i was here previously as Rehabgal, but decided Bamamom suited me better. I left due to some very hard feelings based on comments that i felt were more personal than helpful.but....................that is all water under the bridge and i couldnt stay away.
My darlin BaBa (aka Itty Bitty) little buck who I had since he was days old, died from running into a post when neighbors dogs got into my property. Well, luckily i was not home and my dad discovered the situation as he was hauling hay for me. I had worked so hard (and my family too) on building a nice almost 300 ft pen in the pines out back. We even shadeclothed and planted winter grasses. My son (a big hunter called it the RITZ BaBa Hotel) There is a great stall and a gate to allow acess to the heavy woods beyond. He was doing fantastic, growing and starting to get all "deer" on me. he didnt care for anyone too much besides me. It was great. We even had a plan that IF he got snotty during rut next year, we had a secure place to keep him until that passed. My hunters in the area were so tickled with him and vowed not to shoot. lol They always called to see how he was doing.
long story short, neighbors (preacher man) and i had a talk, he collects stray dogs and raises horses too. i kindly asked that he keep his dogs confined to his IMMENSE property and explained the situation. His wife proceeded to tell me that they lived in the country so that they did NOT have to confine their dogs.. I said "ok then" and hung up..so much for Preacher man... Santa brought me a 12 gauge shotgun
and game cameras are on the way. I do have photos of their dogs on our property. I even got rid of my big yard dogs (went to great homes with friends) so that I could focus more on the deer and future ones that come. Needless to say we also have a coyote problem, and the guys that have hunting weekend homes behind me were not happy with the situation with the neighbors dogs or coyotes..so coyotes are being irradicated and i can just say i havent seen any dogs in my yard again. 
basically, my life has been chaotic with a 95 y/o grandmother that i tend to and an 85 y/o great aunt that has been going thru cancer. even with the death of my beloved BaBa, i refuse to stop. we are doing more fencing, reinforcing the 2 acres fenced off in the woods, and i plan to keep my rehab permit and even may go for the propogation or breeders permit. dont want to breed, but i want a Piebald doe so bad that i can taste it. When you have a deer (or the deer have u), it DOES get in your system like a disease, sucks all your money, time, and takes over your dreams. just ask my husband .Luckily i am blessed with my family who supports my craziness and preference for animals vs most people.....i will post some pics tonite, but for the most part i wanted to say hi and i missed this place
My darlin BaBa (aka Itty Bitty) little buck who I had since he was days old, died from running into a post when neighbors dogs got into my property. Well, luckily i was not home and my dad discovered the situation as he was hauling hay for me. I had worked so hard (and my family too) on building a nice almost 300 ft pen in the pines out back. We even shadeclothed and planted winter grasses. My son (a big hunter called it the RITZ BaBa Hotel) There is a great stall and a gate to allow acess to the heavy woods beyond. He was doing fantastic, growing and starting to get all "deer" on me. he didnt care for anyone too much besides me. It was great. We even had a plan that IF he got snotty during rut next year, we had a secure place to keep him until that passed. My hunters in the area were so tickled with him and vowed not to shoot. lol They always called to see how he was doing.
long story short, neighbors (preacher man) and i had a talk, he collects stray dogs and raises horses too. i kindly asked that he keep his dogs confined to his IMMENSE property and explained the situation. His wife proceeded to tell me that they lived in the country so that they did NOT have to confine their dogs.. I said "ok then" and hung up..so much for Preacher man... Santa brought me a 12 gauge shotgun
basically, my life has been chaotic with a 95 y/o grandmother that i tend to and an 85 y/o great aunt that has been going thru cancer. even with the death of my beloved BaBa, i refuse to stop. we are doing more fencing, reinforcing the 2 acres fenced off in the woods, and i plan to keep my rehab permit and even may go for the propogation or breeders permit. dont want to breed, but i want a Piebald doe so bad that i can taste it. When you have a deer (or the deer have u), it DOES get in your system like a disease, sucks all your money, time, and takes over your dreams. just ask my husband .Luckily i am blessed with my family who supports my craziness and preference for animals vs most people.....i will post some pics tonite, but for the most part i wanted to say hi and i missed this place