Cindy just updated the caring bridge site
Friday, July 23, 2010 9:07 PM, EDT
God granted our family a miracle last week. Sam felt wonderful the entire week we were on his Make A Wish trip. He had no pain or discomfort and our family was truly able to make some wonderful memories that we will cherish for a lifetime.
We found out today after meeting with Sam's team of doctors that his cancer has spread. Not only is it in his lungs but it is throughout his body including his left leg, hip, spine and pelvis area. The extent of Sam's cancer is not curable. We were given the options of some different treatments that could possibly prolong his life and give him more time but they would not be a cure. Mike and I have chosen after consulting with our doctors that Sam should be with his family in the comfort of his home. We will be bringing in hospice care to help take care of Sam and make him as comfortable as possible. We plan on making every minute count and continuing to make memories as long as God allows. If you are friends with Sam and our family and would like to come and visit we will welcome visitors if Sam is feeling well...please call or e-mail first.
My mother's heart is breaking and I want my son's remaining time here on this earth to be as peaceful as possible. I will never understand why God needs Sam in heaven more so than leaving him here with his family. Mike and I have been blessed to have such a spunky, fun loving, spirited child as a son. We would appreciate your continued prayers as our family adjusts to the news. Sam knows his cancer has spread and that God will be calling him home...he just does not understand the time frame involved. Please continue to keep our precious boy and family in your prayers. Our lives are forever changed.