said before" Its all about the money".. And if you say it's not your lying to yourself. What about all the breeders in a closed state that has invested their live savings in deer that they had to buy here already. Are you willing to let them lose it all and have to start over. No. That would be selfish. Like I've said before there are alot of breeders and people out there that benefit from closed states. If you want it open then Please DONT accept any money from breeders that are from closed states and see what happens. I bet not one of you will turn down money.. It's all about the money. I know that the breeders in all states spend 10+million a year out of state. We as a whole don't want to loose that
What if all states borders were closed. Semen, shooters, bred does fawns nothing could go out of any state or in. I think most of us believe in free trade until we look at the money lost or made. To some it is greed to others it is surviving and making a living.

I vote: open them all or close them all.

If you think about it. If borders were all closed it would make good deer and semen worth something again. It would definitely slow down the money flow of the big guns and put value in great deer that don’t make the grade

Lets just end the debate and lobby to have them all closed. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander.
Wisdom I believe you are spot on some states like pa that have lots of deer and lots of farms might suffer because they might make to many shooters to move but they have lots of big deer.I think ny would make out with not alot of farms shooters would be at a premium but i dont think ny has the big deer so that would hurt not bein able to get semen.Who knows i guess some win some lose.
Opening the Texas borders would put a lot of breeders out of business. We're already saturated with breeders and preserves. If preserves could ship in out of state shooters at half the price it would destroy our market. I've already had to spend a butt load of money on my deer herd over the years and the day those borders open, my deer will lose probably 50% of their value. So explain to me why I should want open borders? Opening the borders would create a socialist market from point of view because it wouldn't be helping anyone except those that live out of the state. If I thought that my deer would hold it's value and I could sell more deer by opening the borders, then believe me I would be all for it, but I don't believe that to be the case. If someone could show me how my deer wouldn't drop in value with open borders then I would change my tune. However, I don't hear anyone up north complaining because they can't buy deer out of Texas, but because they can't sell deer in Texas. Now that I think about, TAHC and TPWD could increase their revenue big time if they just implemented an import / export tax and opened the border :eek::)

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