Please keep the Lieberums in your prayers Bob and Linda loved raising deer together and Bob will have some tough life adjustments to make without his loving wife and best friend their anymore. She was a wonderful person always there to help no matter what. I only knew her for a few years and feel blessed to have been giving that time. Again, please pray for Bob and his family as they struggle with this great for Linda....there is no doubt in my mind she is in a better place now sharing her life hand in hand with Jesus......God Bless All and thanks for the prayers!!
Dear Members:
NADeFA has lost a wonderful person and wonderful friend to many. Linda Lieberum fought long and courageous battles against the horrible disease known as cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bob Lieberum and family.
Here are the funeral arrangements for Linda Lieberum.
Linda Lieberum
McEntire Funeral Home
Knox, PA
Calling hours Sunday, August 9th, 12-2 and 7-9PM
Funeral Monday, August 10th, 11:00 AM
Carolyn Laughlin
NADeFA President