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Bruce thank you for the great links. Something really stood out to me in Dr Stanley's message and I thought it would be worth sharing, ''Do we decide what we want to believe on the basis of how we want to live our life and design a religion that is comfortable and convenient for us? Or do we live our life according to the basis of what the scripture says and the truth of the word?'' This convicts me and challenges me to try and do better.

I wonder why does America have so many differences in our churches and fellowship groups today? Is our faith kind of like car shopping? Have we custom designed our faith to fit us?

One last thought that puts a smile on my face just now as I type this... God... All powerful, uncontainable, all wonderful, unlimited in any way shape or form, amazing and perfect in every way.... Loves me! My goodness that feels amazing.

Wonderful thread started here guys keep em' coming.
Thank you Russ for your reflection.

[quote name='I wonder why does America have so many differences in our churches and fellowship groups today? Is our faith kind of like car shopping? Have we custom designed our faith to fit us?[/QUOTE']

I turned to scripture and found this on the unity of the church.

John 10:16 - there shall be one fold and one shepherd

John 17:17-23 - I pray that they may be one, as we are one

John 17:23 - that they may be brought to perfection as one

Romans 12:5 - we, though many, are one body in Christ

Romans 15:5 - God grant you to think in harmony with one another

Romans 16:17 - avoid those who create dissensions

1 Corinthians 1:10 - I urge you that there be no divisions among you

1 Corinthians 12:13 - in one spirit we were baptized into one body

Ephesians 4:4-6 -There is one Body, one Spirit, just as one hope is the goal of your calling by God. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all, over all, through all and within all.

Philippians 2:2 - be of same mind, united in heart, thinking one thing

Colossians 3:15 - the peace into which you were called in one body
Bruce, if there is a copy of it posted on youtube you can do a search and try to find it. Then post a link to it like this:

The link I just posted above is to a video 2 Korean kids made in their home. It is rap music, and most people on here won't like or even understand the words, but the message is really good. Take a listen to it and maybe have the young people listen to it.

We all have some talents or abilities (gifts). How we use them is what counts.

I had a friend who flew planes for a church doing work in the jungles of Africa. But he was killed by rebels who didn't want him flying the word of God into the people.
Before the invention of mass media the church was the only way except for a heavy handed military for the goverment to userp control over it's people. This was when the population was mostly uneducated an ignorant of what the Bible said because of lack of access to it or inability to read. A powerful country/leader could not control his subjects without help of the church. If they didn't like them well you just made a new church ( Catholic to Anglican in England under Henry the 8th). As a greater percentage of people in society became educated the control progresively less and less. Technology also had a role, so if you suffered persecution for your different and "radical " faith, you could move,even halfway around the world as did the Puritans,Quakers, and many different Mennonite groups and others for their religous freedom. In my personal situation I have friends who are just to name a few...baptist, evangelical, pentacostal, appostolic, catholic and I could go on. The only thing that makes my blood boil is when the Bible is used ,taking part of one verse out of context and using it to spread dissent by attempting to create an "I'm holyer and better than you church". Or in the case of some mainstream religions have caved to public presure and let humanism control their vision but I see these churches withering and closing because they can not give any real hope to people. For example the Anglican Church of Canada ( Church of England) now ordains homosexual priests and for their decision they have been suspended from the World Anglican synod. proof that some or stll a majority have got it right.

Can we all get along..... yes but it has to start at the bottom. gone are the days when you associated with only people of your religion, didn't shop at the store owned by a Jewish family and we told that even though the other people went to church the were porbably going straight to hell. For about eight years my wife and I were the youth sponsors for our church,but not only our church,we had teenagers fron seven other churches using this group as their youth group for their church.To quote a phrase that I am secure enough in myself to use " We've come a long way Baby". The "style" of one's worship although is a matter of personal preferance , your comfort level or what your comfortable oe secure enough in your faith to say or do in public. If you have the basics down pat the the rest is just ...."fluff".

In the begining God, created the heavens and the earth,created man in his own image, gave man free will to chose his own destiny, sent his son to die as our savior because our free will caused our sin to separate us from God forever, restoration is as simple as asking the resurected son for forgiveness and his gift of eternal life.

Have to keep it simple........ man is involved here
I am encouraged to see how many different people are posting on this subject.

Life is so much better when you submit to the power and knowledge of God and his Word. Everyone has problems, but the measure of a man is how he deals with those problems. I know that I am one of the most stubborn people there is, so giving all of my life- good and bad- to God is not easy for me, but it does work. Why people can't see that happiness does not come from big deer, fancy cars, money, or any other material thing- I will not ever understand. Living for him is true happiness, making a difference in others lives and helping them grow in his Word are the things that will truly change our society for the better. I only pray that I can make a difference in other people's lives and the only way to that is through diligent submission to God.
Your right Rog, I couldn`t understand all the words. But there is a need for that being sung or rapped. There are many that will understand that but wouldn`t like to listen to it sung the we we like to here it sung. Great song none the less.
Your welcome Bruce.

Mitch your right. It is all about each persons perspective. As long as the message gets out, it doesn't matter how it is sent.

The "old school" thinking didn't make an effort to reach out to the new generation in a way that was interesting. In the process many young people were lost.
I have been worried about this thread since it started as it was slowly falling down the charts..........I been thinking daily on how to keep it going....then I came on today and saw all the great posts and about fell of my chair........keep this going guys fellowship is great for all........Bruce that song is awesome.........someone said it in a previous post about happiness......its not in lots of money (look at what happens to most that have lots of money....just look at hollywood.....divorce , drugs....alcohol abuse)'s not in a big buck...sure it is a great accomplishment and a good feeling but short lived)'s not in material things.....(all material things are a short lived hapiness). It is in serving and living out the plan of God....helping others......bringing those who are lost to God and watching their life change as they experience love, happiness and hope for a change! God is great.....his plan is awesome.....we just need to do our best to follow it!
To close the day with a sense of humor i will close the day with a joke!!!

A Catholic Priest, a Protestant Minister, and a Jewish Rabbi go into the woods to see who was the best at converting a bear. The next day the Catholic Priest comes back and says that he baptised the bear. The Protestant Minister says that he preached the bible to the bear and he was so mesmerized that he baptised the bear. The Jewish Rabbi comes back with casts' all over his body and says " I guess I should not have started with the circumcision"!!!!!

May the Lord bless and keep you.
This is really powerful! Watch and define for yourself what your Cardboard Testimony would be.... (you can search for other cardboard testimonies on youtube, if this one is too long.)

Praise God! He has promised never to leave us or forsake us...ever.

Even if you were to lose your entire deer herd, He would always be in control of The Plan!

Phil 3:12..."I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation..." becasue God is always in control!....
Awesome video ohdeer, thanks for sharing that with us. It is so great to see how God works through peoples lives in different ways.
Although I could probably do several cardboard testimonies i will start with this one.........."Lost, unhappy and searching"..........Now "Have Hope, Loving and content".............God is Good!!! Come on lets see some of your cardboard testimonies.....
dd that is one of my favorite parts of the bible. I too "try" to live by that. It certainly can be a good one to go over with the wife from time to time. I had to memorize it back in 8th grade. I have not forgot it. Here is another good one. Mark chapter 4. The parable of the sower. That is a chapter you can go over again and again. Its very good for reflection. dd have you ever listend to the CD "One Flesh" it is very good. I would check it out if you have a chance. Be blessed!

John Botts

Whitehouse Whitetails
One I always have to remind myself of(since I can be abit opinionated) is the one about getting the beam out of my own eye before I worry about the speck in yours. I think that was in Luke 6 :41. Rick
Amen Buckskin we all have that problem....I am gladwe have this forum and by no means want to take credit for it.....this is the work of our Lord! Lets make the best of it!! I thought it would be interesting to see how the Lord has worked in alot of our lives by doing the card board testimony on here........all you have to give is a before an after of who you were before you gave your life to christ to who you are after giving your life to him........I did it on the previuos page...c'mon lets see some more.....don't be shy.....
Here is my Cardboard testimony "Lost, very fearful , and in despair " now " Have someone who I can trust in when life looks bleak and someone to guide me when there seems no way out of something and that someone is our Precious Lord Jesus!!! Praise God that He is risen and that He is alive!

Here is something else I would like to share.

Happy moments, Praise God.

Difficult moments, Seek God.

Quiet moments, Worship God.

Painful moments, Trust God.

Every monent, Thank God.

God's blessings on every one.

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