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Andy, sometimes beating around the bush like i did don't get as good of a response as a direct hit. I will say you can back up everything you have said about the market and if we would all be open minded and listen to what you and some others have said on here we would be more successful in the deer farming business.. I am glad eric gave us the statistics on the two classes of breeders. That was some helpful information and should show us how we all fit in the business....
Kurt that is what i was trying to say. See it all the time at every auction just about. Either blind or stupid if you don't see it and most aren't stupid so i now others see it to.
This is a hot topic but its 3:48 pm wednesday and 78 people are working on www.whitetailexchange.com Tonight we introduce a marketing program with Pizza Hut. Come check out Exchange tonight, order some pizza, set up an open house and we will promote dates and invite all deer farmers within 30-60 miles. We serve all Big to small. Open your doors to new farmers look for the good in all.

What do you think of Venison Pizza??

Next week we will be listing 1 straw of Maxbo on WE $100 NO RESERVE

Wed nite reserve now thats a auction worth going to don't have to listen to a bunch of crap.
John Swank said:
Ok, I will let you answer the questions and you, and only you, can parlay it however you like. These are the top three concerns that I hear the most about.

Eric, can you please explain to me, and the readers, why at some of the auctions the auction promoters are sometimes the 6th highest buyer?

Can you also explain, why the auction promoters are even participating in the purchase of these auction animals? Is it to run up the bids or are they genuinely interested in buying the animal? I recall one deer that was bought by the auction promoter one year and then sometime later was once again on the auction block, where they spent way to long begging for bids. Which this leads me to the next question.

Can you explain why auction promoters will spend 15-20 minutes chanting for bids on their own items, then in turn rush through every other lot only allowing three minutes of floor time - tops?

If you want to get people involved in the auctions, and rebuild bidder confidence, please start by addressing these issues from a auction owner/promoter's standpoint.

A lot of inquiring minds want to know... The floor is all yours.


John you must be talking about some other auction, not ours. because I have only sold 2 deer ever at auction. So I know that is not me you are talking about. If you are referring to Jerry then I will have to ask him. Is it against the law to sell an animal you bought at auction again the next year?

As for the auction being the 6th highest bidder explain a little more. I have never heard of an auction company being the 6th highest bidder. I would also like to point out that Kevin Grace, The Chupps, Jerry Campbell along with his son Matt and myself all have deer farms. I feel we are just as capable buyers as the next.

We have all the lots at every sale on tape so could you please tell me what lot you are referring to and I will post it on here so everyone can see it if it was one of Jerry and I's lots.

Inquiring minds have been answered JOHN! Anything else. John seem like you always have the answers to everything! Let's go! I am addressing JOHN, and you are the one I am addressing.

Nice try to turn this around and take your cynicism and put it back on me. Remember John I started this thread. You put your 2 cents worth in and it was not even remotely why this thread was started in the first place. This thread was started to find ways to get more new guys involved in the industry. It was never about who bought what at an auction. In the end John I will keep running a strong auction company that will sale some great deer and I will still promote trying to get the new guy more involved and show them the auctions are a great place to meet some great deer farming friends. Back at ya baby!

Pizza and an auction, that is a recipe that I can not miss!!! Let me know next week where and I will definatley try to make it!!!

How about auctions in June,July I have been wanting to take my whole family for a while now. Just seem like there is always something else going on.

Eric please dont take this as a slam to you or any auction people but this is what just happened to me last week.I bought an 09 doe fawn at the chupps silent auction there was a reserve on it untill the end now this fawn was rold gold over rocket huge over huge i talked to the farmer at least ten times as he was amish it was kinda hard anyways it took month or so for paperwork and when it finally came through i called and left message that i would be there sat mornin to pick it up well tues mornin the phone rings and its the farmer and he tells me there was a mixup and it was not the right deer listed some screwed up .Now i cant say it was not a screw up or that he was tryin to pull a fast one but anyway i didnt get the deer i paid for but i did get a deer.I know i could have turned it down but the check was gone and the paperwork and all so i just let it go.I do think auctions are good for us but mabey there are some things that go on that mabey shouldnt.Anyways see you at the next auction!!
Midwest Deer Sales said:
John you must be talking about some other auction, not ours. because I have only sold 2 deer ever at auction. So I know that is not me you are talking about. If you are referring to Jerry then I will have to ask him. Is it against the law to sell an animal you bought at auction again the next year?

As for the auction being the 6th highest bidder explain a little more. I have never heard of an auction company being the 6th highest bidder. I would also like to point out that Kevin Grace, The Chupps, Jerry Campbell along with his son Matt and myself all have deer farms. I feel we are just as capable buyers as the next.

We have all the lots at every sale on tape so could you please tell me what lot you are referring to and I will post it on here so everyone can see it if it was one of Jerry and I's lots.

Inquiring minds have been answered JOHN! Anything else. John seem like you always have the answers to everything! Let's go! I am addressing JOHN, and you are the one I am addressing.

Nice try to turn this around and take your cynicism and put it back on me. Remember John I started this thread. You put your 2 cents worth in and it was not even remotely why this thread was started in the first place. This thread was started to find ways to get more new guys involved in the industry. It was never about who bought what at an auction. In the end John I will keep running a strong auction company that will sale some great deer and I will still promote trying to get the new guy more involved and show them the auctions are a great place to meet some great deer farming friends. Back at ya baby!

Ahh, the hell on it.... You're just way to dam stubborn to realize you are losing customer confidence each time you post.

Anymore discussion or debate between us on the topic will be merely beating a dead horse. I guess we can agree to disagree and let it up to the folks to make up their minds.

You know, after all this debating I am a bit tired and hungry. I think I will head over to the auction and order up a pizza. Speaking of which, I can count on seeing you tonight at Whitetail Exchange's Pizza Party, right? :p
just another example of "tha auction" mike I would not pay full price for the deer, any auction company worth their salt would make it right.....I would think that the auction company had a contract with the seller that set out the parameters and duties of the seller and auction company, if not false advertising is a punishable offence, ...... how many times do deer die after the auction when there is no reserve..... but they or their offspring turn up in an auction down the line, when I got into the deer business a handshake was all you needed ...... now lately I have seen where a signature on a contract means nothing to someone if they could make a few more dollars reneging on a contract
John, I have been in the deer business for 10 years and the auction business for alot less, but the one thing Jerry did insist on was no favortism for our stuff in the auctions. Even if our animals were voted in to some of the select portions of the sales we would keep them out as to not offend anyone, and I guarantee I've experienced some quicker gavels than I wanted. I have sat and watched animals sell from some of our friends that I would love to have but didn't bid thinking it might look bad to some people. I have also bought some great animals and said the hell with what it looks like. If my being in one of our auctions offends you or others , sorry dont know what to say. I will keep buying and selling the best way I can and try to make this business support itself while enjoying the sales as almost a family reunion of sorts with great friends.

Matt Kirchner

Missouri Whitetails
It is called conflict of interest and as a business man you should never give your clients a reason to second guess your actions.Never looks good when you are in the audience and you see auctionaire bidding on something especialy when he bids price up then quites bidding. I know if i'm in the audiencse and i see you bidding you better go all the way or i'm going to think you may have done that to get more commision.
Virgil, why should a member of a sale staff not bid on a lot. As they have stated they too are deer farmers. If they want a lot they should have the same right as you and I to purchase it. Folks it takes two people to have a auction.

Mike, I would follow up with that auction company. We had a situation where we bought a doe for 2500.00 the owner told me on the phone that he wanted 10k for her a week later. Then the story changed to she died, then to he sold her to someone else. One call to Jerry Campbell and the doe was picked up a week later. Most of the auction companys will bust their humps to help you out. If not, then let all of know about it. The last thing any of them want is bad press. Good luck
Yes Mike they are fellow farmers but i personaly don't think it is good for business to buy from your own auction cause it is a conflict of interest and it doesn't look good. plenty of other auctions they can buy from. Just my personal opinion and i no most other auctions are run this way.
Wow went out to plow 4' drift out of my alley way and came back in to all this"LOVE". If i would have listened to all the negative 3 percent vs positive 97 percent crap. I wouldnt know rather to **** or go blind! When i started talking about getting deer 5 or 6 yrs ago Edwin Ropp was the second stop i made (.wnt to Joe Shcmuckers first he wasnt home) They only live about 8 miles from me Edwin is a "BIG DOG" i guess by manys standards. He had Maxin 300" plus and since has had numerous 300" deer A TOP 30 breeder. As i stated earlier on here i got on his radar, Because being a business man the main thing to remember is you don't have to be the smartest but you simply surround yourself with people smarter than you! Edwin's first comments to me was do you want to "go to the top and be a breeder or do you want to raise shooter bucks" I responded i want to be a breeder but i'm smart enough to know i'm gonna have shooters ,because like it's been said before all bucks are not going to be "breeders" all does...... ah i don't know about that most get a few fawns out of them and shipp them off i believe every doe has the "potential" given time and bred to the right buck but thats my opion. example... every buck out of Blue 37 breeder? Super doe ? We breed with the belief that the offspring is bred better than those before them right ? But my theory is like Roger said get a plan stick to it! Do you you have to spend" BIG BUCKS TO GROW BIG BUCKS" The answer NO! So do you have to spend BIG to get into an AUCTION ? The answer in my opion........NO You just have to Keep your Q's in order....Qaulity over Qaunity (another piece of advice from a "BIG DOG" Edwin Ropp) I have 11 adult does and 6 doe fawns from this past season.So like Roger..(1)small manageable numbers mean less feed but good Qauility deer mean they are attractive to new or old deer farmers and that makes it easier to get in AUCTIONS wich translates into good returns on your investment(2) Be APPROACHABLE as a deerfarmer by this i mean don't always have to be "NEGATIVE" is everyone an AUCTION type person NO...Does everyone have to be..NO..Does everyone want to be a breeder..No..... but i think rather you do or dont it still easier to move your excess deer if they have a deep pedigree.I think Eric is atleast trying to move this ball off center to see if he can "Help"!!! Does bid running go on ? I'll leave that to others to worry about they are the ones who can fixit. But will say have i seen "BIG DOG" A buy "BIG DOG" B's Deer Yep but I wanted to bid too! Just didn't have the moola...... hell you think if you had BLUE 37 on your farm you coudn't sell deer?...........Dah!......And if they are then why didn't those basterds bid my doe fawn up at the MID WEST SELECT?......MAXBO RANGER ON A SUNDOWNER/BJ/BUCKY DOE.... a proven doe with 3 breeder bucks on the ground?( WOW.....FELT GOOD TO GET THAT OFF MY CHEST)( LOL)....just do what YOU want to do but my main point is go to all the auctions and meeting you can ,visit all the farms you can,talk to the "THE BIG DOGS" and the little dogs you can! But in the current economy you can't afford not to be as sharp as you can be and as educated as possible and last but not least but maybe the most important thing of ALL.......KEEP YOUR PENCIL SHARPER THAN YOUR TOUNGE and GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!
I'm just like anyone else I have a price that I think a lot will go for and if I'm interested I'll bid till it gets there if it goes beyond I'll stop. When you have an auction part of your client base is also the consigners, telling the consigners " hey I really wanted your lot and would have bid on it but I didn't want to make somebody mad if the price got to high" or just because I start bidding I have to buy it, that makes no sense
Matt I do not think many sellers in the industry have a problem with the auctioneer bidding. However Virgil made a strong point. If the auctioneer is bidding and not buying they may be seen as running up bidders.

A negative observation that goes on, is that most auctioneers show favoritism to the big dogs as compared to breeder Joe. Both paid the same money and time invested to be at the sale. Both should have equal time to sell their consignments.

This same favoritism can look twice as bad if the auctioneer is among those bidding

If more sales were run like the Texas Co-op was when I was there two years ago. I would start attending auctions as buyer and seller
Man Wayne, you had a lot to penned up anger...lol

Maxbo Ranger/Sundowner/BJ/Bucky is that the best you got. Come on man... You should have sent her to Okieland....
The view form the back of the pack NEVER changes all you will EVER see from the back is the ******** OF THE ONES OUT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!!! SO TO THOSE OF YOU WHO CHOOSE TO STAY IN THE BACK.............IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE VIEW FIND A NEW GEAR AND LEARN TO PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE] I posted this early on this thread and i still find it sound advice for a"progressive" industry........AUCTION goer or not!

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