Before the invention of mass media the church was the only way except for a heavy handed military for the goverment to userp control over it's people. This was when the population was mostly uneducated an ignorant of what the Bible said because of lack of access to it or inability to read. A powerful country/leader could not control his subjects without help of the church. If they didn't like them well you just made a new church ( Catholic to Anglican in England under Henry the 8th). As a greater percentage of people in society became educated the control progresively less and less. Technology also had a role, so if you suffered persecution for your different and "radical " faith, you could move,even halfway around the world as did the Puritans,Quakers, and many different Mennonite groups and others for their religous freedom. In my personal situation I have friends who are just to name a few...baptist, evangelical, pentacostal, appostolic, catholic and I could go on. The only thing that makes my blood boil is when the Bible is used ,taking part of one verse out of context and using it to spread dissent by attempting to create an "I'm holyer and better than you church". Or in the case of some mainstream religions have caved to public presure and let humanism control their vision but I see these churches withering and closing because they can not give any real hope to people. For example the Anglican Church of Canada ( Church of England) now ordains homosexual priests and for their decision they have been suspended from the World Anglican synod. proof that some or stll a majority have got it right.
Can we all get along..... yes but it has to start at the bottom. gone are the days when you associated with only people of your religion, didn't shop at the store owned by a Jewish family and we told that even though the other people went to church the were porbably going straight to hell. For about eight years my wife and I were the youth sponsors for our church,but not only our church,we had teenagers fron seven other churches using this group as their youth group for their church.To quote a phrase that I am secure enough in myself to use " We've come a long way Baby". The "style" of one's worship although is a matter of personal preferance , your comfort level or what your comfortable oe secure enough in your faith to say or do in public. If you have the basics down pat the the rest is just ...."fluff".
In the begining God, created the heavens and the earth,created man in his own image, gave man free will to chose his own destiny, sent his son to die as our savior because our free will caused our sin to separate us from God forever, restoration is as simple as asking the resurected son for forgiveness and his gift of eternal life.
Have to keep it simple........ man is involved here