G O Whitetails said:
Thanks Jerry, but I can't blow it up. the format is to small.
Protecting Missouri's White-Tailed Deer
Infectious diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) threaten Missouri deer, 520,000 Missouri deer hunters, landowners, wildlife watchers, 12,000 Missouri jobs, and Missouri businesses and communities that depend on the $1 billion in economic activity related to deer hunting and watching.
The Missouri Department of Conservation is working with hunters, landowners, businesses, and partner organizations to identify and limit the spread of CWD in Missouri. All deer hunters, landowners, businesses, and conservation organizations must do their parts, including captive deer breeders and big-game hunting operations.
MDC is proposing common-sense regulation changes for deer breeding facilities and big-game hunting preserves to help limit the spread of CWD. Changes involve more effective fencing to separate captive and free-ranging deer, restricting the importation of live deer into Missouri, and mandatory disease testing.
Our Chronic Wasting Disease page has more information.
Share your comments on limiting the spread of CWD among captive and free-ranging deer.
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Get involved and share your opinions
Do you support improving fencing standards for deer breeders and big game hunting preserves?: *
Do you support restricting the importation of live deer into Missouri?: *
Do you support requiring disease testing in captive deer?: *
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Yes, send me emails with news about CWD.
Notice how they keep using the word captive
also they come at you with this: All deer hunters, landowners, businesses, and conservation organizations must do their parts, including captive deer breeders and big-game hunting operations. Then all the rest is about imposing more regulations on deer farmers. I sat right there in the meeting and heard them tell hunters to dispose of remains at the local dump. How does that make since? I see gulls and crows at these dumps all the time.