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Sam has an amazing evening planned for tomorrow. Can't give out the secret but it is Star Wars themed and I think it will really be so special for him and our family. I am praying so hard he is feeling good for this special night...please pray with us. Today has been really hard...he has had pain and has been very mood...y (partially from all of this meds). Each day is getting harder...


Tuesday, August 3, 2010 7:58 AM


Hello to all. Just wanted to do another quick update on Sam and our family. Sam is continuing to have pain throughout the day...mostly on his left side (his left leg, hip, back area). We are controlling his pain with meds but sometimes it gets the best of him. Sam can no longer walk on his crutches...his left leg is to weak and hurts him to much. He either scoots around the house on his bottom, we carry him or we use his wheelchair. Sam is discouraged. He continues to ask us almost every day if his heart is beating, if he will die today, and he also says that it does not feel like this is his life anymore and he does not understand why this is happening to him. He continues to ask for prayer from everyone and anyone and we have been doing a lot of praying here in our home every day. It is heartbreaking watching him go through all of this. This is not the kind of life that any child should have to live. Though we are thankful for every moment that we have with our precious son it is also completely heartbreaking to see his health go downhill every day. Last night was a difficult night with pain control...he was up several times throughout the night with pain in his left leg.

Sam has been able to enjoy some good moments with one of his best buddies Chase visiting from Boston...mostly they play video games together or watch television. Sam seems to be doing a lot of that lately. I believe it is an escape for him where he does not have to face what is going on in his day to day life. Sam will have a visit today from one of his best friends Andrei from school and another visit tomorrow from his close friend David from church. All 3 of these boys are like brothers to Sam and I pray he is able to enjoy many more wonderful moments with each of them. There have been 2 occasions just this week where we have planned something special for Sam to do outside of the home. When it came time for us to leave he just did not want to go. He is most comfortable at home now and he is hesitant to leave the house. I hate that he has had to miss both of these events and opportunities to bring a little bit of happiness and joy into his young life. We do have a special event planned for him tomorrow evening at a friends home that includes a Star Wars movie and some other special suprises...I truly pray that he feels well enough to enjoy it.

We continue to be supported by our church through meals being delivered throughout the week, lawn work being done for Mike so he can spend more time with me and his children and many prayers, cards sent in the mail and gift cards. We also continue to be supported by many of our prayer warriors through cards, phone calls, prayers and monetary gifts and gift cards sent to our family. We cannot thank you enough for reaching out to our family in this tangible way during this very difficult time.

Mike and I have some very important preliminary decisions that we need to make in the next week or two. These are things that neiter one of his is ready to face but we know it must be done. Our hearts are breaking but we are continuing to remain as strong as we can for our family. Your prayers continue to be appreciated as things will only get worse from here unless we see a miracle from Christ in healing for Sam. We still pray for this every day. Thank you for all of your love and support.

Please keep the family of Tyler Musslewhite in your prayers as he earned his angel wings on Sunday after fighting his battle with Osteosarcoma for over 3 years. Tyler was only 12 years old. He is now waiting for our precious boy as well as several others that we have prayed for along the way. Sam will have friends when he gets to heaven...special kids just like him. You can leave tyler's family a word of encouragement by entering his website name in as tylermusslewhite
Hope and Pray Sammy is feeling good tonight!!!

Mike said... Looking forward to our Star Wars Night tonight. Going to a house with a movie theater basement to watch Return of the Sith. Then some members of the 501st Legion (Star Wars Legion) will be there with toys for the kids, certificate of membership for Sam, and a custom built light saber for Sam. They will have a ceremony for him and some will even stay and watch the movie with him. It is going to be AWESOME!!
YAY...Happy Tears...

Star wars night is a success. Sam is sitting by commander Bly watching revenge of the sith. He met at least 20 star wars characters tonight. He is currently happy and pain free. Wonderful evening.
Awsome the boy surely deserves it. What else can you say? Wishing Sammy a wonderful evening.

Great night tonight! We had about 18 characters or so. Nothing like watching Revenge of the Sith with Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Jengo Fett and others. Some of them were at the birthday party at the church back in January. Thank you to all involved, it was a terrific night. We did leave early due to Sam having pain in his leg.

Just posted a few pictures from Sam's amazing Star Wars movie night. He really had a great time and it blessed Mike and I so much to see him smile and enjoy himself. Thanks to our wonderful friends Courtney, Josh and Dave for planning this and our new friend Brian for helping to make this night a success. I am sad we had to leave early b/c Sam was having pain in his left leg. The 501 Legion was amazing!
I just can't stop the tears from flowing......this boy as well as the others battling the same thing just don.t deserve this.......I hate this disease....I tell my son he should never hate anything...but I HATE this disease! God Bless you Sammy!! God Bless You!
Cancer is one thing that makes me so upset...

I just wanna stomp my feet and jump up and down, And scream THIS IS NOT FAIR....WHY???? Ect

No child or person should go through this!!!

One small piece of comfort is this Quote...

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.

Sammy will be in a better place soon...

But I cry everyday for his family,his Pain & suffering and Him being scared!!

A child should be a child.... not facing/fighting death.
I pray everyday that this will go away and Sammy will be cured. We are regretfully seeing that reality is setting in on this story.

If there is ANYTHING that we all can AND SHOULD take away from this tragedy, it is the humbling fact that we are all humans and that we should live EVERYDAY like it is an honor to be on this earth. Hug your kids and kiss your spouse, like you may never get to do that again.

Sammy's Mom Wrote

Met with hospice today. We are changing up Sam's med's that he is taking. He has been extremely moody and has been having a lot of highs and lows...We think it has something to do with all of his meds as well as the pain he has been having. Really praying this works b/c this has been a very tough week for all of us.
Sammy's Mom said!!!

Just received a phone call from Santa...the real Santa. He may be making a special early trip to our home this year to visit with our children. Yes, my kids still believe in Santa Clause. What a blessing it would be to be able to celebrate Christmas with Sam this year...even if we had to do it early.
Does anyone know someone with Reindeer that pull a sleigh or cart??? Near Ohio?? Or at least halter trained...

OK I found one....Does anyone know These people??

Jungle Island Zoo, L.L.C.

8325 German Rd.

Delphos, Ohio 45833

Office: (419) 692-7802

Email: [email protected]

Ben Osting Cell: (419) 234-6103

Kim Osting Cell: (419) 234-3672

Corporate Office: Antler Island Ranch, L.L.C.

8325 German Rd.

Delphos, Ohio 45833

Office: (419) 692-7802

Cell: (419) 234-6103

Email: [email protected]

Wild Acres Ranch

Bill Coburn

1115 Martins Point Rd.

Sandusky, Oh 44807

Cell: (419) 656-1098

Email: [email protected]
Now that the tears have cleared my eyes so I can see I wanted to say that I am so sorry.... So sorry that this family is having to suffer through this. It makes me realize just how blessed my girls and I are for our health. I do not know that I would have the strength they do to go through this, I don't think I could survive it.

I have been so busy and not able to keep up. The last news I was left with was that he was doing well. I never expected this.

I was so looking forward to Sammy and his family being able to make a trip here to hunt. My girls and I remember to include this family every night in our prayers. I don't know what more to say than I AM SO SORRY!

An Inspirational Poetry

Live….laugh…and Love

By John McLeod

Live well dear friends

In all you do,

Tho' paths be old

Or paths be new,

But to yourself

Be ever true,

Live well!

Laugh often friends

Tho' passing years

Bring, sometimes, smiles

And, sometimes, tears,

For mirth forever

Warms and cheers

Laugh often!

Love much dear friends

For love will bring

The healing joy

And hope of Spring,

Where pain and fear may never dwell

Nor anguish touch….

And so Live well,

Laugh often too,

And more, dear friends,

Love much!
Sammy's Mom said

It was emotional watching my best friend and her son leave our home today....knowing this will probably be the last time they see Sam. So thankful they were able to come from Boston and spend several days here. Mike and I have an appointment tomorrow to make some preliminary arrangements for our precious boy. We are both dreading this but know that decisions need to be made while we are still thinking clearly.
Sammy's mom said...

Some of the many things I will miss about my son- hearing him say "I love you so much Mom" which he said tonight; his funny voices or noises he makes; hearing him break out in song at any given moment...even in the bathroom; hearing him speak with passion about some of the things he loves most; watching him use his imagination (even when he is playing with food). Trying to capture as many memories as we possibly can.
This is so hard for me to except....... I just can't understand why........why this precious child has to suffer as he has and his life be cut short.......then you see all of these evil people like Osama Bin Laden....who get to live long destructive lives.......I just can't figure it out........I know God has a plan for Sammy and Sammy will be fine in his hands......I just don't understand why he had to have such a short time hear on earth. It just doesn't seem fair....not fair at all......I still pray everyday for that miracle for Sammy!!!
Sam's Mom Said.... She is....Tired...very tired. Sam has needed oxygen 2 times today. He is getting short of breath and more "winded" more frequently. Also took a long nap almost all morning long. It has been very hard watching his health go down hill so quickly. Love my boy and love his precious smile....that smile is few and far between now.
Sammy's Mom wrote

Thursday, August 12, 2010 10:29 PM

Hello to all. I know it has been almost one week since I last updated. Time seems to stand still in some ways and in others move very fast now. It seem's that Sam's disease is progressing. He is spending more and more time at home sleeping and he has also needed oxygen a few different times. He is getting "winded" and has trouble talking for long periods of time. It seems we finally have his pain under control for the most part with a strict medicine schedule. Sam has several "spots" on his abdomen, ribs and in his groin area that we all believe to be cancerous nodules. He is such a skinny child anyway that these "spots" are very visible now. It has been more difficult than words can say to watch our child's health go downhill so quickly. Sam is still asking every single person that comes into this home to pray with him and for him for the cancer to leave his body and for him to live for another 50,60, or 70 years. He prayed last night at bedtime and he was begging God to heal him. He said he would be nicer to his sisters if God would just heal his body and let him stay here on earth with his family and friends. He told God that the doctors were not able to get the cancer out of his body with the powers that they had....but that Sam believed that God had super powers...even more powerful than all of his beloved superhero's. He begged God to heal him. We are all praying this but most of all praying for peace and comfort right now for our precious child.

Mike and I had some very difficult appointments this week including planning some of Sam's Celebration of Life service as well as picking out a cemetary. We found a beautiful cemetary in Westerville where we purchased 3 plots so that Mike and I can be burried with our son when that time came. All of this seems sureal. I still feel like we are living a dream somedays...but then I wake up in the mornings and I remember that this is our new reality. Our lives are forever changed already....

I want to thank everyone for all of the wonderful books on Heaven that have been sent to our home...we must own just about every book on this topic now and we have began to read some of the books to all 3 of our kids. The monetary donations, gifts for the kids, meals, gift cards and all of the cards and letters sent to our home encourage all of us and lift our spirits...even if for just a few short brief moments. We cannot thank everyone enough for helping our family out in this way. I know most are telling me not to worry about thank you notes. We actually ran out of the beautiful picture thank you note cards that we had. We hope to be able to respond back to everyone with a thank you but please be patient with us. We hardly have time to sit down each day trying to tend to the needs of all 3 of our children. We find ourselves tired most days. We are sleeping at night but it is not a deep sleep. I feel like we are always ready to jump out of bed for Sam whenever he may need us at any moment. Emotionally,physically and mentally this is taking a toll on our entire family. We appreciate your continued prayers now more than ever.
Heatbreaking, just realy heartbreaking. No one should have to endure this, especially a child. Prayers going up now.

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