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I'll share a moment in my life where my relationship with the Lord strengthened 10 fold! I was at the beginning of a divorce, my son (which I dreamed of having since I was young)just turned 1 year old. I was a broken man.....I lost my wife....I lost my son (as she was staying with her parents at the time and they were planning on moving miles away)....basically that was all I had at the time that meant anything to me other than my family and God.....I had always prayed through out my life but this day was different....I was depressed...did not know what way to turn.......could not control the situation........i was as broken as a man can get....I fell to the side of my bed and for the first time in my life I asked the Lord to take the pain from me ....I told the Lord I needed him to take control as it was to hard for big for me.......I don't know how to explain it but in the middle of my prayer I went from weeping and crying to a super calmness and I just knew everything was going to be ok......well everything did turn out ok.......I did not get my wife back but i did get my child....we spend a ton of time ex and i get along well and we share his time fairly.......I without a doubt no this is the work of the Lord........why did I tell this story.....because that day I finially prayed to the Lord right.....I gave him my problem.....I did not take it back.....I asked for his help and I trusted that he would take care of it........this is all he wants......he wants our love......our attention and our TRUST. Trust in him and I promise you he will provide!! AMEN!!!!
I'm hoping we can keep this thread going as it is by far the most important.......lets see maybe I can at least strike up a healthy conversation.......what do you think it means to be a Christian........what do you feel it takes to get a ticket to heaven.....hopefully we can get something started talking about the LORD!!
Getting the ticket means you accept the ticket or Jesus as you Lord and savior. Keeping the ticket means to share free tickets with all who willing to listen.
I'm hoping we can keep this thread going as it is by far the most important.......lets see maybe I can at least strike up a healthy conversation.......what do you think it means to be a Christian........what do you feel it takes to get a ticket to heaven.....

Inviting Jesus Christ into your heart. We are then filled with the Holy Spirit, and get overcome with joy, I am sure any believer would agree with me that when you first come to the Lord through Christ you feel excited and want to spread the news and joy, you feel unstoppable. I would also suspect that, like me, you have expierenced that the feeling dosen't last long enough when we go back out into the world and are shrugged off, or ignored, or struggle even to get the courage to talk to someone when we try to tell others about the Lord, that is why we need to get into the word of God, and also we talk to other believers and encourage one another, this thread can be a great place for that. I know I am shy, have been all my life, and I struggle to talk to others about anything, especially about the Lord. I know some that are not believers may read this thread and think we sound silly, loving the Lord , but that is what is all about, Life is short, are bodies will fail us one day, but our spirits will live on eternally with the Lord, if we except him. I encourage others to share testimonies like Dennis did. This can be a great thread for that as well. Mine is short. I am blessed with a wonderful godly family, I always have went to church , but it wasnt until I was 12 years old I felt the spirit leading me to Christ, I was at the Creation festival (a big christian music festival) and I listened to a sermon, at the end of the sermon there was an alter call, I felt chills, and I began praying a prayer along with the speaker to accept Christ. The joy I felt was immeasurable. I had never felt that joy and never will again until I see Him face to face. it is amazing. there are still plenty of bad days, losing loved ones is never easy, but the Lord helps me through bad times. It feel great to have him in my life ,
Thanks Antler Shed for know you put a thread on here titled "you know your a redneck" (nothing against the post it's good and it's funnny) and everyone starts playing and writing their thing....why can't we be so open and free when we talk about our Lord and Saviour......he is the most important peice of the puzzle!! come on plz don't be shy!!!!!
Its hard to imagine but this was 6 years ago now. I was 16 at the time and me and some friends were going to a country concert. It was 3 guys and 3 girls. We met at my buddy's house bc he was to drive. He got home from work late so was in a rush. We had his dads ext. cab truck. He was driving his girlfriend in the middle then me on the passenger door, and the rest in the ext. cab. We left his house and he was driving too fast. As we came around this bend the road crested and then turned left. Then rear end of the truck started to break loose (at about 50mph). He paniced and counter steared to hard, we shot off the road into a big ditch when the truck hit the ditch it started to roll. The driver side hit a tree right above the window creasing the cab. The tree snapped off and the truck went up and over what was left. When the truck stopped moving we were on the roof. I instantly took control and got everyone out and on to the edge of the road. This is when i relised my buddy that had been driving was not on the road so i ran back to the truck the on the othe side of the truck i could see his legs sticking out from under the cab. I instantly ran around the truck and to his side. He was not moving. I shook his leg and nothing. I continued to shake his leg and yell his name all while praying to god for him to wake up. Then all of a sudden he starts to scream. Here by the grace of god he had been ejected from the truck shortly after we he the tree, bc he didnt have his seat belt on. He landed on his back face up. And when the truck finished rolling the crease in the cab landed perfecty bridged across his chest, saving his life. As soon as he was screaming i got everyone together and together we prayed for him. The fire department came and lifted the truck and pulled him out. Not to worse for the wear i followed him to the hospital where they ran test on him then released him later that night with nothing more than scratches and bruises. 6" either way he dies, Now you tell me that isn't meant to happen just like that. GOD has his plan for everyone and his plan that day was to teach us all a lesson that we will never forget.
I like Job, just when you think that you problems.... also I think the saying "with friends like these who needs enemies comes from"
Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Allen
Issac , it's great to see a "kid" with his head screwed in straight, character is not genetic but we do get it from our parents and as we grow our mentors, everything we do is all connected starting from what we want and moves through what we will do or will not do to get what we desire. Here is a little list of how the process happens

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

if your are instilled with the right character when your little the decisions you must make in the future become not easy.... but clear.
My mother had a plaque on her living room wall that stated: Be careful of the words you say and keep them soft and sweet.

You never know from day to day which ones you'll have to eat.

Pretty catchy, with a lot of truth. Allen
I was always brought up that your words mean nothing if you don't follow it up with action........Let your YES be YES and your NO be NO! Be true to your word.
Dennis the lord is working through you to get to others . You can wittness to any one at any place at any time. GOD makes ALL decisions.. amen
I can't nail one scripture down, but I like Philippians 4:13 too. Another translation from the Greek for strengthens is enables. He enables me also!
Just a tidbit of bible info for believers. The Hebrew people used two calendars. The civil and the religious calendar. Too much to add here about why two calendars and the significance of each. The beginning of the month came at a new moon.The month of the new moon for March/April is Nisan, or, Nissan. Jesus was crucified on the 15 of Nisan. Some events mentioned in the scriptures for Nisan 15 are;(Gen: 14) Abraham battled four kings and delivered Lot, (Gen:15) God made His conenant with Abraham, (Gen: 18 angels visit with Abraham before the destruction of Sodom, (Gen.21:16) Isaac was born, (Gen: 32: 25-29) Jacob wressles with the Angel, (Ex:3) Moses sees the burning bush, (Ex:12: 24-32) Israelites exit Egypt, (Dan:6) Daniel is thrown into the lions den....Jesus was resurrected on Nisan 17. Some events from scriptures are; (Ex:14:13) Israelites crossed the Red Sea and entered into the promised land, (Jos:5:11) Israelites eat the first fruits from the promised land (( and Manna fell no more)), (Mat:27:52) MANY SAINTS are raised from ther dead. AND...last but not least, (Gen:8:4) the Ark came to rest on Mt. Ararat.
Jesus said, " If you are ashamed of me before men, then I will be ashamed of you before my Father. "

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