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Something to ponder

If we fully understand the cross do we continually have to ask for forgiveness.

What if: Jesus was the final atonement for all sin. All sin means past present and future sins. What if the blood of Christ is so powerful we are even forgiven as we are sinning.

Heb 10:12 But this Man (Jesus), after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God,

Jer 31:34 "No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

What if God does not hold our sins against us let alone remember our sins. We are asking forgiveness for something (sin) God has forgotten. When we fully understand the cross and the blood and the pattern of the old testament sacrifices leading up to the cross we start thanking Him for His forgiveness instead of asking for something we have already received.

A Christian has fully matured and became Christ like when we can forgive others as they are sinning against us. That is exactly what took place on the cross and has become the fulfillment of new covenant.

Lu 23:34 Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

What if we are a new creation because our sins were nailed to the cross once and for all. We are saved because of what He did and not by our righteous that are as filthy rags. We are saved because of the relationship he desired to have with us when He extended His arms out on the cross to did for the sins of the world. We are saved because we have learned to love and forgiveness is the true application of love.

Note: the thief on the cross never asked for forgiveness.

Lu 23:41 "And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong."

Lu 23:42 Then he said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom."

Lu 23:43 And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."
Can everbody pray a little harder today.I know it's a great day and all but my dad just passed away so i guess god thought he was something special. Thank's all!!!!
Sorry about your loss i'll say a prayer for you and your loved ones.
Mike I will pray for your father and for you as i know this must be very hard. Let your faith help you know that your father is now in heaven with our awesome Father GOD and I assure you without a doubt in my mind he is smiling!!! Hang in there Mike!
Four Seasons, so sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers are on the way. God Bless you and your family. Allen
Mike & Angie i send you my sympathy ! I lost my father over a year ago and i feel your loss ! Nothing can replace the mentor of your life but to know that the lord chose to take him home on his day of resurrection !! That puts your father at the top of the lords callings !! Many prayers to you and your family suffering the pain !! God bless you all !
Mike and Angie, thank you for sharing this with us. Know that your many friends stand beside you in this time of grief and mourning. God Bless you and your loved ones.
Thank you all for the kind word's.It was kinda strange that i just had made a post earlier in the day on what a great day it was with the sun and warm temp's on easter sunday

and then the phone ring's and boom he is gone.They say the man upstairs work's in funny way's sometime's...Thank's again!!!
So Sorry to hear that Mike...May God help ease you and your loved one's pain and sadness.

Take Care

And Keep In Touch

I would like to ask for your prayers for my dad. He has had only 20% of his heart for the last 5 years after congestive heart failure. He has not a good life for the past 3-4 weeks and is slipping fast. I would also like you to pray for my mom as she is taking care of him in his final days and is very trying for her,as he is kinda mean at times,especialy with mom. He is ready to meet his maker and cannot understand why he is still here. Your prayers will be very appreciated, Thank-you Denny
Denny I will pray for your father and mother as well as you and the rest of your family....I understand these times can be very trying on you and your family memebers....know that God is there and he that he does hear your prayers and he will be there for you and your families needs.
Good Morning Dennis,

Be assured your Father is in my prayers. I lost my Father in law the same way 5 years ago. Watching this strong man go through suffering offering his pain in love of Christ helps me in picking up my Crosses.

May Gods Mercy be with Your Father,


No doubt you have our thoughts,Its never easy but knowing the end is near might help a little.Your mom is a strong women and there is a place in heaven.Be strong and know all the folks on this site will be pulling for your family...
Dennis, We will continue praying for you and your family. I used to pray to God that there be more of Him and less of me with every breath that I took. One day He put it in my heart about this request. The Bible says we must EMPTY ourselves so that we may be filled with the Holy Spirit ( paraphrasing here). Asking God for a little bit at a time is quite contrary to this scripture! Too, I ponder, does God have to do this "emptying" Himself sometimes so that some will be "filled" with His Holy Sprit? My thoughts? Be still and know He is God.
Thanks everybody for your prayers and kind words. Just a update. Yesterday [Wednesday]Hospice told us he would be gone by the end of the day. As of today Dad is still with us, not much to live for. He is heavely sedated to keep him comfortable. I just pray the good Lord will take him shortly. Last night I spent 2 hrs with our Pastor. He loves deer, and deer hunting. I showed him this post. His comments were what a great group of people we are, caring very deeply about our animals and our fellow deer farmers and families. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. They are deeply appreciated
Dennis, You and your father and mother are in my prayers also. Sometimes it is hard to understand why God leads us down the paths he does, but have comfort knowing he is doing the leading. And he will take care of you always.

Sandy Malone

Pasture Prime Farm

Rush, N.Y.
My Dad past a way this morning at 10.00 am. I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. It is a blessing knowing he is now resting in Gods arms and is no longer suffering. Please continue to pray for Mom as she has lost a faithful companion of 56 yrs as of April 9 2010. Thanks-again and God bless you all.

My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your Father. This morning I offered your Father up in our prayers at Mass.


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