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Merry Christmas to all!! This is the first time I have been off (not working) on Christmas in four years. Hope to spend some time with the three Grand Babies, 6yr,4yr and 4 months, it ought to be a blast :D:D. Allen
You know i was told when i got into this deer thing a few short months ago that i would meet some great people.What an understatement!!I want to thank everone that has helped me to where i am so far!You guys are great!There are people out there that are willing to finance a deer for me and WE HAVENT EVEN MET!!!That is a different breed of people!UNREAL!! Hope everyone has a great new year!!!
Thought for today

Do you know how much God loves each of you. Of coarse not, none of us can fathom a love that deep, it is beyond our comprehension. Nevertheless God created the heavens and the earth and we as His prized possession were made in His image. Sin broke that fellowship with God and created a gap between man and God. 2000 years ago God became part of His creation and as a Lamb led to slaughter died on the cross to make atonement for our sins, to bridge that gap. God in the form of Christ Jesus died for the sins of the world. (yours, mine, every ones sins. Past present and future) If all of our sins are forgiven, is every one going to heaven. Sadly not. Forgiveness does not establish relationship. A relationship takes two. God stretched out His arms to forgive us now we must reach out and embrace that relationship with all our heart, mind and soul. Proof of this relationship is forgiving others as we have been forgiven as our sins were nailed to the cross

If we look at the cross and forgiveness any other way we will see God as a judge. When we view God as a God of wrath and judging every thing we do. This belief system gives us the right to judge others. As a result we live in constant struggle of thinking He loves me He loves me not.

It has been in the depths of our brokenness we find a faith in Jesus that will never leave or forsake us. Does this relationship make me or anyone else perfect NO. All who know Him are a work in progress. Being a Christian is a journey not a destination.

Know that we can never be whole until we fill the emptiness or void that was put in our souls. That void can only be filled with Gods love and it grows like a seed when we forgive.

For each of you reading this I will not ask you if you are a Christian . But I will ask you did you learn to love. On the last Day when each of us comes face to face with Jesus. I feel in my heart Jesus will ask each of us a question. It will not be how often you take communion, how were you baptized, what is the translation of bible you read, did you tithe, Jesus wont ask you what church you attended or if you attended at all. God love is seen all threw the bible and demonstrated on the cross. So the question He will ask is did you learn to love. Forgiveness is the true application of love.

Jer 31;34 is the new covenant revealed threw Christ blood. That in Him we die, are resurrected to new life for ever and ever.

The world needs to know this can happen to them today
I felt led to say this about slander, gossip, and dissention among Christians within this site and everywhere. God looks at slander and gossip as murdering of the soul. Forgive me for teaching this from a Hebrew perspective, but Jesus was a Jew and anyone one who has confessed belief in Him has been grafted into the root. Slander, gossip, and false witness were considered so vile in the days before and during Jesus' time that there was specific guidelines for this attonement of sin. Inside the temple, the first alter was the alter of incense. At this alter one was instructed to offer incense as a burnt offering solely for the sin of gossip. You were not considered "ready" to confess any other sin at another alter within the temple until you ask forgiveness for gossiping. Granted...we are not under the old covenent for many things, but many laws we are still under. Jesus said He had not come to change one jot or til of the law. This means He had not come to change one single letter of the law ( don't confuse customs or traditions). There are 127 passages in the Bible about gossiping. The Hebrew word for gossip is " lashon Ha Ra" which means evil tongue. Exodus 23:1 reads "Don't give others the chance to bear vain heresay" (gossip). A "vain" story doesn't have to be false or even slanderous; as long as the subject would prefer not to have the story is considered gossip. We are all guilty, I'm afraid! I think there are times when we say or report certain things to others, it is to guard against those things we think are harmful. I list 7 areas or causes of most gossip. #1. We are angry #2. We are joking #3. We are arrogant #4. We give up #5. We are "merely" complaining #6. We have bad friends or bad information #7. We assume it will justify our emotions.
Thank you. This was an appropriate time to blog this gold nugget of wisdom from God on how to relate to others. As you said, we all fall short. Sorry Father. Thank goodness for the cross.

It good to see The Fellowship forum active again. It is the light and salt of this web site.
Curtis I have faith and so do you that the same Jesus that turned water to wine can turn vinegar to light.

To do that we must love the unlovable. That’s what following Christ is all about.
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

My wife reminds me I need to work on this one.
That's my boy's! Isn't it true that it's not a good time to say your sorry while punches are still being thrown!!
!st.Peter 5:2 is my favorite as a deer farmer: Be shepards of GODS flock

that is under your care,serving as overseers-not because you must,but

because you are willing;as GOD wants you to be.
O.k....for you brothers in Christ out there, here is something you'll find interesting. The Koran is the Holy book for the Islamic faith (muslims). From the Koran,in the book of "Koran" verse 9:11; "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah, and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace". This is not Saddam Hussein, he was from Iraq (Babylon). 'think this might be Osama Bin Laden? He is a "son of Arabia". Could this "fearsome Eagle" be America? Did you notice the number of the verse?
A father wanted to read a magazine but was being bothered by his little

girl. She wanted to know what the United States looked like. Finally,

he tore a sheet out of his new magazine on which was printed the map of

the country. Tearing it into small pieces, he gave it to her and said,

'Go into the other room and see if you can put this together. This will

show you our whole country today..'

After a few minutes, she returned and handed him the map, correctly

fitted and taped together. The father was surprised and asked how she

had finished so quickly. 'Oh,' she said, 'on the other side of the

paper is a picture of Jesus. When I got all of Jesus back where He

belonged, then our country just came together.'
So true. When Jesus stands in our presence and we are saturated with His love that permeates out of us changing our lives and affecting others. Sadly in most cases, if not all religion steps in and says we never did it that way before and pours cold water on the fire of the believer.

Been there and done that on both ends. How ever the cold showers are growing pains
Thoughts to ponder on

Once we build an institution together we have to protect it and its assets to be good stewards. It confuses everything. Even love get redefined as that which protects the institution and unloving as to who do not.

We give our affection to those who serve our interest.

When the system keeps the focus on services and rituals, principles turn most people into spectators.

The more organization you bring to church life, the less life it will contain.

No wonder we are exhausted all the time. We are trying to meet other people expectations and at the same time trying to manipulate them to meet ours.

Jesus did not leave us with a system. He left us with His Spirit, a guide instead of a map.

No church model will produce Gods life in you. It works the other way around. Our life in God, shared together expresses it’s self as the church
It's a little soon to share a testimony in the makings in my personal life right now, but do I have a good one for all my Christian family. Keep in mind we never see things the way God sees them. We can never measure the value of friendship or see the heart as God sees them. I will tell you this much...there are some VERY TALL men who call themselves deer farmers and visit among us on this site. They are so tall that when they are on their knees I'm sure they're a little closer to God than some of us. You know who you are. God Bless You from the Taylor family...Ol' Scrape, Mary, Bryant, Jody, Misti, Daniel, Matthew, and little Mary. More about this testimony later!!!
I got my 8 yr. old son a beginners bible and asked him to read some last night. Not expecting too much since usually it is a chore to get him to read, but to my surprise he read over 100 pages and finally I had to ask him to stop 'cause it was bedtime. You can imagine how pleased I was seeing him so glued to the most important book we have today. Just thought I would share. God Bless
Tom, how great. We have bible study with the kids every night. We've just finished one bible stories book and are now in the bible itself. As my wife was reading tonight from Proverbs and I was thinking about what Soloman was saying I gained further insight in His word. One doesn't have to wonder very long when we hear some folks say they don't understand this or that in Scripture. Starting your kids now will have them not only learning but beginning a personnal relationship with God. There has never been written a more facinating book. This is one regret you and I will never face in this old world, sharing the word of God with our kids. God Bless you, Brother.

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