To Sammy's Mom
Your words bring tears to my eyes and i dont even know your son, may God bless your family, I have prayed that God will heal Sammy and God does answer prayer, that does not mean that we always get what we want or ask for, God in his infinate wisdom always knows what is best.
If God does not answer our prayer the way that we would like and God takes Sammy home to be with him, Sammy may be saved from many tough times to come in this world, If we are as close to the second coming of Christ as I think we are, you will not be away from Sammy long. I pray also that your entire family knows Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour so that when their time comes they will all be ready to meet their Lord, I know their is sometimes a stigma around the phrase Born Again, but Christ said You Must Be Born Again.
We love you and will continue praying for a miracle that only God can give...